
来源:互联网 发布:招聘程序员 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 12:18


/** * SubscriptionController to provide an inter-process communication to * access Sms in Icc. * * Any setters which take subId, slotId or phoneId as a parameter will throw an exception if the * parameter equals the corresponding INVALID_XXX_ID or DEFAULT_XXX_ID. * * All getters will lookup the corresponding default if the parameter is DEFAULT_XXX_ID. Ie calling * getPhoneId(DEFAULT_SUB_ID) will return the same as getPhoneId(getDefaultSubId()). * * Finally, any getters which perform the mapping between subscriptions, slots and phones will * return the corresponding INVALID_XXX_ID if the parameter is INVALID_XXX_ID. All other getters * will fail and return the appropriate error value. Ie calling getSlotId(INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) * will return INVALID_SLOT_ID and calling getSubInfoForSubscriber(INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) * will return null. * */public class SubscriptionController extends ISub.Stub {    ......}

private SubscriptionController(Context c) {    mContext = c;    mCM = CallManager.getInstance();    mTelephonyManager = TelephonyManager.from(mContext);    mAppOps = mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);    if(ServiceManager.getService("isub") == null) {            ServiceManager.addService("isub", this);    }    if (DBG) logdl("[SubscriptionController] init by Context");}
private SubscriptionController(Phone phone) {    mContext = phone.getContext();    mCM = CallManager.getInstance();    mAppOps = mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);    if(ServiceManager.getService("isub") == null) {            ServiceManager.addService("isub", this);    }    if (DBG) logdl("[SubscriptionController] init by Phone");}


public static SubscriptionController getInstance() {    if (sInstance == null)    {       Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "getInstance null");    }    return sInstance;}

// Leo, 构造函数,第二个对象是RIL对象数组,单例模式public static SubscriptionController init(Context c, CommandsInterface[] ci) {    synchronized (SubscriptionController.class) {        if (sInstance == null) {            sInstance = new SubscriptionController(c);        } else {            Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "init() called multiple times!  sInstance = " + sInstance);        }        return sInstance;    }}

从以上可以看出,如果从外部需要获取SubscriptionController对象,我们可以通过两种方法获取,一种是调用其static init方法,另一个是getInstance方法,但是,如果我们使用getInstance方法,在此之前,一定已经调用过init方法了。


public void notifySubscriptionInfoChanged() {     ITelephonyRegistry tr = ITelephonyRegistry.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(             "telephony.registry"));     try {         if (DBG) logd("notifySubscriptionInfoChanged:");         tr.notifySubscriptionInfoChanged();     } catch (RemoteException ex) {         // Should never happen because its always available.     }     // FIXME: Remove if listener technique accepted.     broadcastSimInfoContentChanged(); }
/** * Broadcast when SubscriptionInfo has changed * FIXME: Hopefully removed if the API council accepts SubscriptionInfoListener */ private void broadcastSimInfoContentChanged() {    Intent intent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SUBINFO_CONTENT_CHANGE);    mContext.sendBroadcast(intent);    intent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SUBINFO_RECORD_UPDATED);    mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); }

