
来源:互联网 发布:建筑bim软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:33
int main(int argc, char** argv)        {            leveldb::DB* db;            leveldb::Options options;            // 如果打开已存在数据库的时候,需要抛出错误,将以下代码插在leveldb::DB::Open方法前面            options.create_if_missing = true;            // 打开一个数据库实例            leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, "/tmp/testdb", &db);            assert(status.ok());            // LevelDB提供了Put、Get和Delete三个方法对数据库进行添加、查询和删除            std::string key = "key";            std::string value = "value";            // 添加key=value            status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key, value);            assert(status.ok());            // 根据key查询value            status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);            assert(status.ok());            std::cout<             // 修改操作(原生没有提供)由添加和删除合起来实现            std::string key2 = "key2";            // 添加key2=value                           status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(),key2,value);            assert(status.ok());            // 删除key            status = db->Delete(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key);            // 查询key2            assert(status.ok());            status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key2, &value);            assert(status.ok());            std::cout<             // 查询key            status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);            if (!status.ok())            {               std::cerr<             }               else            {                std::cout<             }            // 在对数据库进行了一系列的操作之后,需要对数据库进行关闭,该操作比较简单即删除该对象即可              delete db;            return 0;        }        #g++ -o main main.cpp ../leveldb/libleveldb.a -lpthread -I../leveldb/include        实例编译完成后,如下来执行即可看到结果:        #./main        value        key2==value        key: NotFound:




10.1.6 iterator.h


class Iterator { public:  Iterator();  virtual ~Iterator();  // An iterator is either positioned at a key/value pair, or  // not valid.  This method returns true iff the iterator is valid.  virtual bool Valid() const = 0;  // Position at the first key in the source.  The iterator is Valid()  // after this call iff the source is not empty.  virtual void SeekToFirst() = 0;  // Position at the last key in the source.  The iterator is  // Valid() after this call iff the source is not empty.  virtual void SeekToLast() = 0;  // Position at the first key in the source that at or past target  // The iterator is Valid() after this call iff the source contains  // an entry that comes at or past target.  virtual void Seek(const Slice& target) = 0;  // Moves to the next entry in the source.  After this call, Valid() is  // true iff the iterator was not positioned at the last entry in the source.  // REQUIRES: Valid()  virtual void Next() = 0;  // Moves to the previous entry in the source.  After this call, Valid() is  // true iff the iterator was not positioned at the first entry in source.  // REQUIRES: Valid()  virtual void Prev() = 0;  // Return the key for the current entry.  The underlying storage for  // the returned slice is valid only until the next modification of  // the iterator.  // REQUIRES: Valid()  virtual Slice key() const = 0;  // Return the value for the current entry.  The underlying storage for  // the returned slice is valid only until the next modification of  // the iterator.  // REQUIRES: !AtEnd() && !AtStart()  virtual Slice value() const = 0;  // If an error has occurred, return it.  Else return an ok status.  virtual Status status() const = 0;  // Clients are allowed to register function/arg1/arg2 triples that  // will be invoked when this iterator is destroyed.  //  // Note that unlike all of the preceding methods, this method is  // not abstract and therefore clients should not override it.  typedef void (*CleanupFunction)(void* arg1, void* arg2);  void RegisterCleanup(CleanupFunction function, void* arg1, void* arg2); private:  struct Cleanup {    CleanupFunction function;    void* arg1;    void* arg2;    Cleanup* next;  };  Cleanup cleanup_;  // No copying allowed  Iterator(const Iterator&);  void operator=(const Iterator&);};


Iterator::Iterator() {  cleanup_.function = NULL;  cleanup_.next = NULL;}Iterator::~Iterator() {  if (cleanup_.function != NULL) {    (*cleanup_.function)(cleanup_.arg1, cleanup_.arg2);    for (Cleanup* c = cleanup_.next; c != NULL; ) {      (*c->function)(c->arg1, c->arg2);      Cleanup* next = c->next;      delete c;      c = next;    }  }}void Iterator::RegisterCleanup(CleanupFunction func, void* arg1, void* arg2) {  assert(func != NULL);  Cleanup* c;  if (cleanup_.function == NULL) {    c = &cleanup_;  } else {    c = new Cleanup;    c->next = cleanup_.next;    cleanup_.next = c;  }  c->function = func;  c->arg1 = arg1;  c->arg2 = arg2;}
 IIteration下面的例子展示了如何打印数据库中的所有键值对。leveldb::Iterator* it = db->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());  for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) {    cout << it->key().ToString() << ": "  << it->value().ToString() << endl;  }  assert(it->status().ok());  // Check for any errors found during the scan  delete it; 下面的例子展示了如何访问key在[start,limit)范围内的情况:for (it->Seek(start);     it->Valid() && it->key().ToString() < limit;     it->Next()) {    ...}下面展示了逆序访问(注意:逆序访问会比正序访问要慢)for (it->SeekToLast(); it->Valid(); it->Prev()) { ... }

