连goto都解决不了的问题, 那就用do while(0)来解决吧!

来源:互联网 发布:算法流程图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:30

         之前在博文中说过do while(0)的用法, 不过实际项目中用得不多。 最近遇到麻烦了, 感觉到不用do while(0)就很蛋疼。


#include<iostream>using namespace std;int fun(int a, int b, int c, int d){int errCode = 0;if(a < 0){errCode = -1;printf("error1\n");printf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int r1 = 0;if(b < 0){errCode = -2;printf("error2\n");printf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int r2 = 0;if(c < 0){errCode = -3;printf("error3\n");printf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int r3 = 0;if(d < 0){errCode = -4;printf("error4\n");printf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int r4 = 0;// add normal business logic hereprintf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int main(){fun(-1, -1, -1, -1);return 0;}
       我们可以看到, 代码存在极大的冗余, 一坨一坨的, 像什么样!  于是, 有的人说用goto可以搞定啊。 且不说goto为人诟病已久, 先来看看goto的效果:

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int fun(int a, int b, int c, int d){int errCode = 0;if(a < 0){errCode = -1;printf("error1\n");goto END;}int r1 = 0;if(b < 0){errCode = -2;printf("error2\n");goto END;}int r2 = 0;if(c < 0){errCode = -3;printf("error3\n");goto END;}int r3 = 0;if(d < 0){errCode = -4;printf("error4\n");goto END;}int r4 = 0;// add normal business logic hereEND:printf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int main(){fun(-1, -1, -1, -1);return 0;}
       经验比较丰富的同学一眼就可以看出问题, 这里存在编译问题。 在linux GCC下提示:crosses initialization of xxx,  在Windows VC++下提示:initialization of 'r4' is skipped by 'goto END'

       那怎么办呢? 也不是完全么有办法, 方法1是把所有被跳过的变量放在最前面定义, 方法2是直接用大括号把被掉过的变量括起来。 在实际中, 这两种方法我都玩过。 第一种方法非常繁琐(当时搞一个安全问题, 写代码的时候用了这个方式), 要重新移动变量的位置, 而第二种方法显得很猥琐(当时是搞一个节日活动的问题, 写代码的时候用了这种方式), 谁用谁知道。

       还是来看看do while(0)的实现方式吧, 我最近就是这么搞的, 相对较爽:

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int fun(int a, int b, int c, int d){int errCode = 0;do {if(a < 0){errCode = -1;printf("error1\n");break;}int r1 = 0;if(b < 0){errCode = -2;printf("error2\n");break;}int r2 = 0;if(c < 0){errCode = -3;printf("error3\n");break;}int r3 = 0;if(d < 0){errCode = -4;printf("error4\n");break;}int r4 = 0;}while(0);// add normal business logic hereprintf("code xxx, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code yyy, err code is %d\n", errCode);printf("code zzz, err code is %d\n", errCode);return errCode;}int main(){fun(-1, -1, -1, -1);return 0;}

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