C# .NET更智能的数据库操作的封装完整版(重构)

来源:互联网 发布:韦德生涯总数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:57



  这次框架分为几个部分:拼接数据库语句、数据库执行、数据库连接控制、异常类、用户使用的DbHelper。等下我回用文字和图还分析这个部分。经过重构后,类增多了,而且能够极大的支持开闭原则,我应该说就是与实际数据库无关,而且在上层使用中,不需要在引用system.Data.SqlClient这样实际访问的东西。虽然笔者只写了sql server的实例,但是如果扩展其他的数据库,也无需大规模的修改旧的代码,并且使用参数,能够防止注入攻击,支持事务。


DbHelper helper = new DbHelper();            helper.createConnection("MyConnection","Data Source=CN-20161106HMJI;Initial Catalog=ShopInfo;Integrated Security=True",DbType.SQL);                        PlaceInfo model = helper.ExcuteString(o => o.From("PlaceInfo").Select().AndWhere("SAddNo", 1)).ToModel<PlaceInfo>();            Console.Read();


  上次说,链式编程很好用,所以这次同样是链式编程,但这次更为强大。大家知道,dal的链式编程,主要是得到数据,而得到数据无非是对数据库查询语言进行封装。所以,在框架上,我封装了一个拼接语句的类,里面包含了我认为比较常用的数据库语句,支持order by。还有最强大的是,能够支持嵌套查询!也就是封装的sql语句可以是

select * from tableName where Id in(select id from tablename where ...)...这样子的。使用起来十分的方便。而且还有排序order by,等,可以在使用这套框架封装更使用的方法。










using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Dal{    public interface IDbCode    {        /// <summary>        /// 数据库执行表、视图、存储过程等对象        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Object">名称</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode From(object Object);        /// <summary>        /// 查询        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Fields">查询的字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Select(string Fields = "*");        /// <summary>        /// 删除        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Delete();        /// <summary>        /// 更新        /// </summary>        /// <param name="model">更新对象</param>        /// <param name="Fields">更新字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Update(object model,string Fields = "");        /// <summary>        /// 插入        /// </summary>        /// <param name="model">插入对象</param>        /// <param name="Fields">插入字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Insert(object model,string Fields = "");        /// <summary>        /// 与条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Where">条件字符串</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode AndWhere(string Where);        /// <summary>        /// 与条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">字段</param>        /// <param name="Value"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode AndWhere(string Field,object Value);        /// <summary>        /// 与条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">条件字段</param>        /// <param name="Select">嵌套查询条件委托</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode AndWhere(string Field, Func<IDbCode, string> Select);        /// <summary>        /// 与条件        /// </summary>        /// <typeparam name="T">值的类型</typeparam>        /// <param name="Field">条件字段</param>        /// <param name="Values"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode AndWhere<T>(string Field,List<T> Values);        /// <summary>        /// 或条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Where">条件字符串</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrWhere(string Where);        /// <summary>        /// 或条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">条件字段</param>        /// <param name="Value"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrWhere(string Field, object Value);        /// <summary>        /// 或条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">条件字段</param>        /// <param name="Select">嵌套条件</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrWhere(string Field, Func<IDbCode, string> Select);        /// <summary>        /// 或条件        /// </summary>        /// <typeparam name="T">值类型</typeparam>        /// <param name="Field">条件字段</param>        /// <param name="Values"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrWhere<T>(string Field, List<T> Values);        /// <summary>        /// Top 语句        /// </summary>        /// <param name="topCount"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Top(int topCount);        /// <summary>        /// 排序从小到大        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">排序字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrderByAsc(string Field);        /// <summary>        /// 排序从大到小        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Field">排序字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode OrderByDesc(string Field);        /// <summary>        /// 多表查询时候必须加的条件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Fields">在两张表中的相同字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode ForMulTable(string Fields);        string ToString();        /// <summary>        /// 清空缓存        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        IDbCode Clear();        IDbCode CreateCode(string sql);        object Paras        {            get;        }        void Dispose();    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Reflection;namespace Dal{    public class SQLCode :IDbCode    {        string Object;        StringBuilder ExcuteString = new StringBuilder();        List<SqlParameter> paras;        Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro;        static string[] s = { "select", "delect", "update", "insert" };                public SQLCode()        {            paras = new List<SqlParameter>();        }        public SQLCode(Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro)        {            paras = new List<SqlParameter>();            this.pro = pro;        }        public SQLCode(List<SqlParameter> paras, Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro)        {            this.paras = paras;            this.pro = pro;        }        public IDbCode From(object Object)        {            Type t = Object.GetType();            if(t.Name.ToLower().Equals("string"))            {                this.Object = Object.ToString();            }else            {                this.Object = t.Name;            }            return this;        }        public IDbCode Select(string Fields = "*")        {            if (this.Object.Length <= 0)                return this;            if (!Check(0))                return this;            ExcuteString.AppendLine("select " + Fields +" from "+ this.Object);            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" where 1 = 1 ");            return this;        }        bool Check(int Type)        {            int flag = 0;            string b = ExcuteString.ToString();            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)                if(i!