
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝在哪里搜店铺? 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 05:14

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  1. 掌握小程序调试方法
  2. 掌握小程序操作云端数据方法
  3. 掌握云端数据表增删改查操作

3.1 Hello World

  1. 应用设置
    第一步: 修改 app.js ,初始化全局对象

    1. App({
    2. onLaunch: function () {
    3. // 创建 xpm 对象
    4. this.xpm = require('xpmjs/xpm.js').option({
    5. 'host':'wss.appcook.cn',
    6. 'https':'wss.appcook.cn',
    7. 'wss': 'wss.appcook.cn/ws-server',
    8. 'table.prefix': 'hello',
    9. 'user.table':'user'
    10. });
    11. // 创建全局对象 this.wss = this.xpm.require('wss'); // 信道
    12. this.session = this.xpm.require('session'); // 会话
    13. this.stor = this.xpm.require('stor'); // 存储17. this.utils = this.xpm.require('utils'); // 工具
    14. this.user = this.xpm.require('user'); // 用户19. },
    15. xpm:null,
    16. user:null,
    17. utils:null,
    18. session:null,
    19. stor:null,
    20. wss:null
    21. })

第二步: 修改 app.json 添加页面清单,修改标题栏默认属性

1. {2. "pages":[3. "pages/index/index"4. ],5. "window":{6. "backgroundTextStyle":"light",7. "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",8. "navigationBarTitleText": "Hello World",9. "navigationBarTextStyle":"black"10. }11. }

第三步: 修改 app.wxss 设定全局样式

1. .container {2. height: 100%;3. display: flex;4. flex-direction: column;5. align-items: center;6. justify-content: space-between;7. padding: 100rpx 0;8. box-sizing: border-box;9. }

2. 用户登录
第一步: 修改 pages/index/index.js 用户登录代码

1. var app = getApp();2. Page({3. data: {4. hello: 'hello world',5. userInfo: {6. avatarUrl:'http://of2is3ok3.bkt.clouddn.com/nopic.gif',7. nickName:'载入中..'8. }9. },10. onLoad: function () {11. var that = this;12. app.user.login().then(function( uinfo ){13. that.setData({userInfo:uinfo});14. });15. }16. });

第二步: 修改 pages/index/index.wxml 更新页面布局

> 1. <view class="container">> 2. <view bindtap="bindViewTap" class="userinfo">> 3. <image class="userinfo-avatar" src="{{userInfo.avatarUrl}}" backgro und-size="cover"></image>> 4. <text class="userinfo-nickname">{{userInfo.nickName}}</text>> 5. </view>> 6. <view class="usermotto">> 7. <text class="user-motto">{{hello}}</text>> 8. </view>> 9. </view>

第三步: 修改 pages/index/index.wxss 微调页面样式

1. .userinfo {2. display: flex;3. flex-direction: column;4. align-items: center;5. }6.7. .userinfo-avatar {8. width: 128rpx;9. height: 128rpx;10. margin: 20rpx;11. border-radius: 50%;12. }13.14. .userinfo-nickname {15. color: #aaa;16. }17.18. .usermotto {19. margin-top: 120px;20. }

第五步: 修改 pages/index/index.json 设置页面名称

1. {2. "navigationBarTitleText": "用户登录

效果预览: 通过微信开发者工具,通过模拟器可以实时预览效果

3.2 商品列表页
1. 全局样式表
在小程序中有两种方式使用全局样式。在 app.wxss中定义的样式为全局样式;也可以通过
@import "common.wxss"; 方法引用样式表文件。为了便于修改前台样式,我们定义一个通用的样式文件 pages/wxss/style.wxss 。
创建 pages/store/wxss/style.wxss 前台通用样式文件; 下为代码片段,完成代码参见源码。

1. view {2. color:#232323;3. font-size:32rpx;4. }5.6. button[type="primary"][plain] {7. border: 1px solid #81c7d1;8. color: #81c7d1;9. }10.11. button[type="primary"] {12. color:#FFFFFF;13. background-color:#81c7d1;14. }15.16. .topbar{17. background: #f5f5f5;18. line-height: 64rpx;19. position: fixed;20. width: 100%;21. z-index: 1000;22. border-bottom: 2rpx solid #e1e1e1;23. }24. ...