/** * Get the SubInfoRecord(s) of the currently inserted SIM(s) * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return Array list of currently inserted SubInfoRecord(s) */@Overridepublic List<SubscriptionInfo> getActiveSubscriptionInfoList(String callingPackage) {    ......    if (!canReadPhoneState(callingPackage, "getActiveSubscriptionInfoList")) {        return null;    }    // Now that all security checks passes, perform the operation as ourselves.    final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();    try {        if (!isSubInfoReady()) {            ......            return null;        }        List<SubscriptionInfo> subList = getSubInfo(                SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX + ">=0", null);        if (subList != null) {            // FIXME: Unnecessary when an insertion sort is used!            Collections.sort(subList, new Comparator<SubscriptionInfo>() {                @Override                public int compare(SubscriptionInfo arg0, SubscriptionInfo arg1) {                    // Primary sort key on SimSlotIndex                    int flag = arg0.getSimSlotIndex() - arg1.getSimSlotIndex();                    if (flag == 0) {                        // Secondary sort on SubscriptionId                        return arg0.getSubscriptionId() - arg1.getSubscriptionId();                    }                    return flag;                }            });            ......        } else {            ......        }        return subList;    } finally {        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);    }}
/** * Query SubInfoRecord(s) from subinfo database * @param selection A filter declaring which rows to return * @param queryKey query key content * @return Array list of queried result from database */ private List<SubscriptionInfo> getSubInfo(String selection, Object queryKey) {    ......    String[] selectionArgs = null;    if (queryKey != null) {        selectionArgs = new String[] {queryKey.toString()};    }    ArrayList<SubscriptionInfo> subList = null;    Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI,            null, selection, selectionArgs, null);    try {        if (cursor != null) {            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {                SubscriptionInfo subInfo = getSubInfoRecord(cursor);                if (subInfo != null)                {                    if (subList == null)                    {                        subList = new ArrayList<SubscriptionInfo>();                    }                    subList.add(subInfo);                }            }        } else {            if (DBG) logd("Query fail");        }    } finally {        if (cursor != null) {            cursor.close();        }    }    return subList;}
/** * New SubInfoRecord instance and fill in detail info * @param cursor * @return the query result of desired SubInfoRecord */private SubscriptionInfo getSubInfoRecord(Cursor cursor) {    int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID));    String iccId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.ICC_ID));    int simSlotIndex = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX));    String displayName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.DISPLAY_NAME));    String carrierName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.CARRIER_NAME));    int nameSource = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE));    int iconTint = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.COLOR));    String number = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.NUMBER));    int dataRoaming = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.DATA_ROAMING));    // Get the blank bitmap for this SubInfoRecord    Bitmap iconBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources(),            com.android.internal.R.drawable.ic_sim_card_multi_24px_clr);    int mcc = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.MCC));    int mnc = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(            SubscriptionManager.MNC));    // FIXME: consider stick this into database too    String countryIso = getSubscriptionCountryIso(id);    ......    // If line1number has been set to a different number, use it instead.    String line1Number = mTelephonyManager.getLine1NumberForSubscriber(id);    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(line1Number) && !line1Number.equals(number)) {        number = line1Number;    }    return new SubscriptionInfo(id, iccId, simSlotIndex, displayName, carrierName,            nameSource, iconTint, number, dataRoaming, iconBitmap, mcc, mnc, countryIso);}

/** * Get the active SubscriptionInfo with the subId key * @param subId The unique SubscriptionInfo key in database * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return SubscriptionInfo, maybe null if its not active */@Overridepublic SubscriptionInfo getActiveSubscriptionInfo(int subId, String callingPackage) {    ......}

/** * Get the active SubscriptionInfo associated with the iccId * @param iccId the IccId of SIM card * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return SubscriptionInfo, maybe null if its not active */@Overridepublic SubscriptionInfo getActiveSubscriptionInfoForIccId(String iccId, String callingPackage) {    ......}

/** * Get the active SubscriptionInfo associated with the slotIdx * @param slotIdx the slot which the subscription is inserted * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return SubscriptionInfo, maybe null if its not active */@Overridepublic SubscriptionInfo getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex(int slotIdx, String callingPackage) {    ......}

/** * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return List of all SubscriptionInfo records in database, * include those that were inserted before, maybe empty but not null. * @hide */@Overridepublic List<SubscriptionInfo> getAllSubInfoList(String callingPackage) {    ......}

/** * Get the SUB count of active SUB(s) * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return active SIM count */@Overridepublic int getActiveSubInfoCount(String callingPackage) {    ......}

/** * Get the SUB count of all SUB(s) in SubscriptoinInfo database * @param callingPackage The package making the IPC. * @return all SIM count in database, include what was inserted before */@Overridepublic int getAllSubInfoCount(String callingPackage) {    ......}
/** * @return the maximum number of subscriptions this device will support at any one time. */@Overridepublic int getActiveSubInfoCountMax() {    ......}

