Effective C#之Item 28: Avoid Conversion Operators

来源:互联网 发布:小米note顶配网络制式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 04:35

Item 28:Avoid Conversion Operators


Conversionoperators introduce a kind of substitutability between classes.Substitutability means that one class can be substituted for another. This canbe a benefit: An object of a derived class can be substituted for an object ofits base class, as in the classic example of the shape hierarchy. You create aShape base class and derive a variety of customizations: Rectangle, Ellipse,Circle, and so on. You can substitute a Circle anywhere a Shape is expected. That'susing polymorphism for substitutability. It works because a circle is aspecific type of shape. When you create a class, certain conversions areallowed automatically. Any object can be substituted for an instance ofSystem.Object, the root of the .NET class hierarchy. In the same fashion, anyobject of a class that you create will be substituted implicitly for aninterface that it implements, any of its base interfaces, or any of its baseclasses. The language also supports a variety of numeric conversions.


When youdefine a conversion operator for your type, you tell the compiler that yourtype may be substituted for the target type. These substitutions often resultin subtle errors because your type probably isn't a perfect substitute for thetarget type. Side effects that modify the state of the target type won't havethe same effect on your type. Worse, if your conversion operator returns atemporary object, the side effects will modify the temporary object and be lostforever to the garbage collector. Finally, the rules for invoking conversionoperators are based on the compile-time type of an object, not the runtime typeof an object. Users of your type might need to perform multiple casts to invokethe conversion operators, a practice that leads to unmaintainable code.


If youwant to convert another type into your type, use a constructor. This moreclearly reflects the action of creating a new object. Conversion operators canintroduce hard-to-find problems in your code. Suppose that you inherit the codefor a library shown in Figure 3.1. Both the Circle class and the Ellipse classare derived from the Shape class. You decide to leave that hierarchy in placebecause you believe that, although the Circle and Ellipse are related, youdon't want to have nonabstract leaf classes in your hierarchy, and severalimplementation problems occur when you try to derive the Circle class from theEllipse class. However, you realize that every circle could be an ellipse. Inaddition, some ellipses could be substituted for circles.


Thatleads you to add two conversion operators. Every Circle is an Ellipse, so youadd an implicit conversion to create a new Ellipse from a Circle. An implicitconversion operator will be called whenever one type needs to be converted toanother type. By contrast, an explicit conversion will be called only when theprogrammer puts a cast operator in the source code.


  1.     public class Circle : Shape
  2.     {
  3.         private PointF center;
  4.         private float radius;
  6.         public Circle():this(PointF.Empty, 0)
  7.         {
  8.         }
  10.         public Circle(PointF c, float r)
  11.         {
  12.             center = c;
  13.             radius = r;
  14.         }
  16.         public override void Draw()
  17.         {
  18.             //...
  19.         }
  21.         static public implicit operator Ellipse(Circle c)
  22.         {
  23.             return new Ellipse(c.center, c.center,c.radius, c.radius);
  24.         }
  25.   }

Now thatyou've got the implicit conversion operator, you can use a Circle anywhere anEllipse is expected. Furthermore, the conversion happens automatically:


  1.     public double ComputeArea( Ellipse e )
  2.     {
  3.     // return the area of the ellipse.
  4.    }
  5.     // call it:
  6.     Circle c = new Circle( new PointF( 3.0f, 0 ), 5.0f );
  7.    ComputeArea(c);

Thissample shows what I mean by substitutability: A circle has been substituted foran ellipse. The ComputeArea function works even with the substitution. You gotlucky. But examine this function:


  1.     public void Flatten(Ellipse e)
  2.     {
  3.         e.R1 /= 2;
  4.         e.R2 *= 2;
  5.     }
  6.     // call it using a circle:
  7.     Circle c = new Circle( new PointF ( 3.0f, 0 ), 5.0f );
  8.     Flatten( c );

Thiswon't work. The Flatten() method takes an ellipse as an argument. The compilermust somehow convert a circle to an ellipse. You've created an implicitconversion that does exactly that. Your conversion gets called, and theFlatten() function receives as its parameter the ellipse created by yourimplicit conversion. This temporary object is modified by the Flatten()function and immediately becomes garbage. The side effects expected from yourFlatten() function occur, but only on a temporary object. The end result isthat nothing happens to the circle, c.


Changingthe conversion from implicit to explicit only forces users to add a cast to thecall:


  1.     Circle c = new Circle(new PointF(3.0f, 0), 5.0f);
  2.     Flatten((Ellipse)c);

Theoriginal problem remains. You just forced your users to add a cast to cause theproblem. You still create a temporary object, flatten the temporary object, andthrow it away. The circle, c, is not modified at all. Instead, if you create aconstructor to convert the Circle to an Ellipse, the actions are clearer:


  1.     Circle c = new Circle(new PointF(3.0f, 0), 5.0f);
  2.     Flatten(new Ellipse(c));

Mostprogrammers would see the previous two lines and immediately realize that anymodifications to the ellipse passed to Flatten() are lost. They would fix theproblem by keeping track of the new object:


  1.     Circle c = new Circle(new PointF(3.0f, 0), 5.0f);
  2.     // Work with the circle.
  3.     // ...
  5.     // Convert to an ellipse.
  6.     Ellipse e = new Ellipse(c);
  7.     Flatten(e);

Thevariable e holds the flattened ellipse. By replacing the conversion operatorwith a constructor, you have not lost any functionality; you've merely made itclearer when new objects are created. (Veteran C++ programmers should note thatC# does not call constructors for implicit or explicit conversions. You createnew objects only when you explicitly use the new operator, and at no othertime. There is no need for the explicit keyword on constructors in C#.)


Conversionoperators that return fields inside your objects will not exhibit thisbehavior. They have other problems. You've poked a serious hole in theencapsulation of your class. By casting your type to some other object, clientsof your class can access an internal variable. That's best avoided for all thereasons discussed in Item 23.


Conversionoperators introduce a form of substitutability that causes problems in yourcode. You're indicating that, in all cases, users can reasonably expect thatanother class can be used in place of the one you created. When thissubstituted object is accessed, you cause clients to work with temporaryobjects or internal fields in place of the class you created. You then modifytemporary objects and discard the results. These subtle bugs are hard to findbecause the compiler generates code to convert these objects. Avoid conversionoperators.