2. 购物车布局
因为有多个页面,用到了购物车底栏; 所以将购物车布局代码抽离成独立文件使用

创建购物车 pages/store/common/cart.wxml 代码文件。

1. <view class="bottombar view-row">2. <view style="width:88rpx;">3. <image mode="widthFix" src="/res/icons/shop.png"></image>4. </view>5. <view style="width:40%">6. <text style="padding-left:20rpx;"> {{cart.total}} 件商品 {{cart.show_price}} 元 </text>7. </view>8. <view class="text-right" style="width:50%">9.10. <button11. class="push-t-10 push-r-10"12. type="default" size="mini" loading="{{loading}}"13. disabled="{{disabled}}"14. bindtap="cleanup"> 清空 </button>15. <button16. class="push-t-10 push-r-10"17. type="warn" size="mini" loading="{{loading}}"18. disabled="{{disabled}}"19. data-link="{{order}}" bindtap="payout"> 结算 </button>20. </view>21. </view>

3. 购物车、商品信息过滤功能模块
创建 utils 目录, 创建 goods.js 文件

1. function Goods( user, session ) {2.3. var that = this;4.5. this.user = user;6. this.ss = session;7. this.sname = '_cart_' + this.user['_id'];8. this.suinfo = '_cart_' + this.user['_id'] + '_uinfo';9.10.11. // 生成订号12. this.genOrderSN = function() {13. var timestamp = (new Date()).valueOf();14. return timestamp.toString() + Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000).toString();15. }16.17.18. // 根据会.信息, 处理价格19. this.price = function( real_price ) {20. return real_price['member'];21. }22.23.24. // 处理商品字段25. this.fliter = function( goods ) {26.27. for( var i =0 ; i<goods.length; i++ ) {28. var price = new Number(this.price(goods[i]['real_price']));29. goods[i]['sale_price'] = price;30. goods[i]['show_price'] = (price/100).toFixed(2).toString();31. }32.33. return goods;34. }35.36. this.cart = {37.38. order: function( data ) {39. var cdata = that.ss.get(that.suinfo) || {};40.41. if ( typeof data != 'object' ) {42. cdata['address'] = cdata['address'] || that.user['addr_01'];43. cdata['mobile'] = cdata['mobile'] || that.user['mobile'];44. cdata['contact'] = cdata['contact'] || that.user['nickName'];45. that.ss.set(that.suinfo, cdata);46. } else {47. cdata['address'] = data['address'] || cdata['address'];48. cdata['mobile'] = data['mobile'] || cdata['mobile'];49. cdata['contact'] = data['contact'] || cdata['contact'];50. that.ss.set(that.suinfo, cdata);51. }52.53. return cdata;54. },55.56.57. add: function( id, price, amount ) {58.59. var data = that.ss.get(that.sname) || {};60.61. if ( typeof data[id] == 'object' ) {62. data[id]['amount'] = new Number(data[id]['amount'])+ new Number(amount);63. } else {64. data[id] = { id:id, price:price, amount:amount };65. }66. that.ss.set(that.sname, data);67. },68.69.70. rm: function( id, amount ) {71. var data = that.ss.get(that.sname) || {};72.73. if ( typeof data[id] == 'undefined' ) {74. return;75. }76.77. data[id]['amount'] = new Number(data[id]['amount']) - new Number(amount);78. if ( data[id]['amount'] <= 0 ) {79. try { delete data[id] } catch( e ){}80. }81. that.ss.set(that.sname, data);82. },83.84. remove: function( id ) {85. var data = that.ss.get(that.sname) || {};86. try { delete data[id] } catch( e ){}87. that.ss.set(that.sname, data);88. },89.90. clean: function(){91. that.ss.set(that.sname, {});92. },93.94. total: function() {95. var amt=0, fee=0, show='0.00';96. var data = that.ss.get(that.sname) || {};97.98. for( var k in data ) {99. var iamt = new Number(data[k]['amount']);100. amt = new Number(amt) + iamt;101. fee = new Number(fee) + ( new Number(data[k]['price']) *iamt );102. }103.104. var price = new Number(fee);105. show = (price/100).toFixed(2).toString();106. return {total:amt, sale_price:fee, show_price:show };107. },108.109. get: function() {110. return that.ss.get(that.sname) || {};111. }112. }113.114. }115.116. module.exports = Goods;

4. 商品列表页
创建 pages/store/products 目录,在目录下创建 list.js , list.wxml 和 list.wxss 文件。
第一步: 将页面添加到 app.json

1. {2. "pages":[3. "pages/store/products/list",4. "pages/index/index",5. "pages/logs/logs",6. "admin/table/index"7. ],8. "window":{9. "backgroundTextStyle":"light",10. "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",11. "navigationBarTitleText": "Hello World",12. "navigationBarTextStyle":"black"13. }14. }

第二步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.wxml 页面布局

1. <scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height:{{system.windowHeight}}px;">2. <view class="table-list">3. <view class="row border-item-1 pad-10" style="padding-top:26rpx;" wx:for="{{goods}}" wx:key="_id" >4. <view style="width:200rpx;" class="push-r-10"> <imagebindtap="detail" data-id="{{item._id}}" mode="widthFix" src="{{item.corver}}"></image> </view>5. <view style="width:50%" class="push-r-10"><text bindtap="detail" data-id="{{item._id}}" class="font-s15">{{item.name}}</text></view>6. <view style="width:30%" class="push-r-10 push-t-10"> <textbindtap="detail" data-id="{{item._id}}" class="textprimary">{{item.show_price}}</text> </view>7. <view style="width:30%;min-width:160rpx;">8. <button type="primary" size="mini" bindtap="addtocard"9. data-id="{{item._id}}"10. data-price="{{item.sale_price}}"11. data-amount="1"12. bindtap="addtocart">购买</button>13. </view>14. </view>15.16. <view class="row border-item-1 pad-10 {{goodsLoading}}" style="padding-top:26rpx;">读取中...</view>17. <view class="phrow"></view>18. </view>19.20. <include src="../common/cart.wxml" />21. </scroll-view>

