1.1. Implementing a RouteBuilder Class

来源:互联网 发布:海量数据存储方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 04:33

To use the Domain Specific Language (DSL), you extend the RouteBuilder class and override its configure() method (where you define your routing rules). 
You can define as many RouteBuilder classes as necessary. Each class is instantiated once and is registered with the CamelContext object. Normally, the lifecycle of each RouteBuilder object is managed automatically by the container in which you deploy the router. 
RouteBuilder classes 
As a router developer, your core task is to implement one or more RouteBuilder classes. There are two alternative RouteBuilder classes that you can inherit from:

org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder—this is the generic RouteBuilder base class that is suitable for deploying into any container type. It is provided in the camel-core artifact.org.apache.camel.spring.SpringRouteBuilder—this base class is specially adapted to the Spring container. In particular, it provides extra support for the following Spring specific features: looking up beans in the Spring registry (using the beanRef() Java DSL command) and transactions (see the Transactions Guide for details). It is provided in the camel-spring artifact. 

The RouteBuilder class defines methods used to initiate your routing rules (for example, from(), intercept(), and exception()). 
Implementing a RouteBuilder 
Example 1.1, “Implementation of a RouteBuilder Class” shows a minimal RouteBuilder implementation. The configure() method body contains a routing rule; each rule is a single Java statement.

Example 1.1. Implementation of a RouteBuilder Class

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {public void configure() {  // Define routing rules here:  from("file:src/data?noop=true").to("file:target/messages");  // More rules can be included, in you like.  // ...}}

The form of the rule from(URL1).to(URL2) instructs the router to read files from the directory src/data and send them to the directory target/messages. The option ?noop=true instructs the router to retain (not delete) the source files in the src/data directory.

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