【P2616】 【USACO10JAN】购买饲料II Buying Feed, II

来源:互联网 发布:java开发实战1200 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:58

P2616 [USACO10JAN]购买饲料II Buying Feed, II


Farmer John needs to travel to town to pick up K (1 <= K <= 100) pounds of feed. Driving D miles with K pounds of feed in his truck costs D*K cents.

The county feed lot has N (1 <= N <= 100) stores (conveniently numbered 1..N) that sell feed. Each store is located on a segment of the X axis whose length is E (1 <= E <= 350). Store i is at location X_i (0 < X_i < E) on the number line and can sell FJ as much as F_i (1 <= F_i <= 100) pounds of feed at a cost of C_i (1 <= C_i <= 1,000,000) cents per pound. Amazingly, a given point on the X axis might have more than one store.

FJ starts at location 0 on this number line and can drive only in the positive direction, ultimately arriving at location E, with at least K pounds of feed. He can stop at any of the feed stores along the way and buy any amount of feed up to the the store's limit.

What is the minimum amount FJ has to pay to buy and transport the K pounds of feed? FJ knows there is a solution.

Consider a sample where FJ needs two pounds of feed from three stores (locations: 1, 3, and 4) on a number line whose range is 0..5:

0   1   2   3   4   5 +---|---+---|---|---+ 1       1   1      Available pounds of feed 1       2   2      Cents per pound 

It is best for FJ to buy one pound of feed from both the second and third stores. He must pay two cents to buy each pound of feed for a total cost of 4. When FJ travels from 3 to 4 he is moving 1 unit of length and he has 1 pound of feed so he must pay 1*1 = 1 cents.

When FJ travels from 4 to 5 he is moving one unit and he has 2 pounds of feed so he must pay 1*2 = 2 cents.

The total cost is 4+1+2 = 7 cents.

FJ开车去买K份食物,如果他的车上有X份食物。每走一里就花费X元。 FJ的城市是一条线,总共E里路,有E+1个地方,标号0~E。 FJ从0开始走,到E结束(不能往回走),要买K份食物。 城里有N个商店,每个商店的位置是X_i(一个点上可能有多个商店),有F_i份食物,每份C_i元。 问到达E并买K份食物的最小花费





2 5 33 1 24 1 21 1 1






#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <cstdlib>#include <algorithm>const int INF = 99999999;int k,e,n;struct T{int c,f,dir; int ans;}shop[100 + 10];bool cmp(T a, T b){return a.ans < b.ans;}int cnt = 0;int sum = 0;int main(){scanf("%d%d%d", &k, &e, &n);for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++){scanf("%d%d%d",&shop[i].dir, &shop[i].f, &shop[i].c);shop[i].ans = shop[i].c + e - shop[i].dir;}std::sort(shop + 1, shop + 1 + n, cmp);for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++){if(shop[i].f <= k - cnt){sum += shop[i].ans * shop[i].f;cnt += shop[i].f;}else{sum += shop[i].ans * (k - cnt);break;}}printf("%d", sum);return 0;}

0 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 怀孕五个月胎位不正怎么办 33周了胎位不正怎么办 足月胎儿不足5斤怎么办 绒癌观察期怀孕怎么办 宝宝囱门闭合晚怎么办 慢性硬脑膜下血肿复发怎么办 佝偻病导致囟门晚闭怎么办 儿童液体补多了怎么办 脑脊液鼻漏3年了怎么办 结石掉到膀胱里怎么办 肾结石引起的腰疼怎么办 肾结石小但很疼怎么办 狗狗得了尿结石怎么办 生理期第四天必须游泳怎么办 碎石后吐的厉害怎么办 白细胞高红细胞高血尿怎么办? 早期肾癌术后复发该怎么办 肾结石因运动引起尿血怎么办 宝宝大便镜检阳性潜血怎么办 尿不尽刺痛带血怎么办 狗狗拉肚子拉血怎么办 肾血肿怎么办才吸收快 体检尿蛋白高3怎么办 肾炎会引起脸肿怎么办 12小孩尿蛋白3是怎么办 肝癌介入手术后肝功能不好怎么办 屁多且臭便秘怎么办 肝癌术1年后复发怎么办 怀孕便秘怎么办或大便太干拉不出 肠鸣便秘怎么办多尿 奥司他韦过量怎么办 憋的时间长尿痛怎么办 手过敏了怎么办最简单 肾结石不痛但是有血尿怎么办 儿童医院血液科挂不到号怎么办 搬完重物手抖怎么办 弯腰搬重物腰疼怎么办 搬了重物后腰疼怎么办 例假不走公务员体检血尿怎么办 憋尿久了尿不出来怎么办 憋尿引起的总有尿意怎么办