来源:互联网 发布:淘宝优化具体怎么设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 10:00



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#ifndef PROJECT1_SHARE_H#define PROJECT1_SHARE_H#include <array>using namespace std;class Share {private:    string company;    long shares;    double share_value;    double total_value;    void set_total(){            total_value = shares * share_value;    }public:    void acquire(const string &comp , long number , double price);    void buy(long number , double price);    void sell(long number , double price);    void update(double price);    void show();};#endif //PROJECT1_SHARE_H
  1. 类名首字母需要大写,这是一个不成文的规定!
  2. class关键字指出代码设计一个类。
  3. 关键字private(默认)和关键字public描述了对类成员的访问控制。
    1. 通常将数据成员放在private部分,组成类接口的成员函数放在public部分。
    2. 类的对象可以直接访问public部分,但是只能通过public成员函数来访问private数据成员。


#include <iostream>#include "Share.h"void Share::acquire(const string &comp, long number, double price) {    company = comp;    if (number < 0){        cout << "The number of shares purchased can not be less than zero, the transaction canceled!" << endl;        shares = 0;    } else        shares = number;    share_value = price;    set_total();}void Share::buy(long number, double price) {    if (number < 0){        cout << "The number of shares purchased can not be less than zero, the transaction canceled!" << endl;    } else{        shares += number;        share_value = price;        set_total();    }}void Share::sell(long number, double price) {    if (number < 0){        cout << "The number of shares sold can not be less than zero, the transaction canceled!" << endl;    } else if (number > shares){        cout << "The number of shares sold can not be greater than the number of existing shares, the transaction canceled!" << endl;    } else{        shares -= number;        share_value = price;        set_total();    }}void Share::update(double price) {    share_value = price;    set_total();}void Share::show() {    cout << "Company Name: " << company << endl;    cout << "Number of shares held:" << shares << endl;    cout << "Stock price:" << share_value << endl;    cout << "Total stock:" << total_value << endl;}
  1. 定义成员函数时,使用作用域解析运算符::来标识函数所属的类。
  2. 类方法可以访问类的private组件。


#include <iostream>#include <string>#include "cmake-build-debug/Share.h"using namespace std;int main() {    Share xiong;    xiong.acquire("lenovo" , 100 , 16.6);    xiong.show();    xiong.buy(100 , 18.8);    xiong.show();    xiong.sell(10000 , 21.6);    xiong.show();    xiong.buy(30000, 28.6);    xiong.show();    xiong.sell(30000 , 1.6);    xiong.show();}


Company Name: lenovoNumber of shares held:100Stock price:16.6Total stock:1660Company Name: lenovoNumber of shares held:200Stock price:18.8Total stock:3760The number of shares sold can not be greater than the number of existing shares, the transaction canceled!Company Name: lenovoNumber of shares held:200Stock price:18.8Total stock:3760Company Name: lenovoNumber of shares held:30200Stock price:28.6Total stock:863720Company Name: lenovoNumber of shares held:200Stock price:1.6Total stock:320
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