=Type)                    flag += b.Contains(s[i]) ? 1 : 0;            return flag == 0;        }        public IDbCode Delete()        {            if (Object.Length <= 0)                return this;            if (!Check(1))                return this;            ExcuteString.AppendLine("delete " + this.Object);            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" where 1 = 1 ");            return this;        }        public IDbCode Update(object model, string Fields = "")        {            if (this.Object.Length <= 0)                return this;            if (!Check(2))                return this;            Type t = model.GetType();            if (t.Name != Object)                return this;                        ExcuteString.AppendLine("update "+this.Object +" set ");            List<PropertyInfo> p;            if(pro.ContainsKey(t.Name))            {                p = pro[t.Name];            }else            {                p = t.GetProperties().ToList();                pro.Add(t.Name, p);            }            string f = "";            if(Fields.Length==0)            {                p.ForEach(o =>                {                    f += o.Name + " = @" + o.Name;                    paras.Add(new SqlParameter(o.Name, o.GetValue(model, null)));                });            }else            {                string[] a = Fields.Split(',');                                p.ForEach(o =>                {                    if (a.Contains(o.Name))                    {                        f += o.Name + " = @" + o.Name + ",";                        paras.Add(new SqlParameter(o.Name, o.GetValue(model, null)));                    }                });            }            ExcuteString.AppendLine(f);            ExcuteString.AppendLine("where 1 = 1");            return this;        }        public IDbCode Insert(object model, string Fields = "")        {            if (this.Object.Length <= 0)                return this;            if (!Check(3))                return this;            Type t = model.GetType();            if (t.Name != Object)                return this;            ExcuteString.AppendLine("insert " + this.Object);            List<PropertyInfo> p;            if (pro.ContainsKey(t.Name))            {                p = pro[t.Name];            }            else            {                p = t.GetProperties().ToList();                pro.Add(t.Name, p);            }            string f = "( ";            string f1 = "values( ";            if (Fields.Length == 0)            {                p.ForEach(o =>                {                    f += o.Name+",";                    paras.Add(new SqlParameter(o.Name, o.GetValue(model, null)));                    f1 += "@" + o.Name + ",";                });            }            else            {                string[] a = Fields.Split(',');                p.ForEach(o =>                {                    if (a.Contains(o.Name))                    {                        f += o.Name + ",";                        paras.Add(new SqlParameter(o.Name, o.GetValue(model, null)));                        f1 += "@" + o.Name + ",";                    }                });            }            f = f.Remove(f.LastIndexOf(','), 1) + " ) ";            f1 = f1.Remove(f1.LastIndexOf(','), 1) + " ) ";            ExcuteString.AppendLine(f);            ExcuteString.AppendLine(f1);            return this;        }        public IDbCode AndWhere(string Where)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" and " + Where);            return this;        }        public IDbCode AndWhere(string Field, object Value)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" and " + Field + " = @" + Field);            paras.Add(new SqlParameter(Field, Value));            return this;        }        public IDbCode AndWhere(string Field, Func<IDbCode, string> Select)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" and " + Field + " in " + Select(new SQLCode(this.paras,this.pro)));            return this;        }        public IDbCode AndWhere<T>(string Field, List<T> Values)        {            string value = "(";            Values.ForEach(o =>            {                value += o + ",";            });            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" and " + Field + " in " + value.Remove(value.LastIndexOf(','), 1) + ")");            return this;        }        public IDbCode OrWhere(string Where)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" or " + Where);            return this;        }        public IDbCode OrWhere(string Field, object Value)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" or " + Field + " = @" + Field);            paras.Add(new SqlParameter(Field, Value));            return this;        }        public IDbCode OrWhere(string Field, Func<IDbCode, string> Select)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" or " + Field + " in " + Select(new SQLCode(this.paras,this.pro)));            return this;        }        public IDbCode OrWhere<T>(string Field, List<T> Values)        {            string value = "(";            Values.ForEach(o =>            {                