Effective java笔记-泛型

来源:互联网 发布:贸易保护主义 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:55


第23条 请不要在新代码中使用原生态类型

public class Raw {    // Uses raw type (List) - fails at runtime! - Page 112    public static void main(String[] args) {        List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();        unsafeAdd(strings, new Integer(42));        String s = strings.get(0); // Compiler-generated cast    }    private static void unsafeAdd(List list, Object o) {        list.add(o);    }    // Use of raw type for unknown element type - don't do this! - Page 113    static int rawNumElementsInCommon(Set s1, Set s2) {        int result = 0;        for (Object o1 : s1)            if (s2.contains(o1))                result++;        return result;    }    //如果要使用泛型,但不确定或者不关心实际的类型参数(如上面的例子),就可以使用一个问好代替。例如,泛型Set<E>的无限制通配符类型为Set<?>(读作“某个类型的集合”)    // Unbounded wildcard type - typesafe and flexible - Page 113    static int numElementsInCommon(Set<?> s1, Set<?> s2) {        int result = 0;        for (Object o1 : s1)            if (s2.contains(o1))                result++;        return result;    }}    //为什么说Set<?>是类型安全的:你不能将除了null外的任何元素放入Collection<?>中

第24条 消除非受检警告


第25条 列表优先于数组

List<String>[] stringLists = new List<String>[1];List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(42);Object[] objects = stringLists;objects[0] = intList;String s = stringLists[0].get(0);//ClassCastException
interface Function<T> {    T apply(T arg1, T arg2);}public class Reduction {    static <E> E reduce(List<E> list, Function<E> f, E initVal) {        List<E> snapshot;        synchronized (list) {            snapshot = new ArrayList<E>(list);        }        E result = initVal;        for (E e : snapshot)            result = f.apply(result, e);        return result;    }    // A few sample functions    private static final Function<Integer> SUM = new Function<Integer>() {        public Integer apply(Integer i1, Integer i2) {            return i1 + i2;        }    };    private static final Function<Integer> PRODUCT = new Function<Integer>() {        public Integer apply(Integer i1, Integer i2) {            return i1 * i2;        }    };    private static final Function<Integer> MAX = new Function<Integer>() {        public Integer apply(Integer i1, Integer i2) {            return Math.max(i1, i2);        }    };    private static final Function<Integer> MIN = new Function<Integer>() {        public Integer apply(Integer i1, Integer i2) {            return Math.min(i1, i2);        }    };    public static void main(String[] args) {        List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 8, 2, 8);        // Reduce intList using each of the above reducers        System.out.println(reduce(intList, SUM, 0));        System.out.println(reduce(intList, PRODUCT, 1));        System.out.println(reduce(intList, MAX, Integer.MIN_VALUE));        System.out.println(reduce(intList, MIN, Integer.MAX_VALUE));    }}

第26条 优先考虑泛型

public class EmptyStackException extends RuntimeException {}public class Stack<E> {    private E[] elements;    private int size = 0;    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;    // The elements array will contain only E instances from push(E).    // This is sufficient to ensure type safety, but the runtime    // type of the array won't be E[]; it will always be Object[]!    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    public Stack() {        elements = (E[]) new Object[DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY];    }    public void push(E e) {        ensureCapacity();        elements[size++] = e;    }    public E pop() {        if (size == 0)            throw new EmptyStackException();        E result = elements[--size];        elements[size] = null; // Eliminate obsolete reference        return result;    }    public boolean isEmpty() {        return size == 0;    }    private void ensureCapacity() {        if (elements.length == size)            elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, 2 * size + 1);    }    // Little program to exercise our generic Stack    public static void main(String[] args) {        Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();        for (String arg : args)            stack.push(arg);        while (!stack.isEmpty())            System.out.println(stack.pop().toUpperCase());    }}
public class EmptyStackException extends RuntimeException {}public class Stack<E> {    private Object[] elements;    private int size = 0;    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;    public Stack() {        elements = new Object[DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY];    }    public void push(E e) {        ensureCapacity();        elements[size++] = e;    }    // Appropriate suppression of unchecked warning    public E pop() {        if (size == 0)            throw new EmptyStackException();        // push requires elements to be of type E, so cast is correct        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")        E result = (E) elements[--size];        elements[size] = null; // Eliminate obsolete reference        return result;    }    public boolean isEmpty() {        return size == 0;    }    private void ensureCapacity() {        if (elements.length == size)            elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, 2 * size + 1);    }    // Little program to exercise our generic Stack    public static void main(String[] args) {        Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();        for (String arg : args)            stack.push(arg);        while (!stack.isEmpty())            System.out.println(stack.pop().toUpperCase());    }}
在上面两个示例中我们都使用了数组,这似乎于第25条矛盾,但是在有些地方为了性能的考虑必需用数组如ArrayList<E>,Stack<E>中。当数组与泛型一起出现的时候就可能出现一些问题,比如在第一种实现中我们我们声明了elements为E[],但java中无法new E[],所以采用了强制类型转换(E[])。第二种实现中,elements被声明为Object[],所以某些地方就要强制转换(E)。推荐第二种。

