深度学习笔记(2):caffe 加新层 Attention LSTM layer

来源:互联网 发布:截断数据库是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:00

上一篇文章,详细地分析了LSTM layer 的源码和流程图,本篇将在caffe加入新层,Attention lstm layer。

在代码之前,我们先分析一下一些论文里的attention model 的公式和流程图。

(1):  Recurrent Models of Visual Attention 

A、Glimpse Sensor: 在t时刻,选取不同大小的区域,组合成数据ρ
B、Glimpse Network:图片局部信息与位置信息整合 
C、Model Architecture:ht-1隐藏记忆单元,与gt,生成新的ht,并以此生成attention,即感兴趣的地方。



大体思想是对提出的特征分割,即每张图片分割成49个部分(7X7),这样找出每张图片的关注地方,这里的图(b)有问题,作者的代码也反映出这一点。本文主要是在caffe里写出一个这样的Attention Lstm layer.

(3)  Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention 


二:ALSTM Layer 代码


#include <string>#include <vector>#include "caffe/blob.hpp"#include "caffe/common.hpp"#include "caffe/filler.hpp"#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/sequence_layers.hpp"#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype>void ALSTMLayer<Dtype>::RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const {  names->resize(2);  (*names)[0] = "h_0";  (*names)[1] = "c_0";}template <typename Dtype>void ALSTMLayer<Dtype>::RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const {  names->resize(2);  (*names)[0] = "h_" + this->int_to_str(this->T_);  (*names)[1] = "c_T";}template <typename Dtype>void ALSTMLayer<Dtype>::OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const {  names->resize(2);  (*names)[0] = "h";  (*names)[1] = "mask";}template <typename Dtype>void ALSTMLayer<Dtype>::FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const {  const int num_output = this->layer_param_.recurrent_param().num_output();  CHECK_GT(num_output, 0) << "num_output must be positive";  const FillerParameter& weight_filler =      this->layer_param_.recurrent_param().weight_filler();  const FillerParameter& bias_filler =      this->layer_param_.recurrent_param().bias_filler();  // Add generic LayerParameter's (without bottoms/tops) of layer types we'll  // use to save redundant code.  LayerParameter hidden_param;  hidden_param.set_type("InnerProduct");  hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_num_output(num_output * 4);  hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_bias_term(false);  hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(1);  hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->      mutable_weight_filler()->CopyFrom(weight_filler);  LayerParameter biased_hidden_param(hidden_param);  biased_hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_bias_term(true);  biased_hidden_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->      mutable_bias_filler()->CopyFrom(bias_filler);  LayerParameter attention_param;  attention_param.set_type("InnerProduct");  attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_num_output(256);  attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_bias_term(false);  attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(2);  attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->      mutable_weight_filler()->CopyFrom(weight_filler);  LayerParameter biased_attention_param(attention_param);  biased_attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->set_bias_term(true);  biased_attention_param.mutable_inner_product_param()->      mutable_bias_filler()->CopyFrom(bias_filler); // weight + bias  LayerParameter sum_param;  sum_param.set_type("Eltwise");  sum_param.mutable_eltwise_param()->set_operation(      EltwiseParameter_EltwiseOp_SUM);  LayerParameter slice_param;  slice_param.set_type("Slice");  slice_param.mutable_slice_param()->set_axis(0);  LayerParameter softmax_param;  softmax_param.set_type("Softmax");  softmax_param.mutable_softmax_param()->set_axis(-1);  LayerParameter split_param;  split_param.set_type("Split");  LayerParameter scale_param;  scale_param.set_type("Scale");  LayerParameter permute_param;  permute_param.set_type("Permute");  LayerParameter reshape_param;  reshape_param.set_type("Reshape");  LayerParameter bias_layer_param;  bias_layer_param.set_type("Bias");  LayerParameter pool_param;  pool_param.set_type("Pooling");  LayerParameter reshape_layer_param;  reshape_layer_param.set_type("Reshape");  BlobShape input_shape;  input_shape.add_dim(1);  // c_0 and h_0 are a single timestep  input_shape.add_dim(this->N_);  input_shape.add_dim(num_output);  net_param->add_input("c_0");  net_param->add_input_shape()->CopyFrom(input_shape);  net_param->add_input("h_0");  net_param->add_input_shape()->CopyFrom(input_shape);  LayerParameter* cont_slice_param = net_param->add_layer();  cont_slice_param->CopyFrom(slice_param);  cont_slice_param->set_name("cont_slice");  cont_slice_param->add_bottom("cont");  cont_slice_param->mutable_slice_param()->set_axis(1);  LayerParameter* x_slice_param = net_param->add_layer();  x_slice_param->CopyFrom(slice_param);  x_slice_param->set_name("x_slice");  x_slice_param->add_bottom("x");  // Add layer to transform all timesteps of x to the hidden state dimension.  //     W_xc_x = W_xc * x + b_c/*  {    LayerParameter* x_transform_param = net_param->add_layer();    x_transform_param->CopyFrom(biased_hidden_param);    x_transform_param->set_name("x_transform");    x_transform_param->add_param()->set_name("W_xc");    x_transform_param->add_param()->set_name("b_c");    x_transform_param->add_bottom("x");    x_transform_param->add_top("W_xc_x");  }  if (this->static_input_) {    // Add layer to transform x_static to the gate dimension.    //     W_xc_x_static = W_xc_static * x_static    LayerParameter* x_static_transform_param = net_param->add_layer();    x_static_transform_param->CopyFrom(hidden_param);    x_static_transform_param->mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(1);    x_static_transform_param->set_name("W_xc_x_static");    x_static_transform_param->add_param()->set_name("W_xc_static");    x_static_transform_param->add_bottom("x_static");    x_static_transform_param->add_top("W_xc_x_static");    LayerParameter* reshape_param = net_param->add_layer();    reshape_param->set_type("Reshape");    BlobShape* new_shape =         reshape_param->mutable_reshape_param()->mutable_shape();    new_shape->add_dim(1);  // One timestep.    new_shape->add_dim(this->N_);    new_shape->add_dim(        x_static_transform_param->inner_product_param().num_output());    reshape_param->add_bottom("W_xc_x_static");    reshape_param->add_top("W_xc_x_static");  }  LayerParameter* x_slice_param = net_param->add_layer();  x_slice_param->CopyFrom(slice_param);  x_slice_param->add_bottom("W_xc_x");  x_slice_param->set_name("W_xc_x_slice");*/  LayerParameter output_concat_layer;  output_concat_layer.set_name("h_concat");  output_concat_layer.set_type("Concat");  output_concat_layer.add_top("h");  output_concat_layer.mutable_concat_param()->set_axis(0);  LayerParameter output_m_layer;  output_m_layer.set_name("m_concat");  output_m_layer.set_type("Concat");  output_m_layer.add_top("mask");  output_m_layer.mutable_concat_param()->set_axis(0); // out put 2  for (int t = 1; t <= this->T_; ++t) {    string tm1s = this->int_to_str(t - 1);    string ts = this->int_to_str(t);    cont_slice_param->add_top("cont_" + ts);    x_slice_param->add_top("x_" + ts);    // Add a layer to permute x    {      LayerParameter* permute_x_param = net_param->add_layer();      permute_x_param->CopyFrom(permute_param);      permute_x_param->set_name("permute_x_" + ts);      permute_x_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(2);      permute_x_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(0);      permute_x_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(1);      permute_x_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(3);      permute_x_param->add_bottom("x_" + ts);      permute_x_param->add_top("x_p_" + ts);    }    //         // Add a layer to generate attention weights    {      LayerParameter* att_m_param = net_param->add_layer();      att_m_param->CopyFrom(biased_attention_param);      att_m_param->set_name("att_m_" + tm1s);      att_m_param->add_bottom("h_" + tm1s);      att_m_param->add_top("m_" + tm1s);     //     }   {      LayerParameter* permute_x_a_param = net_param->add_layer();      permute_x_a_param->CopyFrom(permute_param);      permute_x_a_param->set_name("permute_x_a_" + ts);      permute_x_a_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(0);      permute_x_a_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(1);      permute_x_a_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(3);      permute_x_a_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(2);      permute_x_a_param->add_bottom("x_" + ts);      permute_x_a_param->add_top("x_p_a_" + ts);    }  // here is to change!    {      LayerParameter* att_x_param = net_param->add_layer();      att_x_param->CopyFrom(biased_attention_param);      att_x_param->set_name("att_x_" + tm1s);      att_x_param->mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(3);      att_x_param->add_bottom("x_p_a_" + ts);      att_x_param->add_top("m_x_" + tm1s);    }    //  fc layer ,change output,dim    {      LayerParameter* permute_x_a_p_param = net_param->add_layer();      permute_x_a_p_param->CopyFrom(permute_param);      permute_x_a_p_param->set_name("permute_x_a_p_" + ts);      permute_x_a_p_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(2);      permute_x_a_p_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(0);      permute_x_a_p_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(1);      permute_x_a_p_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(3);      permute_x_a_p_param->add_bottom("m_x_" + tm1s);      permute_x_a_p_param->add_top("m_x_a_" + tm1s);    }    {      LayerParameter* m_sum_layer = net_param->add_layer();      m_sum_layer->CopyFrom(bias_layer_param);      m_sum_layer->set_name("mask_input_" + ts);      m_sum_layer->add_bottom("m_x_a_" + tm1s);      m_sum_layer->add_bottom("m_" + tm1s);      m_sum_layer->add_top("m_input_" + tm1s);    }   {      LayerParameter* att_x_ap_param = net_param->add_layer();      att_x_ap_param->CopyFrom(biased_attention_param);      att_x_ap_param->set_name("att_x_ap_" + tm1s);      att_x_ap_param->mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(3);      att_x_ap_param->mutable_inner_product_param()->set_num_output(1);      att_x_ap_param->add_bottom("m_input_" + tm1s);      att_x_ap_param->add_top("m_x_ap_" + tm1s);  //256---->1    }    {      LayerParameter* permute_m_param = net_param->add_layer();      permute_m_param->CopyFrom(permute_param);      permute_m_param->set_name("permute_m_" + ts);      permute_m_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(1);      permute_m_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(2);      permute_m_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(0);      permute_m_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(3);      permute_m_param->add_bottom("m_x_ap_" + tm1s);      permute_m_param->add_top("m_f_" + tm1s);  //10*8*30*1    }    // Add a softmax layers to generate attention masks    {      LayerParameter* softmax_m_param = net_param->add_layer();      softmax_m_param->CopyFrom(softmax_param);      softmax_m_param->mutable_softmax_param()->set_axis(2);      softmax_m_param->set_name("softmax_m_" + tm1s);      softmax_m_param->add_bottom("m_f_" + tm1s);      softmax_m_param->add_top("mask_" + tm1s);    }        {      LayerParameter* reshape_m_param = net_param->add_layer();      reshape_m_param->CopyFrom(reshape_layer_param);      BlobShape* shape = reshape_m_param->mutable_reshape_param()->mutable_shape();      shape->Clear();      shape->add_dim(0);      shape->add_dim(0);      shape->add_dim(0);      reshape_m_param->set_name("reshape_m_" + tm1s);      reshape_m_param->add_bottom("mask_" + tm1s);      reshape_m_param->add_top("mask_reshape_" + tm1s);    }    //Reshape mask from 1*6*36 to 1*6*6*6    /*    {      LayerParameter* reshape_param = net_param->add_layer();      reshape_param->set_type("Reshape");      BlobShape* new_shape =         reshape_param->mutable_reshape_param()->mutable_shape();      new_shape->add_dim(1);  // One timestep.      new_shape->add_dim(6);      new_shape->add_dim(6);      new_shape->add_dim(6);      reshape_param->add_bottom("mask_" +tm1s);      reshape_param->add_top("mask_reshape_" +tm1s);    }*/    // Conbine mask with input features    {      LayerParameter* scale_x_param = net_param->add_layer();      scale_x_param->CopyFrom(scale_param);      scale_x_param->set_name("scale_x_" + tm1s);      scale_x_param->add_bottom("x_p_" + ts);      scale_x_param->add_bottom("mask_reshape_" + tm1s);      scale_x_param->add_top("x_mask_" + ts);    }    {      LayerParameter* permute_x_mask_param = net_param->add_layer();      permute_x_mask_param->CopyFrom(permute_param);      permute_x_mask_param->set_name("permute_x_mask_" + ts);      permute_x_mask_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(1);      permute_x_mask_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(2);      permute_x_mask_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(0);      permute_x_mask_param->mutable_permute_param()->add_order(3);      permute_x_mask_param->add_bottom("x_mask_" + ts);      permute_x_mask_param->add_top("x_mask_p_" + ts);    }    {      LayerParameter* reshape_x_param = net_param->add_layer();      reshape_x_param->CopyFrom(reshape_param);      reshape_x_param->set_name("reshape_x_" +ts);      BlobShape* new_shape =         reshape_x_param->mutable_reshape_param()->mutable_shape();      new_shape->add_dim(this->N_);      new_shape->add_dim(512);//512//384      new_shape->add_dim(7);//7//6      new_shape->add_dim(7);//7//6      reshape_x_param->add_bottom("x_mask_p_" + ts);      reshape_x_param->add_top("x_mask_reshape_"+ts);    }    {      LayerParameter* pool_x_param = net_param->add_layer();      pool_x_param->CopyFrom(pool_param);      pool_x_param->set_name("pool_x_"+ts);      pool_x_param->mutable_pooling_param()->set_pool(PoolingParameter_PoolMethod_SUM);      pool_x_param->mutable_pooling_param()->set_kernel_size(7);//7//6      pool_x_param->add_bottom("x_mask_reshape_"+ts);      pool_x_param->add_top("x_pool_"+ts);    }    {      LayerParameter* x_transform_param = net_param->add_layer();      x_transform_param->CopyFrom(biased_hidden_param);      x_transform_param->set_name("x_transform_" + ts);      x_transform_param->add_param()->set_name("W_xc_" + ts);      x_transform_param->add_param()->set_name("b_c" + ts);      x_transform_param->add_bottom("x_pool_" +ts );      x_transform_param->add_top("W_xc_x_"+ts);    }    {      LayerParameter* x_transform_reshape_param = net_param->add_layer();      x_transform_reshape_param->CopyFrom(reshape_param);      x_transform_reshape_param->set_name("x_transform_reshape_" +ts);      BlobShape* new_shape_r =         x_transform_reshape_param->mutable_reshape_param()->mutable_shape();      new_shape_r->add_dim(1);      new_shape_r->add_dim(this->N_);      new_shape_r->add_dim(num_output * 4);      x_transform_reshape_param->add_bottom("W_xc_x_" + ts);      x_transform_reshape_param->add_top("W_xc_x_r_"+ts);    }    // Add layers to flush the hidden state when beginning a new    // sequence, as indicated by cont_t.    //     h_conted_{t-1} := cont_t * h_{t-1}    //    // Normally, cont_t is binary (i.e., 0 or 1), so:    //     h_conted_{t-1} := h_{t-1} if cont_t == 1    //                       0   otherwise    {      LayerParameter* cont_h_param = net_param->add_layer();      cont_h_param->CopyFrom(sum_param);      cont_h_param->mutable_eltwise_param()->set_coeff_blob(true);      cont_h_param->set_name("h_conted_" + tm1s);      cont_h_param->add_bottom("h_" + tm1s);      cont_h_param->add_bottom("cont_" + ts);      cont_h_param->add_top("h_conted_" + tm1s);    }    // Add layer to compute    //     W_hc_h_{t-1} := W_hc * h_conted_{t-1}    {      LayerParameter* w_param = net_param->add_layer();      w_param->CopyFrom(hidden_param);      w_param->set_name("transform_" + ts);      w_param->add_param()->set_name("W_hc");      w_param->add_bottom("h_conted_" + tm1s);      w_param->add_top("W_hc_h_" + tm1s);      w_param->mutable_inner_product_param()->set_axis(2);    }    // Add the outputs of the linear transformations to compute the gate input.    //     gate_input_t := W_hc * h_conted_{t-1} + W_xc * x_t + b_c    //                   = W_hc_h_{t-1} + W_xc_x_t + b_c    {      LayerParameter* input_sum_layer = net_param->add_layer();      input_sum_layer->CopyFrom(sum_param);      input_sum_layer->set_name("gate_input_" + ts);      input_sum_layer->add_bottom("W_hc_h_" + tm1s);      input_sum_layer->add_bottom("W_xc_x_r_" + ts);      if (this->static_input_) {        input_sum_layer->add_bottom("W_xc_x_static");      }      input_sum_layer->add_top("gate_input_" + ts);    }    // Add LSTMUnit layer to compute the cell & hidden vectors c_t and h_t.    // Inputs: c_{t-1}, gate_input_t = (i_t, f_t, o_t, g_t), cont_t    // Outputs: c_t, h_t    //     [ i_t' ]    //     [ f_t' ] := gate_input_t    //     [ o_t' ]    //     [ g_t' ]    //         i_t := \sigmoid[i_t']    //         f_t := \sigmoid[f_t']    //         o_t := \sigmoid[o_t']    //         g_t := \tanh[g_t']    //         c_t := cont_t * (f_t .* c_{t-1}) + (i_t .* g_t)    //         h_t := o_t .* \tanh[c_t]    {      LayerParameter* lstm_unit_param = net_param->add_layer();      lstm_unit_param->set_type("LSTMUnit");      lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("c_" + tm1s);      lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("gate_input_" + ts);      lstm_unit_param->add_bottom("cont_" + ts);      lstm_unit_param->add_top("c_" + ts);      lstm_unit_param->add_top("h_" + ts);      lstm_unit_param->set_name("unit_" + ts);    }    output_concat_layer.add_bottom("h_" + ts);    output_m_layer.add_bottom("mask_" + tm1s);  }  // for (int t = 1; t <= this->T_; ++t)  {    LayerParameter* c_T_copy_param = net_param->add_layer();    c_T_copy_param->CopyFrom(split_param);    c_T_copy_param->add_bottom("c_" + this->int_to_str(this->T_));    c_T_copy_param->add_top("c_T");  }  net_param->add_layer()->CopyFrom(output_concat_layer);  net_param->add_layer()->CopyFrom(output_m_layer);}INSTANTIATE_CLASS(ALSTMLayer);REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(ALSTM);}  // namespace caffe