value += o + ",";            });            ExcuteString.AppendLine(" or " + Field + " in " + value.Remove(value.LastIndexOf(','), 1) + ")");            return this;        }        public IDbCode Top(int topCount)        {            if (!ExcuteString.ToString().Contains(s[0]))                return this;            ExcuteString.Replace("select", "select top " + topCount +" ");            return this;        }        bool CheckHasOrderBy()        {            return this.ExcuteString.ToString().Contains("order by");        }        public IDbCode OrderByAsc(string Field)        {            if (CheckHasOrderBy())                ExcuteString.AppendLine("," + Field + " asc");            else                ExcuteString.AppendLine(" order by " + Field+" asc");            return this;        }        public IDbCode OrderByDesc(string Field)        {            if (CheckHasOrderBy())                ExcuteString.AppendLine("," + Field + " desc");            else                ExcuteString.AppendLine(" order by " + Field + " desc");            return this;        }        public IDbCode ForMulTable(string Fields)        {            List<string> tables = this.Object.Split(',').ToList();            Fields.Split(',').ToList().ForEach(o =>            {                for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count - 1; i++)                {                    ExcuteString.AppendLine(" and " + tables[i] + "." + o + " = " + tables[i + 1] + "." + o);                }            });            return this;        }                public override string ToString()        {            return this.ExcuteString.ToString();        }        public IDbCode Clear()        {            pro.Clear();            return this;        }        public IDbCode CreateCode(string sql)        {            ExcuteString.AppendLine(sql);            return this;        }        public object Paras        {            get            {                return this.paras;            }        }        public void Dispose()        {            this.pro = null;        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace Dal{    public interface IDbExcute    {        T ToModel<T>(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)            where T : class,new();        List<T> ToList<T>(IDbCode code,CommandType type = CommandType.Text)            where T : class,new();        object ToResult(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text);        int ExcuteResult(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text);        DataTable ToDataTable(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text);        DataSet ToDataSet(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text);        void OpenConnection();        void CloseConnection();        void Dispose(object tran);        void BeginTransation(string Name);        void Commit();        void RollBack();    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Reflection;namespace Dal{    public class SQLExcute : IDbExcute    {        SqlConnection conn;        Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro;        Dictionary<string, SqlCommand> command;        SqlTransaction tran = null;                 public SQLExcute(SqlConnection conn, Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro)        {            this.conn = conn;            this.pro = pro;            command = new Dictionary<string, SqlCommand>();        }        public List<T> ToList<T>(IDbCode code,CommandType type = CommandType.Text)            where T:class,new()        {            List<T> list = new List<T>();            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);            Type t = typeof(T);            List<PropertyInfo> pros;            if(pro.ContainsKey(t.Name))            {                pros = pro[t.Name];            }else            {                pros = t.GetProperties().ToList();                pro.Add(t.Name, pros);            }            try            {                this.OpenConnection();                using (SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader())                {                    while(reader.Read())                    {                        T model = new T();                        pros.ForEach(o =>                        {                            if(ReaderExists(reader,o.Name))                            {                                o.SetValue(model, reader[o.Name], null);                            }                        });                        list.Add(model);                    }                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw ex;            }            finally            {                this.Dispose(name);                this.CloseConnection();            }                        return list;        }        public bool ReaderExists(SqlDataReader reader, string columnName)        {            //reader.GetSchemaTable().DefaultView.RowFilter = "ColumnName= '" + columnName + "'";            //return (reader.GetSchemaTable().DefaultView.Count > 0);            return reader.GetSchemaTable().Select("ColumnName='" + columnName + "'").Length > 0;        }        public void Dispose(string name)        {            if(command.ContainsKey(name))            {                SqlCommand com = command[name];                command.Remove(name);                com.Dispose();            }            if (command.Count <= 0)                this.CloseConnection();        }        public void Dispose(object tran)        {            List<string> list = command.Keys.ToList();            list.ForEach(o =>            {                if(command[o].Transaction!