Zend Framework:Action Helper

来源:互联网 发布:企业办公软件app 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 09:33

Zend Framework 默认包含了许多action helper:

  • AutoComplete用来自动response AJAX autocompletion;
  • ContextSwitchAjaxContext服务于你的actions的交替response格式;
  • FlashMessenger用来处理session flash messages;
  • Json用来encoding和发送JSON response;
  • Redirector提供不同的实现方法来重定向到你的应用中的不同的页面(这里也就是说$this->redirect());
  • ViewRenderer用来自动化设置view object给你的controller和rendering views。


*ActionStack*helper允许你push requests给ActionStack front controller plugin,非常有效的帮助你在执行request时创建一个actions队列。这个helper允许你通过指定一个新的request或action-controller-module set的方式添加actions。

My comprehension

Example#1Adding a Task Using Action, Controller and Module Names

class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action{    public function barAction()    {        // Add two actions to the stack        // Add call to /foo/baz/bar/baz        // (FooController::bazAction() with request var bar == baz)        $this->_helper->actionStack('baz',                                    'foo',                                    'default',                                    array('bar' => 'baz'));        // Add call to /bar/bat        // (BarController::batAction())        $this->_helper->actionStack('bat', 'bar');    }}

Example #2 Adding a Task Using a Request Object
有时候OOP特性中的request object非常有意义;你也可以通过object的方法发送给ActionStack

class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action{    public function barAction()    {        // Add two actions to the stack        // Add call to /foo/baz/bar/baz        // (FooController::bazAction() with request var bar == baz)        $request = clone $this->getRequest();        // Don't set controller or module; use current values        $request->setActionName('baz')                ->setParams(array('bar' => 'baz'));        $this->_helper->actionStack($request);        // Add call to /bar/bat        // (BarController::batAction())        $request = clone $this->getRequest();        // don't set module; use current value        $request->setActionName('bat')                ->setControllerName('bar');        $this->_helper->actionStack($request);    }}
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