#ifndef CAFFE_SEQUENCE_LAYERS_HPP_#define CAFFE_SEQUENCE_LAYERS_HPP_#include <string>#include <utility>#include <vector>#include "caffe/blob.hpp"#include "caffe/common.hpp"#include "caffe/layer.hpp"#include "caffe/net.hpp"#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"namespace caffe {template <typename Dtype> class RecurrentLayer;/** * @brief An abstract class for implementing recurrent behavior inside of an *        unrolled network.  This Layer type cannot be instantiated -- instaed, *        you should use one of its implementations which defines the recurrent *        architecture, such as RNNLayer or LSTMLayer. */template <typename Dtype>class RecurrentLayer : public Layer<Dtype> { public:  explicit RecurrentLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : Layer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Reset();  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "Recurrent"; }  virtual inline int MinBottomBlobs() const { return 2; }  virtual inline int MaxBottomBlobs() const { return 3; }  //virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return 2; }  virtual inline int MinTopBlobs() const {return 1; }  virtual inline int MaxTopBlobs() const {return 2; }  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {    // Can't propagate to sequence continuation indicators.    return bottom_index != 1;  } protected:  /**   * @brief Fills net_param with the recurrent network arcthiecture.  Subclasses   *        should define this -- see RNNLayer and LSTMLayer for examples.   */  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const = 0;  /**   * @brief Fills names with the names of the 0th timestep recurrent input   *        Blob&s.  Subclasses should define this -- see RNNLayer and LSTMLayer   *        for examples.   */  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const = 0;  /**   * @brief Fills names with the names of the Tth timestep recurrent output   *        Blob&s.  Subclasses should define this -- see RNNLayer and LSTMLayer   *        for examples.   */  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const = 0;  /**   * @brief Fills names with the names of the output blobs, concatenated across   *        all timesteps.  Should return a name for each top Blob.   *        Subclasses should define this -- see RNNLayer and LSTMLayer for   *        examples.   */  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const = 0;  /**   * @param bottom input Blob vector (length 2-3)   *   *   -# @f$ (T \times N \times ...) @f$   *      the time-varying input @f$ x @f$.  After the first two axes, whose   *      dimensions must correspond to the number of timesteps @f$ T @f$ and   *      the number of independent streams @f$ N @f$, respectively, its   *      dimensions may be arbitrary.  Note that the ordering of dimensions --   *      @f$ (T \times N \times ...) @f$, rather than   *      @f$ (N \times T \times ...) @f$ -- means that the @f$ N @f$   *      independent input streams must be "interleaved".   *   *   -# @f$ (T \times N) @f$   *      the sequence continuation indicators @f$ \delta @f$.   *      These inputs should be binary (0 or 1) indicators, where   *      @f$ \delta_{t,n} = 0 @f$ means that timestep @f$ t @f$ of stream   *      @f$ n @f$ is the beginning of a new sequence, and hence the previous   *      hidden state @f$ h_{t-1} @f$ is multiplied by @f$ \delta_t = 0 @f$   *      and has no effect on the cell's output at timestep @f$ t @f$, and   *      a value of @f$ \delta_{t,n} = 1 @f$ means that timestep @f$ t @f$ of   *      stream @f$ n @f$ is a continuation from the previous timestep   *      @f$ t-1 @f$, and the previous hidden state @f$ h_{t-1} @f$ affects the   *      updated hidden state and output.   *   *   -# @f$ (N \times ...) @f$ (optional)   *      the static (non-time-varying) input @f$ x_{static} @f$.   *      After the first axis, whose dimension must be the number of   *      independent streams, its dimensions may be arbitrary.   *      This is mathematically equivalent to using a time-varying input of   *      @f$ x'_t = [x_t; x_{static}] @f$ -- i.e., tiling the static input   *      across the @f$ T @f$ timesteps and concatenating with the time-varying   *      input.  Note that if this input is used, all timesteps in a single   *      batch within a particular one of the @f$ N @f$ streams must share the   *      same static input, even if the sequence continuation indicators   *      suggest that difference sequences are ending and beginning within a   *      single batch.  This may require padding and/or truncation for uniform   *      length.   *   * @param top output Blob vector (length 1)   *   -# @f$ (T \times N \times D) @f$   *      the time-varying output @f$ y @f$, where @f$ D @f$ is   *      <code>recurrent_param.num_output()</code>.   *      Refer to documentation for particular RecurrentLayer implementations   *      (such as RNNLayer and LSTMLayer) for the definition of @f$ y @f$.   */  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  /// @brief A helper function, useful for stringifying timestep indices.  virtual string int_to_str(const int t) const;  /// @brief A Net to implement the Recurrent functionality.  shared_ptr<Net<Dtype> > unrolled_net_;  /// @brief The number of independent streams to process simultaneously.  int N_;  /**   * @brief The number of timesteps in the layer's input, and the number of   *        timesteps over which to backpropagate through time.   */  int T_;  /// @brief Whether the layer has a "static" input copied across all timesteps.  bool static_input_;  vector<Blob<Dtype>* > recur_input_blobs_;  vector<Blob<Dtype>* > recur_output_blobs_;  vector<Blob<Dtype>* > output_blobs_;  Blob<Dtype>* x_input_blob_;  Blob<Dtype>* x_static_input_blob_;  Blob<Dtype>* cont_input_blob_;};/** * @brief Processes sequential inputs using a "Long Short-Term Memory" (LSTM) *        [1] style recurrent neural network (RNN). Implemented as a network *        unrolled the LSTM computation in time. * * * The specific architecture used in this implementation is as described in * "Learning to Execute" [2], reproduced below: *     i_t := \sigmoid[ W_{hi} * h_{t-1} + W_{xi} * x_t + b_i ] *     f_t := \sigmoid[ W_{hf} * h_{t-1} + W_{xf} * x_t + b_f ] *     o_t := \sigmoid[ W_{ho} * h_{t-1} + W_{xo} * x_t + b_o ] *     g_t :=    \tanh[ W_{hg} * h_{t-1} + W_{xg} * x_t + b_g ] *     c_t := (f_t .* c_{t-1}) + (i_t .* g_t) *     h_t := o_t .* \tanh[c_t] * In the implementation, the i, f, o, and g computations are performed as a * single inner product. * * Notably, this implementation lacks the "diagonal" gates, as used in the * LSTM architectures described by Alex Graves [3] and others. * * [1] Hochreiter, Sepp, and Schmidhuber, J黵gen. "Long short-term memory." *     Neural Computation 9, no. 8 (1997): 1735-1780. * * [2] Zaremba, Wojciech, and Sutskever, Ilya. "Learning to execute." *     arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.4615 (2014). * * [3] Graves, Alex. "Generating sequences with recurrent neural networks." *     arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.0850 (2013). */template <typename Dtype>class LSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit LSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "LSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class LSTMStaticLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit LSTMStaticLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "LSTMStatic"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class LSTMStaticNewLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit LSTMStaticNewLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "LSTMStaticNew"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ASLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ASLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ASLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ADLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ADLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ADLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ALSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ALSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ALSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};//coupled LSTM layertemplate <typename Dtype>class CLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit CLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "CLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};//coupled LSTM layertemplate <typename Dtype>class ACLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ACLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ACLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ACTLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ACTLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ACTLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ACSLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ACSLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ACSLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ACSSLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ACSSLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ACSSLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ACSSLSTMStaticLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ACSSLSTMStaticLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ACSSLSTMStatic"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};template <typename Dtype>class ATLSTMLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit ATLSTMLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ATLSTM"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};/** * @brief A helper for LSTMLayer: computes a single timestep of the *        non-linearity of the LSTM, producing the updated cell and hidden *        states. */template <typename Dtype>class LSTMUnitLayer : public Layer<Dtype> { public:  explicit LSTMUnitLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : Layer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "LSTMUnit"; }  virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return 3; }  virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return 2; }  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {    // Can't propagate to sequence continuation indicators.    return bottom_index != 2;  } protected:  /**   * @param bottom input Blob vector (length 3)   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$   *      the previous timestep cell state @f$ c_{t-1} @f$   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times 4D) @f$   *      the "gate inputs" @f$ [i_t', f_t', o_t', g_t'] @f$   *   -# @f$ (1 \times 1 \times N) @f$   *      the sequence continuation indicators  @f$ \delta_t @f$   * @param top output Blob vector (length 2)   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$   *      the updated cell state @f$ c_t @f$, computed as:   *          i_t := \sigmoid[i_t']   *          f_t := \sigmoid[f_t']   *          o_t := \sigmoid[o_t']   *          g_t := \tanh[g_t']   *          c_t := cont_t * (f_t .* c_{t-1}) + (i_t .* g_t)   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$   *      the updated hidden state @f$ h_t @f$, computed as:   *          h_t := o_t .* \tanh[c_t]   */  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);  /**   * @brief Computes the error gradient w.r.t. the LSTMUnit inputs.   *   * @param top output Blob vector (length 2), providing the error gradient with   *        respect to the outputs   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$:   *      containing error gradients @f$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial c_t} @f$   *      with respect to the updated cell state @f$ c_t @f$   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$:   *      containing error gradients @f$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial h_t} @f$   *      with respect to the updated cell state @f$ h_t @f$   * @param propagate_down see Layer::Backward.   * @param bottom input Blob vector (length 3), into which the error gradients   *        with respect to the LSTMUnit inputs @f$ c_{t-1} @f$ and the gate   *        inputs are computed.  Computatation of the error gradients w.r.t.   *        the sequence indicators is not implemented.   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times D) @f$   *      the error gradient w.r.t. the previous timestep cell state   *      @f$ c_{t-1} @f$   *   -# @f$ (1 \times N \times 4D) @f$   *      the error gradient w.r.t. the "gate inputs"   *      @f$ [   *          \frac{\partial E}{\partial i_t}   *          \frac{\partial E}{\partial f_t}   *          \frac{\partial E}{\partial o_t}   *          \frac{\partial E}{\partial g_t}   *          ] @f$   *   -# @f$ (1 \times 1 \times N) @f$   *      the gradient w.r.t. the sequence continuation indicators   *      @f$ \delta_t @f$ is currently not computed.   */  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,      const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  /// @brief The hidden and output dimension.  int hidden_dim_;  Blob<Dtype> X_acts_;};/** * @brief Processes time-varying inputs using a simple recurrent neural network *        (RNN). Implemented as a network unrolling the RNN computation in time. * * Given time-varying inputs @f$ x_t @f$, computes hidden state @f$ *     h_t := \tanh[ W_{hh} h_{t_1} + W_{xh} x_t + b_h ] * @f$, and outputs @f$ *     o_t := \tanh[ W_{ho} h_t + b_o ] * @f$. */template <typename Dtype>class RNNLayer : public RecurrentLayer<Dtype> { public:  explicit RNNLayer(const LayerParameter& param)      : RecurrentLayer<Dtype>(param) {}  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "RNN"; } protected:  virtual void FillUnrolledNet(NetParameter* net_param) const;  virtual void RecurrentInputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void RecurrentOutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;  virtual void OutputBlobNames(vector<string>* names) const;};}  // namespace caffe#endif  // CAFFE_SEQUENCE_LAYERS_HPP_

代码就不注释了,有问题可以留言。代码主要是在LSTM Unit前进行一些数据预处理,计算出Mask(即Attention),这里给出attention的计算方式,方便大家理解代码。


补充:博主推了半天的维度,参考LSTM layer,测试成功。但是博主参考一篇AAAI论文对一些joint坐标进行attention,改动代码测试失败,发邮件给作者无人回复,严重怀疑造假。为什么坐标就不行呢?因为上述代码是写图片的区域的,而坐标就3个点,维度太低。

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