第27条 优先考虑泛型方法

public class Union {    // Generic method    public static <E> Set<E> union(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) {        Set<E> result = new HashSet<E>(s1);        result.addAll(s2);        return result;    }    // Simple program to exercise generic method    public static void main(String[] args) {        Set<String> guys = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Tom", "Dick",                "Harry"));        Set<String> stooges = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Larry", "Moe",                "Curly"));        Set<String> aflCio = union(guys, stooges);        System.out.println(aflCio);    }}
public class GenericStaticFactory {    // Generic static factory method    public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMap() {        return new HashMap<K, V>();    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Parameterized type instance creation with static factory        Map<String, List<String>> anagrams = newHashMap();    }}
public interface UnaryFunction<T> {    T apply(T arg);}
现在假设要提供一个恒等函数(identity function)(一个函数对象).可以这样:
public class GenericSingletonFactory {    // Generic singleton factory pattern    private static UnaryFunction<Object> IDENTITY_FUNCTION = new UnaryFunction<Object>() {        public Object apply(Object arg) {            return arg;        }    };    // IDENTITY_FUNCTION is stateless and its type parameter is    // unbounded so it's safe to share one instance across all types.    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    public static <T> UnaryFunction<T> identityFunction() {        return (UnaryFunction<T>) IDENTITY_FUNCTION;    }    // Sample program to exercise generic singleton    public static void main(String[] args) {        String[] strings = { "jute", "hemp", "nylon" };        UnaryFunction<String> sameString = identityFunction();        for (String s : strings)            System.out.println(sameString.apply(s));        Number[] numbers = { 1, 2.0, 3L };        UnaryFunction<Number> sameNumber = identityFunction();        for (Number n : numbers)            System.out.println(sameNumber.apply(n));    }}
public class RecursiveTypeBound {    // Returns the maximum value in a list - uses recursive type bound    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T max(List<T> list) {        Iterator<T> i = list.iterator();        T result = i.next();        while (i.hasNext()) {            T t = i.next();            if (t.compareTo(result) > 0)                result = t;        }        return result;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        List<String> argList = Arrays.asList(args);        System.out.println(max(argList));    }}