=null&&command[o].Transaction==(SqlTransaction)tran)                {                    this.Dispose(o);                }            });        }        public object ToResult(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)        {            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);            object result =null;            try            {                this.OpenConnection();                result = com.ExecuteScalar();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                DoException();                throw ex;            }finally            {                this.Dispose(name);                this.CloseConnection();            }                        return result;        }        private void DoException()        {            new DbException().Done();        }        public int ExcuteResult(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)        {            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);            int result = 0;            try            {                this.OpenConnection();                if (tran != null)                    com.Transaction = (SqlTransaction)tran;                result = com.ExecuteNonQuery();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                DoException();                throw ex;            }            finally            {                if (tran == null)                    Dispose(name);                this.CloseConnection();            }            return result;        }        public System.Data.DataTable ToDataTable(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)        {            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);            DataTable dt = new DataTable();            try            {                using(SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(com))                {                    adapter.Fill(dt);                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                DoException();                throw ex;            }finally            {                Dispose(name);            }            return dt;        }        public void setCommand(SqlCommand com,List<SqlParameter> paras)        {            paras.ForEach(o =>            {                com.Parameters.Add(o);            });        }        public System.Data.DataSet ToDataSet(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)        {            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);            DataSet dt = new DataSet();            try            {                using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(com))                {                    adapter.Fill(dt);                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                DoException();                throw ex;            }            finally            {                Dispose(name);            }            return dt;        }        public T ToModel<T>(IDbCode code, CommandType type = CommandType.Text)            where T : class,new()        {            string name = DateTime.Now.ToString();            command.Add(name, new SqlCommand());            SqlCommand com = command[name];            com.Connection = conn;            com.CommandText = code.ToString();            com.CommandType = type;            setCommand(com, (List<SqlParameter>)code.Paras);                        Type t = typeof(T);            List<PropertyInfo> p = null;            if(pro.ContainsKey(t.Name))            {                p = pro[t.Name];            }else            {                p = t.GetProperties().ToList();                pro.Add(t.Name, p);            }            T model = new T();            try            {                this.OpenConnection();                using(SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader())                {                    if(reader.Read())                    {                        p.ForEach(o =>                        {                            if(ReaderExists(reader,o.Name))                            {                                o.SetValue(model, reader[o.Name], null);                            }                        });                    }                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                DoException();                throw ex;            }            finally            {                Dispose(name);                this.CloseConnection();            }            return model;        }        public void OpenConnection()        {            if (this.conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)                this.conn.Open();        }        public void CloseConnection()        {            command.Values.ToList().ForEach(o =>            {                if (o.Transaction != null)                    return;            });            if (this.conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                this.conn.Close();        }        public void BeginTransation(string Name)        {            tran = conn.BeginTransaction(Name);        }        public void Commit()        {            tran.Commit();            Dispose(tran);            tran = null;        }        public void RollBack()        {            tran.Rollback();            Dispose(tran);            tran = null;        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Dal{    public class DbException    {        public virtual void Done()        {        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Dal{    public interface IDbInstance    {        /// <summary>        /// 数据库名称        /// </summary>        string Name        {            get;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取执行语句类        /// </summary>        IDbExcute Excute        {            get;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取连接字符串        /// </summary>        string ConnectionString        {            get;        }        /// <summary>        /// 开启事务        /// </summary>        /// <param name="TranName">事务名称</param>        /// <returns></returns>        