粗暴解决 HTMLTestRunner 加入截图展示功能

来源:互联网 发布:乔丹生涯总数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:50



View下面加入一行Picture,在 下加入一行即可),用来展示脚本中的截图超链接
<tr id='header_row'>    <td>Test Group/Test case</td>    <td>Count</td>    <td>Pass</td>    <td>Fail</td>    <td>Error</td>    <td>View</td>    <td>Picture</td></tr>%(test_list)s<tr id='total_row'>    <td>Total</td>    <td>%(count)s</td>    <td>%(Pass)s</td>    <td>%(fail)s</td>    <td>%(error)s</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td><a href="" target="_blank"></a></td></tr></table>


    REPORT_TEST_WITH_OUTPUT_TMPL = r"""<tr id='%(tid)s' class='%(Class)s'>    <td class='%(style)s'><div class='testcase'>%(desc)s</div></td>    <td colspan='5' align='center'>    <!--css div popup start-->    <a class="popup_link" onfocus='this.blur();' href="javascript:showTestDetail('div_%(tid)s')" >        %(status)s</a>    <div id='div_%(tid)s' class="popup_window">        <div style='text-align: right; color:red;cursor:pointer'>        <a onfocus='this.blur();' onclick="document.getElementById('div_%(tid)s').style.display = 'none' " >           [x]</a>        </div>        <pre>        %(script)s        </pre>    </div>    <!--css div popup end-->    </td>    %(html)s</tr>


script = self.REPORT_TEST_OUTPUT_TMPL % dict(    id = tid,    output = saxutils.escape(uo+ue),)s = uo+uehtml = s[s.find('htmlbegin')+9:s.find('htmlend')]row = tmpl % dict(    tid = tid,    Class = (n == 0 and 'hiddenRow' or 'none'),    style = n == 2 and 'errorCase' or (n == 1 and 'failCase' or 'none'),    desc = desc,    script = script,    html = html,    status = self.STATUS[n],)


# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*___author__ = 'gjj14453'import loggingimport osimport common.myDate as myDatePATH = lambda p: os.path.abspath(    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), p))pics = []picpath = []###################################  日志# 0: debug# 1:info# 2:warning# -1:error###################################def mylogger(msg, flag=1):    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,                    format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',                    datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',                    filename='mylog.log',                    filemode='w')    console = logging.StreamHandler()    console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')    console.setFormatter(formatter)    logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console)    if flag == 0:        logging.debug(msg)    elif flag == 1:        logging.info(msg)    elif flag == 2:        logging.warning(msg)        screenshot()    elif flag == -1:        logging.error(msg)        screenshot()    logging.getLogger('').removeHandler(console)#  截屏def screenshot():    dirname = PATH('D:\\MyConfiguration\\gjj14453\\PycharmProjects\\untitled\\list_out' + "/screenshot")    os.popen("adb wait-for-device")    os.popen("adb shell screencap -p /data/local/tmp/tmp.png")    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):        os.makedirs(dirname)    pic = myDate.timestampname() + ".png"    path = dirname + "/" + pic    os.popen("adb pull /data/local/tmp/tmp.png " + PATH(path))    os.popen("adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/tmp.png")    mylogger("截图为:" + pic)    pics.append(pic)    picpath.append(path)def creathtml(path, pic):    html = ''    if range(len(path)) > 0:        for i in range(len(path)):            if i == 0:                html = '<a href=' + path[i] + ' target="_blank">' + pic[i] + '</a>'            else:                html = html + '<br /><a href=' + path[i] + ' target="_blank">' + pic[i] + '</a>'    else:        html = ''    htmls = 'htmlbegin<td>' + html +'</td>htmlend'    return htmls


class Test(unittest.TestCase):    def setUp(self):        log.picpath = []        log.pics = []        pass    def tearDown(self):        pass    def test(self):        log.mylogger('aaa', -1)        log.mylogger('bbb', -1)        log.mylogger(log.creathtml(log.picpath, log.pics))以上是大牛的原创, 好像是针对安卓测试的,自己修改了下,整合到了web端的自动化测试中了。修改的地方包括:1、移动log.py到htmlrunnertest的同级目录下2、修改log中的截图函数,直接用PIL来实现的。3、更新了截图的时机,在执行出错的时候,才去截图处理。后台后的部分代码如下。
def addError(self, test, err):        log.picpath = []        log.pics = []        log.mylogger('errorTTT', -1)        log.mylogger(log.creathtml(log.picpath, log.pics),-1)        self.error_count += 1
log.py#  截屏def screenshot():    dirname = PATH('D:\\**')    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):        os.makedirs(dirname)       pic = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S")+str(random.randint(1,100))+".png"    im = ImageGrab.grab()         path = dirname + "\\" + pic    im.save(path)    mylogger("截图为:" + pic)    pics.append(pic)    picpath.append(path)    print 'pic path is :',path

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