 原子更新操作在将key2插入之后key1删除之前调用的进程挂掉,在不同的key下存在相同的value。WriteBatch类可以通过一系列的更新操作来避免这个问题。#include "leveldb/write_batch.h"...std::string value;leveldb::Status s = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key1, &value);if (s.ok()) {  leveldb::WriteBatch batch;  batch.Delete(key1);  batch.Put(key2, value);     s = db->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch);}WriteBatch类顺序的执行一系列的操作。在例子中,要在插入之前调用删除操作。这样当key1和key2相同的时候,不需要结束错误的删除值的操作。WriteBatch类除了原子性的好处之外,可以大大加快大批量更新操作的速度。

1,下载levelDB源码Git clone https://github.com/google/leveldb.git2,编译LevelDBcd leveldb & make all编译完成之后在当前目录多了两个目录:out-shared和out-static在out-static目录下有我们需要的libleveldb.a3,在当前目录新建文件夹testtouch test; cd test4,在test目录新建测试代码test.cpp[cpp] view plain copyprint?在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片    #include <assert.h>      #include <string.h>      #include <iostream>      #include "leveldb/db.h"            int main(){              leveldb::DB* db;              leveldb::Options options;              options.create_if_missing = true;              leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options,"/tmp/testdb", &db);              assert(status.ok());                    std::string k1 = "name";              std::string v1 = "jim";                    status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), k1, v1);              assert(status.ok());                    status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), k1, &v1);              assert(status.ok());              std::cout<<"k1:"<<k1<<"; v1:"<<v1<<std::endl;                            std::string k2 = "age";              std::string v2 = "20";                    status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), k2, v2);              assert(status.ok());              status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), k2, &v2);              assert(status.ok());              std::cout<<"k2:"<<k2<<"; v2:"<<v2<<std::endl;                    status = db->Delete(leveldb::WriteOptions(), k2);              assert(status.ok());              std::cout<<"Delete k2.."<<std::endl;              status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(),k2, &v2);              if(!status.ok())                  std::cerr<<"k2:"<<k2<<"; "<<status.ToString()<<std::endl;              else                  std::cout<<"k2:"<<k2<<"; v2:"<<v2<<std::endl;                    delete db;              return 0;      }  5,编译前的准备把libleveldb.a拷贝到当前目录cp ../out-static/libleveldb.a ./把leveldb/include目录添加到PATH :cd ..; export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/include; cd test6,编译运行编译:g++ -o test test.cpp libleveldb.a -lpthread -I../include运行:[cpp] view plain copyprint?在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片    ➜  test git:(master) ✗ ./test      k1:name; v1:jim      k2:age; v2:20      Delete k2..      k2:age; NotFound:  到目前为止,我们就基本可以使用leveldb了。9, 执行完.test之后,在/tmp/testdb下面产生了leveldb相关的文件:[cpp] view plain copyprint?在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片    ➜  test git:(master) ✗ ls -alh /tmp/testdb      total 56      drwxr-xr-x  10 root  wheel   340B 10  3 12:51 .      drwxrwxrwt  14 root  wheel   476B 10  3 12:31 ..      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   148B 10  3 12:14 000005.ldb      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   148B 10  3 12:51 000008.ldb      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    80B 10  3 12:51 000009.log      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    16B 10  3 12:51 CURRENT      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel     0B 10  3 11:57 LOCK      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   309B 10  3 12:51 LOG      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   309B 10  3 12:14 LOG.old      -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   110B 10  3 12:51 MANIFEST-000007  8,  根据LevelDB官方网站的描述,LevelDB的特点和限制如下:特点:1、key和value都是任意长度的字节数组;2、entry(即一条K-V记录)默认是按照key的字典顺序存储的,当然开发者也可以重载这个排序函数;3、提供的基本操作接口:Put()、Delete()、Get()、Batch();4、支持批量操作以原子操作进行;5、可以创建数据全景的snapshot(快照),并允许在快照中查找数据;6、可以通过前向(或后向)迭代器遍历数据(迭代器会隐含的创建一个snapshot);7、自动使用Snappy压缩数据;8、可移植性;限制:1、非关系型数据模型(NoSQL),不支持sql语句,也不支持索引;2、一次只允许一个进程访问一个特定的数据库;3、没有内置的C/S架构,但开发者可以使用LevelDB库自己封装一个server; 

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