第三步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.wxss 页面样式

1. @import "../wxss/style.wxss"2.3. .bottombar {4. bottom: 0px;5. border: 1px solid #81c7d1;6. background: #81c7d1;7. color:#ffffff;8. position: fixed;9. line-height: 100rpx;10. height:100rpx;11. width: 100%;12. z-index: 1000;13. }14.15. .bottombar text {16. color: #ffffff;17. font-weight: 400;18. font-size: 30rpx;19. }20. .bottombar image {21. width: 60rpx;22. height: 60rpx;23. margin:20rpx;24. margin-bottom:0;25. }26. .text-mimi{27. font-size: 25rpx;28. color: #81c7d1;29. margin-left: 10rpx;30. }

第四步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.js 添加读取商品逻辑

1. var Goods = require("../../../utils/goods.js");2. var app = getApp();3. Page({4.5. data:{6. system:{},7. paginate:{},8. goods:[],9. cart:{},10. goodsLoading:'',11. lock: false12. },13.14. // 链接到详情页detail:function(e){16. var data = e.target.dataset;17. wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/store/products/detail?id=' + data.id });18. },19.20. loading: function() {21. this.lock = true;22. this.setData( {goodsLoading:''} );23. },24.25. done: function() {26. this.lock = false;27. this.setData( {goodsLoading:'hidden'} );28. },29.30.31. // 读取商品信息32. getGoods: function ( page ) {33.34. var that = this;35. page = page || 1;36.37. return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {38.39. that.goods.query()40. .where('status', '=', 'online')41. .paginate( 10, page )42.43. .fetch('*').then(function(resp) {44.45. resp.next_page = resp.current_page + 1;46. if ( resp.next_page > resp.last_page ) {47. resp.next_page = resp.last_page;48. }49.50. resolve({51. paginate:{52. curr:resp.current_page,53. next:resp.next_page,54. last:resp.last_page,55. total:resp.total56. },57. goods:that.storeUtils.fliter(resp.data)58. });59.60. }).catch(function( excp ){61. reject(excp);62. })63.64. });65. },66.67. onLoad:function( params ) {68.69. var that = this;70. this.goods = app.xpm.require('Table','goods');71.72. // 设置页面高度this.setData({'system':wx.getSystemInfoSync()});74. console.log( this.data );75.76. // 用户登录app.user.login().then( function( userInfo ) {78. that.storeUtils = new Goods( userInfo, app.session );79. that.setData({cart:that.storeUtils.cart.total()}); // 初始化购物车信息81. return that.getGoods(); // 读取商品列表82.}).then( function( resp ) {that.setData( resp );85. that.done();86. });87. },88.89. goods:null, // 商品表90. storeUtils:null, // 商店工具对象 

第五步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.json 修改标题

1. {2. "navigationBarTitleText": "商品列表"3. }

5. 滑到底部追加数据
第一步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.wxml 绑定 bindscrolltolower 事件

1. <!-- 将标签 -->2. <scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height:{{system.windowHeight}}px;">3.4. <!-- 修改为-->5. <scroll-view scroll-y="true" bindscrolltolower="next" style="height:{{system.windowHeight}}px;">

第二步: 修改 pages/store/products/list.js 添加 next 属性

1. ...2. next: function( e ) {3. var that = this;4. if ( this.lock ) return;5. if ( this.data.paginate.next == this.data.paginate.curr ) return;6.7. this.loading();8. this.getGoods( this.data.paginate.next ).then( function(resp ){9. var goods = that.data.goods;10. for( var i in resp.goods ) {11. goods.push(resp.goods[i]);12. }13. that.setData( {paginate: resp.paginate, goods:goods} );14. that.done();15. });16. },17. ...6. 购物车相关功能修改 pages/store/products/list.js 添加 addtocart 、cleanup 和payout 属性1. // 购物车.算2. payout: function(e) {3. wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/store/order/confirm/confirm' });4. },5.6. // 清空购物车7. cleanup: function(e) {8. this.storeUtils.cart.clean();9. this.setData({cart: this.storeUtils.cart.total()});10. },11.12. // 添加到购物车13. addtocart: function( e ) {14. var data = e.target.dataset;15. this.storeUtils.cart.add(data['id'], data['price'], data['amount']);16. this.setData({cart: this.storeUtils.cart.total()});17. },


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