
来源:互联网 发布:搜狐网络大厦地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 14:41


* 星号

  • 作为匹配文件名扩展的一个通配符,能自动匹配给定目录下的每一个文件;
bash$ echo *abs-book.sgml
  • 正则表达式中可以作为字符限定符,表示其前面的匹配规则匹配任意次;


** 双星号

  • 算术运算中表示求幂运算。

? 问号

  • 表示条件测试;

  • 在双括号内表示C风格的三元操作符

(( var0 = var1<98?9:21 ))#                ^ ^# if [ "$var1" -lt 98 ]# then#   var0=9# else#   var0=21# fi
  • 参数替换表达式中用来测试一个变量是否设置了值;
#!/bin/bash#  Check some of the system's environmental variables.#  This is good preventative maintenance.#  If, for example, $USER, the name of the person at the console, is not set,#+ the machine will not recognize you.: ${HOSTNAME?} ${USER?} ${HOME?} ${MAIL?}  echo  echo "Name of the machine is $HOSTNAME."  echo "You are $USER."  echo "Your home directory is $HOME."  echo "Your mail INBOX is located in $MAIL."  echo  echo "If you are reading this message,"  echo "critical environmental variables have been set."  echo  echo
  • 作为通配符,用于匹配文件名扩展特性中,用于匹配单个字符;

  • 正则表达式中,表示匹配其前面规则0次或者1次。

$ 美元符号

  • 作为变量的前导符,用作变量替换,即引用一个变量的内容
var1=5var2=23skidooecho $var1     # 5echo $var2     # 23skidoo
  • 在正则表达式中被定义为行末(End of line)。


  • 参数替换 ,基本作用和$一致,在链接字符串方面稍有差别
your_id=${USER}-on-${HOSTNAME}echo "$your_id"#echo "Old \$PATH = $PATH"PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bin  # Add /opt/bin to $PATH for duration of script.echo "New \$PATH = $PATH"


  • 引用展开

$*, $@

  • 位置参数,这个在使用脚本文件的时候,在传递参数的时候会用到,两者都能返回调用脚本文件的所有参数

  • $* 是将所有参数作为一个整体返回(字符串)

  • $@是将每个参数作为单元返回一个参数列表

index=1          # Initialize count.echo "Listing args with \"\$*\":"for arg in "$*"  # Doesn't work properly if "$*" isn't  echo "Arg #$index = $arg"  let "index+=1"done             # $* sees all arguments as single word. echo "Entire arg list seen as single word."echoindex=1          # Reset count.                 # What happens if you forget to do this?echo "Listing args with \"\$@\":"for arg in "$@"do  echo "Arg #$index = $arg"  let "index+=1"done             # $@ sees arguments as separate words. echo "Arg list seen as separate words."echoindex=1          # Reset count.echo "Listing args with \$* (unquoted):"for arg in $*do  echo "Arg #$index = $arg"  let "index+=1"done             # Unquoted $* sees arguments as separate words. echo "Arg list seen as separate words."exit 0



  • 此变量值在使用的时候,返回的是最后一个命令、函数、或脚本的退出状态码值,如果没有错误则是0,如果为非0,则表示在此之前的最后一次执行有错误。 true 的返回码是0 false的返回码是非0


  • 进程ID变量,这个变量保存了运行当前脚本的进程ID值。

() 括号

  • 命令组。
a=123( a=321; )        echo "a = $a"   # a = 123# "a" within parentheses acts like a local variable.
  • 数组的初始化
Array=(element1 element2 element3)


  • 在命令中可以用这种扩展来扩展参数列表
echo \"{These,words,are,quoted}\"   # " prefix and suffix# "These" "words" "are" "quoted"cat {file1,file2,file3} > combined_file# Concatenates the files file1, file2, and file3 into combined_file.cp file22.{txt,backup}# Copies "file22.txt" to "file22.backup



  • 列举字符
#!/bin/bashecho {a..z} # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z# Echoes characters between a and z.echo {0..3} # 0 1 2 3# Echoes characters between 0 and 3.base64_charset=( {A..Z} {a..z} {0..9} + / = )# Initializing an array, using extended brace expansion.# From vladz's "" example script.