第28条 利用有限制通配符来提升API灵活性

public class Stack<E>{    public Stack();    public void push(E e);    public E pop();    public boolean isEmpty();}
//pushAll method withod wildcard type - dificient!public void pushAll(Iterable<E> src){    for(E e :src)        push(e);}
public class EmptyStackException extends RuntimeException {}public class Stack<E> {    private E[] elements;    private int size = 0;    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;    // The elements array will contain only E instances from push(E).    // This is sufficient to ensure type safety, but the runtime    // type of the array won't be E[]; it will always be Object[]!    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    public Stack() {        elements = (E[]) new Object[DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY];    }    public void push(E e) {        ensureCapacity();        elements[size++] = e;    }    public E pop() {        if (size == 0)            throw new EmptyStackException();        E result = elements[--size];        elements[size] = null; // Eliminate obsolete reference        return result;    }    public boolean isEmpty() {        return size == 0;    }    private void ensureCapacity() {        if (elements.length == size)            elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, 2 * size + 1);    }    // pushAll method without wildcard type - deficient!    // public void pushAll(Iterable<E> src) {    // for (E e : src)    // push(e);    // }    // Wildcard type for parameter that serves as an E producer    public void pushAll(Iterable<? extends E> src) {        for (E e : src)            push(e);    }    // popAll method without wildcard type - deficient!    // public void popAll(Collection<E> dst) {    // while (!isEmpty())    // dst.add(pop());    // }    // Wildcard type for parameter that serves as an E consumer    public void popAll(Collection<? super E> dst) {        while (!isEmpty())            dst.add(pop());    }    // Little program to exercise our generic Stack    public static void main(String[] args) {        Stack<Number> numberStack = new Stack<Number>();        Iterable<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9);        numberStack.pushAll(integers);        Collection<Object> objects = new ArrayList<Object>();        numberStack.popAll(objects);        System.out.println(objects);    }}
interface Function<T> {    T apply(T arg1, T arg2);}public class Reduction {    // Wildcard type for parameter that serves as an E producer    static <E> E reduce(List<? extends E> list, Function<E> f, E initVal) {        List<E> snapshot;        synchronized (list) {            snapshot = new ArrayList<E>(list);        }        E result = initVal;        for (E e : snapshot)            result = f.apply(result, e);        return result;    }    private static final Function<Number> MAX = new Function<Number>() {        public Number apply(Number n1, Number n2) {            return Double.compare(n1.doubleValue(), n2.doubleValue()) > 0 ? n1                    : n2;        }    };    public static void main(String[] args) {        // We can use a Number functionto reduce a list of Integer or Double        List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 8, 2, 8);        System.out.println(reduce(intList, MAX, Integer.MIN_VALUE));        List<Double> doubleList = Arrays.asList(2.718281828, 3.141592654,                1.61803399);        System.out.println(reduce(doubleList, MAX, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));    }}
public class Union {    public static <E> Set<E> union(Set<? extends E> s1, Set<? extends E> s2) {        Set<E> result = new HashSet<E>(s1);        result.addAll(s2);        return result;    }    // Simple program to exercise flexible generic method    public static void main(String[] args) {        Set<Integer> integers = new HashSet<Integer>();        integers.add(1);        integers.add(3);        integers.add(5);        Set<Double> doubles = new HashSet<Double>();        doubles.add(2.0);        doubles.add(4.0);        doubles.add(6.0);        // Won't compile; see page 137        // Set<Number> numbers = union(integers, doubles);        // Explicit type parameter is necessary here        Set<Number> numbers = Union.<Number> union(integers, doubles);//这里虽然编译器对泛型方法使用了类型推导,但这里编译器无法推导出E到底是什么,所以要给他一个显式的类型参数        System.out.println(numbers);    }}
public class RecursiveTypeBound {    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T max(List<? extends T> list) {        Iterator<? extends T> i = list.iterator();        T result = i.next();        while (i.hasNext()) {            T t = i.next();            if (t.compareTo(result) > 0)                result = t;        }        return result;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        List<String> argList = Arrays.asList(args);        System.out.println(max(argList));    }}
public class Swap {    public static void swap(List<?> list, int i, int j) {        swapHelper(list, i, j);    }    // Private helper method for wildcard capture    private static <E> void swapHelper(List<E> list, int i, int j) {        list.set(i, list.set(j, list.get(i)));    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Swap the first and last argument and print the resulting list        List<String> argList = Arrays.asList(args);        swap(argList, 0, argList.size() - 1);        System.out.println(argList);    }}

第29条 优先考虑类型安全的异构容器

public class Favorites {    // Typesafe heterogeneous container pattern - implementation    private Map<Class<?>, Object> favorites = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>();    public <T> void putFavorite(Class<T> type, T instance) {        if (type == null)            throw new NullPointerException("Type is null");        favorites.put(type, instance);    }    public <T> T getFavorite(Class<T> type) {        return type.cast(favorites.get(type));    }    // Typesafe heterogeneous container pattern - client    public static void main(String[] args) {        Favorites f = new Favorites();        f.putFavorite(String.class, "Java");        f.putFavorite(Integer.class, 0xcafebabe);        f.putFavorite(Class.class, Favorites.class);        String favoriteString = f.getFavorite(String.class);        int favoriteInteger = f.getFavorite(Integer.class);        Class<?> favoriteClass = f.getFavorite(Class.class);        System.out.printf("%s %x %s%n", favoriteString, favoriteInteger,                favoriteClass.getName());    }}
Favorites实例是类型安全的:当你向它请求String的时候,它从来不会返回一个Integer给你。cast方法是Java的cast操作符的动态模拟。他只检验他的参数是否为Class对象所表示的类型的实例,如果是,就返回参数;否则就throw ClassCastException(不过我们知道favorites映射中的值会始终与键的类型相匹配)。29条讨论Favorites类局限性及其解决方法的部分看不懂
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