/** * Add a new SubInfoRecord to subinfo database if needed * @param iccId the IccId of the SIM card * @param slotId the slot which the SIM is inserted * @return 0 if success, < 0 on error. */@Overridepublic int addSubInfoRecord(String iccId, int slotId) {    if (DBG) logdl("[addSubInfoRecord]+ iccId:" + iccId + " slotId:" + slotId);    enforceModifyPhoneState("addSubInfoRecord");    // Now that all security checks passes, perform the operation as ourselves.    final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();    try {        if (iccId == null) {            if (DBG) logdl("[addSubInfoRecord]- null iccId");            return -1;        }        ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();        // 根据iccId,从数据库中查找        Cursor cursor = resolver.query(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI,                new String[]{SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID,                        SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX, SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE},                SubscriptionManager.ICC_ID + "=?", new String[]{iccId}, null);        // 获取SIM卡代表的颜色        int color = getUnusedColor(mContext.getOpPackageName());        boolean setDisplayName = false;        try {            if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {            // 若数据库中无此SIM卡,即此前并未插入过此SIM卡,则将这张SIM卡信息插入到数据库中                setDisplayName = true;                ContentValues value = new ContentValues();                value.put(SubscriptionManager.ICC_ID, iccId);                // default SIM color differs between slots                value.put(SubscriptionManager.COLOR, color);                value.put(SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX, slotId);                value.put(SubscriptionManager.CARRIER_NAME, "");                Uri uri = resolver.insert(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, value);                if (DBG) logdl("[addSubInfoRecord] New record created: " + uri);            } else {            // 若此前已保存有此SIM卡信息,则更新此SIM卡的信息                int subId = cursor.getInt(0);                int oldSimInfoId = cursor.getInt(1);                int nameSource = cursor.getInt(2);                ContentValues value = new ContentValues();                if (slotId != oldSimInfoId) {                    value.put(SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX, slotId);                }                // 若displayName和此前已经保存的数据不一致,则将setDisplayName的值,切换为true                if (nameSource != SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE_USER_INPUT) {                    setDisplayName = true;                }                if (value.size() > 0) {                    resolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, value,                            SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID +                                    "=" + Long.toString(subId), null);                }                if (DBG) logdl("[addSubInfoRecord] Record already exists");            }        } finally {            if (cursor != null) {                cursor.close();            }        }        // 根据SIM卡的slot Index,查询数据库中是否已有此SIM卡信息        cursor = resolver.query(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, null,                SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX + "=?",                new String[] {String.valueOf(slotId)}, null);        try {            if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {            // 若已有SIM卡信息,则做一些操作                do {                    int subId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(                            SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID));                    // If sSlotIdxToSubId already has a valid subId for a slotId/phoneId,                    // do not add another subId for same slotId/phoneId.                    Integer currentSubId = sSlotIdxToSubId.get(slotId);                    if (currentSubId == null                            || !SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(currentSubId)) {                        // TODO While two subs active, if user deactivats first                        // one, need to update the default subId with second one.                        // FIXME: Currently we assume phoneId == slotId which in the future                        // may not be true, for instance with multiple subs per slot.                        // But is true at the moment.                        sSlotIdxToSubId.put(slotId, subId);                        int subIdCountMax = getActiveSubInfoCountMax();                        int defaultSubId = getDefaultSubId();                        ......                        // Set the default sub if not set or if single sim device                        if (!SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(defaultSubId)                                || subIdCountMax == 1) {                            setDefaultFallbackSubId(subId);                        }                        // If single sim device, set this subscription as the default for everything                        // 若为单卡手机,则更新其默认数据连接卡,默认短信卡,默认语音通话卡                        if (subIdCountMax == 1) {                            ......                            setDefaultDataSubId(subId);                            setDefaultSmsSubId(subId);                            setDefaultVoiceSubId(subId);                        }                    } else {                        ......                    }                    ......                } while (cursor.moveToNext());            }        } finally {            if (cursor != null) {                cursor.close();            }        }        // Set Display name after sub id is set above so as to get valid simCarrierName        int[] subIds = getSubId(slotId);        if (subIds == null || subIds.length == 0) {            ......            return -1;        }        if (setDisplayName) {        // 获取SIM卡的CarrierName            String simCarrierName = mTelephonyManager.getSimOperatorNameForSubscription(subIds[0]);            String nameToSet;            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(simCarrierName)) {                nameToSet = simCarrierName;            } else {                nameToSet = "CARD " + Integer.toString(slotId + 1);            }            ContentValues value = new ContentValues();            value.put(SubscriptionManager.DISPLAY_NAME, nameToSet);            resolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, value,                    SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID +                            "=" + Long.toString(subIds[0]), null);            ......        }        // Once the records are loaded, notify DcTracker        // 通知DcTracker        updateAllDataConnectionTrackers();        .....    } finally {        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);    }    return 0;}


