bzoj 2049 LCT模板

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝旺旺手机版卖家版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 01:25

题意:初始n个点独立,三种操作:(1)Connect x y x和y之间连一条边 (2)Destroy x y x和y之间的边断掉 (3)Query x y 查询x和y是否联通


var        n,m,x,y         :longint;        i,j             :longint;        ch              :char;        s               :string;        father          :array[-1..200010] of longint;        son             :array[-1..200010,0..1] of longint;        flag            :array[-1..200010] of boolean;function root(x:longint):boolean;begin   if (x=son[father[x],0]) or (x=son[father[x],1]) then exit(false);   exit(true);end;procedure swap(var a,b:longint);var        c:longint;begin   c:=a; a:=b; b:=c;end;procedure renew(x:longint);begin   flag[x]:=not flag[x];end;procedure pushdown(x:longint);var        l,r:longint;begin   if flag[x] then   begin      swap(son[x,0],son[x,1]);      l:=son[x,0]; r:=son[x,1];      flag[l]:=not flag[l];      flag[r]:=not flag[r];   end;   flag[x]:=false;end;procedure push(x:longint);begin   if not root(x) then push(father[x]);   pushdown(x);end;procedure ro(x,y:longint);var        f:longint;begin   f:=father[x];   if son[x,y xor 1]<>-1 then father[son[x,y xor 1]]:=f;   son[f,y]:=son[x,y xor 1];   if f=son[father[f],0] then son[father[f],0]:=x else     if f=son[father[f],1] then son[father[f],1]:=x;   father[x]:=father[f];   father[f]:=x;   son[x,y xor 1]:=f;end;procedure splay(x:longint);var        u,v:longint;begin   while not root(x) do   begin      if root(father[x]) then  ro(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1])) else      begin         if x=son[father[x],0] then u:=1 else u:=-1;         if father[x]=son[father[father[x]],0] then v:=1 else v:=-1;         if u*v=1 then         begin            ro(father[x],ord(x=son[father[x],1]));            ro(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1]));         end else         begin            ro(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1]));            ro(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1]));         end;      end;   end;end;procedure access(x:longint);var        y:longint;begin   y:=-1;   while x<>0 do   begin      push(x);      splay(x);      son[x,1]:=y;      y:=x;      x:=father[x];   end;end;function find_root(x:longint):longint;begin   access(x); splay(x);   while (son[x,0]<>-1) do x:=son[x,0];   exit(x);end;begin   read(n,m);readln;   fillchar(son,sizeof(son),255);   for i:=1 to m do   begin      s:='';      read(ch);      while (ch<>' ') do      begin         s:=s+ch;read(ch);      end;      readln(x,y);      if s='Connect' then      begin         access(x); splay(x); renew(x);         access(y);         son[y,1]:=x;         father[x]:=y;      end else      if s='Destroy' then      begin         access(x); splay(x); renew(x);         access(y); push(x); splay(x);         son[x,1]:=-1;         father[y]:=0;      end else      begin         if find_root(x)=find_root(y) then writeln('Yes') else writeln('No');      end;   end;end.
——by Eirlys

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