272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II

来源:互联网 发布:融资租赁软件市场 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 13:18

Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the BST that are closest to the target.


  • Given target value is a floating point.
  • You may assume k is always valid, that is: k ≤ total nodes.
  • You are guaranteed to have only one unique set of k values in the BST that are closest to the target.

Follow up:
Assume that the BST is balanced, could you solve it in less than O(n) runtime (where n = total nodes)?


  1. Consider implement these two helper functions:
    1. getPredecessor(N), which returns the next smaller node to N.
    2. getSuccessor(N), which returns the next larger node to N.
  2. Try to assume that each node has a parent pointer, it makes the problem much easier.
  3. Without parent pointer we just need to keep track of the path from the root to the current node using a stack.
  4. You would need two stacks to track the path in finding predecessor and successor node separately.


Get Next:

if the node has right subtree, the next would be the left-most node of the right sub-tree.

if the node does not have right subtree, go to the parent(stack.peek()), 

if the parent's value bigger than the nodes value, means the node is the left-child,the parent is the next node,

if the parent's value smaller than the nodes value, means the node is the right-child, go to parent's parent util when find the node is in the left subtree of anancestor.

Get Prev is similar to get Next.

Follow the hint could get the Code:
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { *     int val; *     TreeNode left; *     TreeNode right; *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solution {    public List<Integer> closestKValues(TreeNode root, double target, int k) {        Stack<TreeNode> pre = new Stack<>();        Stack<TreeNode> post = new Stack<>();        TreeNode cur = root;        double preDiff = 1.0 * Integer.MAX_VALUE;        TreeNode preNode = null;        double postDiff = 1.0 * Integer.MAX_VALUE;        TreeNode postNode = null;                // prepare stacks        while(cur!= null){            pre.push(cur);            post.push(cur);            if(cur.val > target){                if(postNode == null || cur.val - target < postDiff){                    postDiff = cur.val - target;                    postNode = cur;                }                cur = cur.left;            } else {                if(preNode == null || target - cur.val < preDiff){                    preDiff = target - cur.val;                    preNode = cur;                }                cur = cur.right;            }        }                // get the Node that is first one smaller than target        while(!pre.empty() && pre.peek() != preNode){            pre.pop();        }        // get the Node that is the first one bigger than target        while(!post.empty() && post.peek() != postNode){            post.pop();        }                                //get result        List<Integer> ret = new LinkedList<>();                Integer bigger = getNext(post);        Integer smaller = getPrev(pre);        for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){            if(smaller == null){                ret.add(bigger);                bigger = getNext(post);            } else if(bigger == null){                ret.add(smaller);                smaller = getPrev(pre);            } else {                if( bigger - target < target - smaller){                    ret.add(bigger);                    bigger = getNext(post);                } else {                    ret.add(smaller);                    smaller = getPrev(pre);                }            }        }        return ret;    }        //get next, and prepare for the next next    Integer getNext(Stack<TreeNode> post){        if(post.empty()) return null;        TreeNode cur = post.pop();        int ret = cur.val;        if(cur.right != null){            pushAllLeft(post,cur.right);        } else {            while(!post.empty() && post.peek().val < ret){                post.pop();            }        }        return ret;    }            void pushAllLeft(Stack<TreeNode> post, TreeNode root){        while(root != null){            post.push(root);            root = root.left;        }    }        //get prev, and prepare for the prev prev    Integer getPrev(Stack<TreeNode> pre){        if(pre.empty()) return null;        TreeNode cur = pre.pop();        int ret = cur.val;        if(cur.left != null){            pushAllRight(pre,cur.left);        } else {            while(!pre.empty() && pre.peek().val > ret){                pre.pop();            }        }        return ret;    }        void pushAllRight(Stack<TreeNode> pre, TreeNode root){        while(root != null){            pre.push(root);            root = root.right;        }    }}

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