2)根据slot index,查找数据库,确认数据库中已有该SIM卡信息,对于该SIM卡进行必要的操作,如若是单卡机器,则将其默认数据连接卡/默认短信卡/默认语音通话卡设置为该卡等


/** * Generate and set carrier text based on input parameters * @param showPlmn flag to indicate if plmn should be included in carrier text * @param plmn plmn to be included in carrier text * @param showSpn flag to indicate if spn should be included in carrier text * @param spn spn to be included in carrier text * @return true if carrier text is set, false otherwise */public boolean setPlmnSpn(int slotId, boolean showPlmn, String plmn, boolean showSpn,                          String spn) {    synchronized (mLock) {        int[] subIds = getSubId(slotId);        if (mContext.getPackageManager().resolveContentProvider(                SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI.getAuthority(), 0) == null ||                subIds == null ||                !SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subIds[0])) {            // No place to store this info. Notify registrants of the change anyway as they            // might retrieve the SPN/PLMN text from the SST sticky broadcast.            // TODO: This can be removed once SubscriptionController is not running on devices            // that don't need it, such as TVs.            if (DBG) logd("[setPlmnSpn] No valid subscription to store info");            notifySubscriptionInfoChanged();            return false;        }        String carrierText = "";        if (showPlmn) {            carrierText = plmn;            if (showSpn) {                // Need to show both plmn and spn if both are not same.                if(!Objects.equals(spn, plmn)) {                    String separator = mContext.getString(                            com.android.internal.R.string.kg_text_message_separator).toString();                    carrierText = new StringBuilder().append(carrierText).append(separator)                            .append(spn).toString();                }            }        } else if (showSpn) {            carrierText = spn;        }        for (int i = 0; i < subIds.length; i++) {            setCarrierText(carrierText, subIds[i]);        }        return true;    }}

/** * Set display name by simInfo index * @param displayName the display name of SIM card * @param subId the unique SubInfoRecord index in database * @return the number of records updated */@Overridepublic int setDisplayName(String displayName, int subId) {    return setDisplayNameUsingSrc(displayName, subId, -1);}
/** * Set display name by simInfo index with name source * @param displayName the display name of SIM card * @param subId the unique SubInfoRecord index in database * @param nameSource 0: NAME_SOURCE_DEFAULT_SOURCE, 1: NAME_SOURCE_SIM_SOURCE, *                   2: NAME_SOURCE_USER_INPUT, -1 NAME_SOURCE_UNDEFINED * @return the number of records updated */@Overridepublic int setDisplayNameUsingSrc(String displayName, int subId, long nameSource) {    ......    // Now that all security checks passes, perform the operation as ourselves.    final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();    try {        validateSubId(subId);        String nameToSet;        if (displayName == null) {            nameToSet = mContext.getString(SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_NAME_RES);        } else {            nameToSet = displayName;        }        ContentValues value = new ContentValues(1);        value.put(SubscriptionManager.DISPLAY_NAME, nameToSet);        if (nameSource >= SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE_DEFAULT_SOURCE) {            ......            value.put(SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE, nameSource);        }        ......        int result = mContext.getContentResolver().update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI,                value, SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID + "=" +                Long.toString(subId), null);        notifySubscriptionInfoChanged();        return result;    } finally {        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);    }}