{} 花括号

  • 代码块
#!/bin/basha=123{ a=321; }echo "a = $a"   # a = 321   (value inside code block)# Thanks, S.C.
  • {} 代码块里的内容可以通过IO重定向
#!/bin/bash# Reading lines in /etc/fstab.File=/etc/fstab{read line1read line2} < $Fileecho "First line in $File is:"echo "$line1"echoecho "Second line in $File is:"echo "$line2"exit 0# Now, how do you parse the separate fields of each line?# Hint: use awk, or . . .# . . . Hans-Joerg Diers suggests using the "set" Bash builtin.
  • 在xargs -i中的话,还可以作为文本的占位符,用以标记输出文本的位置。
#!/bin/bash#  Copy (verbose) all files in current directory ($PWD)#+ to directory specified on command-line.E_NOARGS=85if [ -z "$1" ]   # Exit if no argument given.then  echo "Usage: `basename $0` directory-to-copy-to"  exit $E_NOARGSfi  ls . | xargs -i -t cp ./{} $1#            ^^ ^^      ^^#  -t is "verbose" (output command-line to stderr) option.#  -i is "replace strings" option.#  {} is a placeholder for output text.#  This is similar to the use of a curly-bracket pair in "find."##  List the files in current directory (ls .),#+ pass the output of "ls" as arguments to "xargs" (-i -t options),#+ then copy (cp) these arguments ({}) to new directory ($1).  ##  The net result is the exact equivalent of#+   cp * $1#+ unless any of the filenames has embedded "whitespace" characters.exit 0

{} \;

  • 这个{}是表示路径名,现在接触到的情况看,好像只用在find命令里
find ~/ -name 'core*' -exec rm {} \;# Removes all core dump files from user's home directory.

[ ] 中括号

  • 测试的表示 Shell会测试在[]内的表达式

  • 在数组的上下文中,表示数组元素,方括号内填上数组元素的位置就能获得对应位置的内容

Array[1]=xxxecho ${Array[1]};
  • 表示字符集的范围,在正表达式中,方括号表示该位置可以匹配的字符集范围。
"[xyz]" matches any one of the characters x, y, or z."[c-n]" matches any one of the characters in the range c to n."[B-Pk-y]" matches any one of the characters in the ranges B to P and k to y."[a-z0-9]" matches any single lowercase letter or any digit.Combined sequences of bracketed characters match common word patterns. "[Yy][Ee][Ss]" matches yes, Yes, YES, yEs, and so forth. "[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" matches any Social Security number."[^b-d]" matches any character except those in the range b to d. This is an instance of ^ negating(否定) or inverting the meaning of the following RE (taking on a role similar to ! in a different context).

[[ ]]

  • 这个结构也是测试,测试[[]]之中的表达式(Shell的关键字)。这个比单中括号更能防止脚本里面的逻辑错误,比如:&&,||,<,>操作符能在一个[[]]里面测试通过,但是在[]却不能通过。[[]]里面没有文件名扩展(filename expansion)或是词分隔符(Word splitting),但是可以用参数扩展(Parameter expansion)和命令替换(command substitution)。不用文件名通配符和像空白这样的分隔符。注意,这里面如果出现了八进制,十六进制等,shell会自动执行转换比较。
# [[ Octal and hexadecimal evaluation ]]# Thank you, Moritz Gronbach, for pointing this out.decimal=15octal=017   # = 15 (decimal)hex=0x0f    # = 15 (decimal)if [ "$decimal" -eq "$octal" ]then  echo "$decimal equals $octal"else  echo "$decimal is not equal to $octal"       # 15 is not equal to 017fi      # Doesn't evaluate within [ single brackets ]!if [[ "$decimal" -eq "$octal" ]]then  echo "$decimal equals $octal"                # 15 equals 017else  echo "$decimal is not equal to $octal"fi      # Evaluates within [[ double brackets ]]!if [[ "$decimal" -eq "$hex" ]]then  echo "$decimal equals $hex"                  # 15 equals 0x0felse  echo "$decimal is not equal to $hex"fi      # [[ $hexadecimal ]] also evaluates!

$[ … ]

  • 在方括号里面执行整数表达式
a=3b=7echo $[$a+$b]   # 10echo $[$a*$b]   # 21

(( ))

  • 功能和上面的[][]是会返回里面表达式的值的,而(())只是执行,并不会返回值。两者执行后如果变量值发生变化,都会影响到后继代码的运行。可对变量赋值,可以对变量进行一目操作符操作,也可以是二目,三目操作符。
#!/bin/bash# Manipulating a variable, C-style, using the (( ... )) construct.echo(( a = 23 ))  #  Setting a value, C-style,              #+ with spaces on both sides of the "=".echo "a (initial value) = $a"   # 23(( a++ ))     #  Post-increment 'a', C-style.echo "a (after a++) = $a"       # 24(( a-- ))     #  Post-decrement 'a', C-style.echo "a (after a--) = $a"       # 23(( ++a ))     #  Pre-increment 'a', C-style.echo "a (after ++a) = $a"       # 24(( --a ))     #  Pre-decrement 'a', C-style.echo "a (after --a) = $a"       # 23echo
echo(( t = a<45?7:11 ))   # C-style trinary operator.#       ^  ^ ^echo "If a < 45, then t = 7, else t = 11."  # a = 23echo "t = $t "                              # t = 7echo
0 0