object getTransation(string TranName);        /// <summary>        /// 获取拼写字符串类        /// </summary>        IDbCode Code        {            get;        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Reflection;namespace Dal{    public class SQLInstance :IDbInstance    {        private SqlConnection conn;        private IDbExcute excute;        Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro;        private string name;        private string connectionString;        private SqlTransaction tran = null;        public SQLInstance(string Name,Dictionary<string,List<PropertyInfo>> pro, string ConnectionString)        {            this.name = Name;            this.connectionString = ConnectionString;            conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);            this.pro = pro;            excute = new SQLExcute(conn,pro);        }        public string Name        {            get            {                return this.name;            }        }        public IDbExcute Excute        {            get            {                return this.excute;            }        }        public string ConnectionString        {            get            {                return this.connectionString;            }        }        public object getTransation(string TranName)        {            return this.conn.BeginTransaction(TranName);        }        public IDbCode Code        {            get            {                return new SQLCode(pro);            }        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Reflection;namespace Dal{    public class DbControl    {        //数据库服务        private static Dictionary<string, IDbInstance> Server = new Dictionary<string, IDbInstance>();        //存放缓存        private static Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> pro = new Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>>();        private static DbControl control = new DbControl();        public static DbControl getInstance()        {            return control;        }        private DbControl()        {        }        public IDbInstance createInstance(string Name,string ConnectionString,string type)        {            string nspace = typeof(IDbInstance).Namespace;            Type t = Type.GetType(nspace + "." + type);            object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t, new object[] { Name, pro, ConnectionString });                        IDbInstance instance = obj as IDbInstance;            Server.Add(Name, instance);            return instance;        }        public IDbInstance this[string Name]        {            get            {                if (Server.ContainsKey(Name))                    return Server[Name];                else                    return null;            }        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;namespace Dal{    public class DbHelper    {        private IDbInstance instance;        private string Name;        private DbControl control;        private IDbCode Code;        public DbHelper()        {            control = DbControl.getInstance();        }        public DbHelper createConnection(string Name, string ConnectionString, string type)        {            this.Name = Name;            instance = control.createInstance(Name, ConnectionString, type);            return this;        }        public DbHelper ExcuteString(Func<IDbCode,IDbCode> Fun)        {            Code = Fun(this.instance.Code);            return this;        }        public DbHelper createTransation(string Name)        {            this.instance.Excute.BeginTransation(Name);            return this;        }        public DbHelper Rollback()        {            this.instance.Excute.RollBack();            return this;        }        public DbHelper Commit()        {            this.instance.Excute.Commit();            return this;        }        public T ToModel<T>(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)            where T:class,new()        {            if (this.Code == null)                return null;            return this.instance.Excute.ToModel<T>(this.Code,Type);        }        List<T> ToList<T>(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)            where T:class,new()        {            if (this.Code == null)                return null;            return this.instance.Excute.ToList<T>(this.Code, Type);        }        object ToResult(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)        {            if (this.Code == null)                return null;            return this.instance.Excute.ToResult(this.Code, Type);        }        int ExcuteResult(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)        {            if (this.Code == null)                return -1;            return this.instance.Excute.ExcuteResult(this.Code, Type);        }        DataTable ToDataTable(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)        {            if (this.Code == null)                return null;            return this.instance.Excute.ToDataTable(this.Code, Type);        }        DataSet ToDataSet(CommandType Type = CommandType.Text)        {            if (this.Code == null)                return null;            return this.instance.Excute.ToDataSet(this.Code, Type);        }    }}




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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 三岁儿童口吃怎么办 3岁儿童口吃怎么办 流产了怀不上宝宝怎么办 产妇脸上长斑怎么办 宝贝肚子涨气怎么办 七个月宝宝便秘怎么办 宝宝功能性便秘怎么办 苹果x手机卡了怎么办 宝宝不吃水果蔬菜怎么办 小宝宝不拉粑粑怎么办 小宝宝个子不高怎么办 孩子不开口说话怎么办 孩子吹空调发烧怎么办 孩子上学不想上怎么办 孩子上学想留级怎么办 孩子口算太慢怎么办 孩子浮躁没耐心怎么办 如果孩子打妈妈怎么办 孩子英语成绩不好怎么办 小孩说话发音不准怎么办 小孩gk发音不准怎么办 大学无英语基础怎么办 孩子应用题理解不透怎么办 嫉妒一个人好痛苦怎么办 爱嫉妒别人怎么办心理 总有人嫉妒我怎么办 从小嫉妒闺蜜怎么办 怕闺蜜比我好怎么办 孩子不会做应用题怎么办 当你嫉妒别人怎么办 单位社保发票丢失怎么办 单位医保发票丢失怎么办 图书明细没有给怎么办 拼音拼不到一起怎么办 孩子不会拼拼音怎么办 小孩子不会拼拼音怎么办 小孩拼音发音不准怎么办 孩子声调不会标怎么办 孩子拼音发音不准怎么办 孩子学拼音不会怎么办? 孩子不会拼生字怎么办?