/** * Set phone number by subId * @param number the phone number of the SIM * @param subId the unique SubInfoRecord index in database * @return the number of records updated */@Overridepublic int setDisplayNumber(String number, int subId) {    ......}
/** * Set MCC/MNC by subscription ID * @param mccMnc MCC/MNC associated with the subscription * @param subId the unique SubInfoRecord index in database * @return the number of records updated */public int setMccMnc(String mccMnc, int subId) {    ......}
/** * Set MCC/MNC by subscription ID * @param mccMnc MCC/MNC associated with the subscription * @param subId the unique SubInfoRecord index in database * @return the number of records updated */public int setMccMnc(String mccMnc, int subId) {    ......}
@Overridepublic void setDefaultSmsSubId(int subId) {    enforceModifyPhoneState("setDefaultSmsSubId");    if (subId == SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) {        throw new RuntimeException("setDefaultSmsSubId called with DEFAULT_SUB_ID");    }    if (DBG) logdl("[setDefaultSmsSubId] subId=" + subId);    Settings.Global.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),            Settings.Global.MULTI_SIM_SMS_SUBSCRIPTION, subId);    broadcastDefaultSmsSubIdChanged(subId);}

@Overridepublic void setDefaultVoiceSubId(int subId) {    enforceModifyPhoneState("setDefaultVoiceSubId");    if (subId == SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) {        throw new RuntimeException("setDefaultVoiceSubId called with DEFAULT_SUB_ID");    }    if (DBG) logdl("[setDefaultVoiceSubId] subId=" + subId);    Settings.Global.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),            Settings.Global.MULTI_SIM_VOICE_CALL_SUBSCRIPTION, subId);    broadcastDefaultVoiceSubIdChanged(subId);}

@Overridepublic void setDefaultDataSubId(int subId) {    enforceModifyPhoneState("setDefaultDataSubId");    if (subId == SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) {        throw new RuntimeException("setDefaultDataSubId called with DEFAULT_SUB_ID");    }    if (DBG) logdl("[setDefaultDataSubId] subId=" + subId);    ProxyController proxyController = ProxyController.getInstance();    int len = sProxyPhones.length;    logdl("[setDefaultDataSubId] num phones=" + len);    if (SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) {        // Only re-map modems if the new default data sub is valid        RadioAccessFamily[] rafs = new RadioAccessFamily[len];        boolean atLeastOneMatch = false;        for (int phoneId = 0; phoneId < len; phoneId++) {            PhoneProxy phone = sProxyPhones[phoneId];            int raf;            int id = phone.getSubId();            if (id == subId) {                // TODO Handle the general case of N modems and M subscriptions.                raf = proxyController.getMaxRafSupported();                atLeastOneMatch = true;            } else {                // TODO Handle the general case of N modems and M subscriptions.                raf = proxyController.getMinRafSupported();            }            logdl("[setDefaultDataSubId] phoneId=" + phoneId + " subId=" + id + " RAF=" + raf);            rafs[phoneId] = new RadioAccessFamily(phoneId, raf);        }        if (atLeastOneMatch) {            proxyController.setRadioCapability(rafs);        } else {            if (DBG) logdl("[setDefaultDataSubId] no valid subId's found - not updating.");        }    }    // FIXME is this still needed?    updateAllDataConnectionTrackers();    Settings.Global.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),            Settings.Global.MULTI_SIM_DATA_CALL_SUBSCRIPTION, subId);    broadcastDefaultDataSubIdChanged(subId);}

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