
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝收费推广有哪些 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:52
#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>class Vector{    //定义几个类型,以便于管理public:    typedef T ValueType;    typedef ValueType* Pointer;    typedef const ValueType* ConstPointer;    typedef ValueType* Iterator;    typedef const ValueType* ConstIterator;    typedef ValueType& Reference;    typedef const ValueType& ConstReference;    typedef size_t SizeType;public:    // 构造函数-无参数    Vector()        : _start(0)        , _end(0)        , _endOfStorage(0)    { }    // 构造函数-有参数-->n个值为value的数据    Vector(SizeType n, const T& value)    {        FillAndInit(n, value);    }    //构造函数-有参数-->n个默认的元素    Vector(SizeType n)    {        FillAndInit(n, T());    }    //拷贝构造函数    Vector(const Vector<T>& v)    {        _start = new T[v.Capacity()];        _end = _start + v.Size();        _endOfStorage = _start + v.Capacity();        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < v.Size(); idx++)            _start[idx] = v._start[idx];    }    // 赋值运算符的重载函数    Vector<T>& operator=(const Vector<T>& v)    {        _start = new T[v.Capacity()];        _end = _start + v.Size();        _endOfStorage = _start + v.Capacity();        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < v.Size(); idx++)        {            _start[idx] = v._start[idx];        }        return *this;    }    //析构函数    ~Vector()    {        delete[] _start;      //只为_start开辟空间了,所以只释放_start的空间        _start = NULL;    }    /*---操作容量的一系列函数---*/    //返回容量的大小    SizeType Capacity()const    {        return SizeType(_endOfStorage - Begin());   // 记得强转为SizeType型的数据再返回    }    //返回此时存了多少个数据    SizeType Size()const    {        return SizeType(_end - _start);    }    //返回这个开辟的空间最多能存多少个数据    SizeType MaxSize()const    {        return SizeType(-1) / sizeof(T);         //数据容量用SizeTyep类型的标量保存,用最大的数字除以每个数据的大小,既是可保存数据的作答容量    }    //判断该对象是否为空,空则返回1,否则返回0    bool Empty()const    {        return (Begin() == End());    }    /*---一系列操纵表中数据的函数---*/    // []的重载函数,可以直接用下标访问表中元素    Reference operator[](size_t index)    {        return _start[index];    }    // const类型的[]的重载函数,可以直接用下标访问表中元素    ConstReference operator[](size_t index)const    {        return *(begin() + index);    }    // 采用引用返回头元素的值    Reference Front()    {        return *Begin();    }    //采用const的引用返回头元素的值    ConstReference Front()const    {        return *Begin();    }    // 采用引用返回尾元素的值    Reference Back()    {        return *(End() - 1);    }    //采用const的引用返回尾元素的值    ConstReference Back()const    {        return *(End() - 1);    }    /*---对于简单迭代器的操作---*/    // 返回头指针的函数,可使操作中不直接对头指针操作    Iterator Begin()    {        return _start;    }    ConstIterator Begin()const    {        return _start;    }    // 返回尾指针的函数,可使操作中不直接对尾指针操作    Iterator End()    {        return _end;    }    ConstIterator End()const    {        return _end;    }    /*---一些栈上的操作---*/public:    // 入栈即尾插入一个值为value的元素    void PushBack(const T& value)    {        CheckCapacity();        SizeType num = Size();        _start[num] = value;        _end++;        cout << "PushBack Down" << endl;    }    //尾删一个元素    void PopBack()    {        if (Empty())        {            cout << "Nothing To Pop" << endl;            return;        }        --_end;        cout << "Pop Dowm" << endl;    }    // 在position位置插入元素data    Iterator Insert(Iterator position, const T& data)    {        CheckCapacity();        for (Iterator index = _end - 1; index >= position; index--)        {            *(index + 1) = *index;        }        *position = data;        ++_end;;        return position;    }    // 删除position位置的元素    Iterator Erase(Iterator position)    {        for (Iterator index = position; index < End(); index++)        {            *index = *(index + 1);        }        _end--;        return position;    }    //为插入操作找出一个位置    Iterator Find(const T& value)    {        size_t i = 0;        while (_start != _end)        {            if (value == _start[i])            {                return _start + i;            }            i++;        }        cout << "This Value Doesn't Exist!" << endl << "We Return A NULL Position!" << endl;        return NULL;    }protected:    // 填充函数,并初始化这个表    void FillAndInit(SizeType n, const T& value)    {        _start = new T[n];        _end = _start + n;        _endOfStorage = _start + n;        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)        {            _start[idx] = value;        }    }    //判断表满与否。满则多开辟一段空间    void CheckCapacity()    {        if (Size() == Capacity())        {            SizeType num = 2 * Capacity() + 100;            Iterator ptemp = new T[num];            size_t idx = 0;            for (idx = 0; idx < Size(); idx++)            {                ptemp[idx] = _start[idx];            }            delete _start;            _start = ptemp;            _end = _start + idx;            _endOfStorage = _start + num;        }        else            return;    }    // 重载输出运算符,使之能直接输出所有元素    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Vector<T>& v)    {        for (T* p = v.Begin(); p < v.End(); p++)        {            os << *p << " ";        }        return os;    }protected:    Iterator _start;    Iterator _end;    Iterator _endOfStorage;};//测试函数,测试以上类中的所有函数void FunTest(){    Vector<int>  v1(5, 1);    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    cout << "v1.size = " << v1.Size() << endl;    cout << "v1.capacity = " << v1.Capacity() << endl;    cout << "v1 pushback 5" << endl;    v1.PushBack(5);    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    cout << "v1.capacity = " << v1.Capacity() << endl;    cout << "v1.size = " << v1.Size() << endl;    v1[1] = 10;    v1[2] = 20;    v1[3] = 30;    v1[4] = 40;    v1[5] = 50;    v1[6] = 60;    cout << "v1 change its members" << endl;    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    int* pos1 = v1.Find(10);    cout << "v1 insert 100 at where 10 is" << endl;    v1.Insert(pos1, 100);    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    int* pos2 = v1.Find(50);    cout << "v1 delete 50" << endl;    v1.Erase(pos2);    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    cout << "v1.Front = " << v1.Front() << endl;    cout << "v1.Back = " << v1.Back() << endl;    cout << "v1 popback until empty" << endl;    size_t tmp = v1.Size();    for (size_t i = 0; i <= tmp; i++)    {        v1.PopBack();    }    cout << "v1 = " << v1 << endl;    Vector<char> v2(10, 'a');    cout << "v2 = " << v2 << endl;    Vector<double> v3(7, 1.23);    cout << "v3 = " << v3 << endl;    Vector<char*> v4(3, "duanliming");    cout << "v4 = " << v4 << endl;    Vector<double> v5(v3);    cout << "v5 copy v3 " << endl;    cout << "v5 = " << v5 << endl;    Vector<char> v6;    cout << "v6 use " << "=" << " by v2" << endl;    v6 = v2;    cout << "v6 = " << v6 << endl;    cout << "v6.capacity = " << v6.Capacity() << endl;    cout << "v6.MaxSize = " << v6.MaxSize() << endl;}int main(){    cout << "                        ALL THE ACTION IS TESTING" << endl;    FunTest();    system("pause");    return 0;}
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