Symbian OS的错误代码定义大全-17001~-30372(转)

来源:互联网 发布:win7 64位优化版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:13
 ECOM Error Codes
KEComErrAlreadyReceiving -17001
KEComErrUnknownService -17002 The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework
KEComErrInvalidUnloadPolicy -17003 The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified -17004 The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no registrations exist for this interface
KEComErrEnableFailed -17005 The call to Enable the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrDisableFailed -17006 The call to Disable the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrNoRegistrationsFound -17007 The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no appropriate implementation was found
KEComErrInvalidIIC -17008 An attempt has been made to load an implementation contained within a dll which no longer exists (deleted or is on a CF card that has been removed)
KEComErrUninstallFailed -17009 The call to Remove the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrReinstallFailed -17010 The call to Re-register an Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrRegistrationFailed -17011 The call to Register an Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrNotConnected -17012 The client does not have a session open with theframework
KEComErrReferenceCountInvalid -17013 The Interface Implementation reference count is invalid
KEComErrNoResolver -17014 The Non-Default resolver could not be instantiated. The most likely situation is that an incorrect implementation uid was supplied
KEComErrSuspendFailed -17015 The call to Suspend registration activities failed
KEComErrResumeFailed -17016 The call to Resume registration activities failed
KEComErrDestructionFailed -17017 The Interface Implementations destruction could not be recorded
KEComErrDriveAlreadyInstalled -17018 An attempt has been made to add a drive to the registry which already exists
KEComErrDriveNotFound -17019 An attempt has been made to update registry information for a dll on a drive that does not exist
KEComErrIndexEntryNotFound -17020
KEComErrNoRegistrationData -17021 An IIC has been found which does not have a corresponding registration information file
KEComErrInvalidRegistryData -17022 An attempt has been made to update the registry information for a non-existent DLL. An ECom internal error
KEComErrMismatchedTags -17023
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotFound -17024
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotAvailable -17025
KEComErrTooManyNotificationsOutstanding -17026 The client has requested too many notifications. ECom can only support a finite number of notifications
KEComErrDestroyingWithNullDtorKey -17027 The client called DestroyedImplementation with a destruction key of NULL. This is an irrecoverable error because the object cannot be deleted
KEComErrMissingParameter -17028 An ECom service was requested with an essential parameter missing. For example, this error code will be supplied when calling an overload of CreateImplementationL which uses a non-default resolver if you fail tosupply the resolver
KEComErrListInvalidAwaitNotification -17029 The registry index is invalid but the client has requested notifications - so they will receive a notification when the indexis ready again
KEComErrListCurrentlyUnavailable -17030 The registry index is invalid and the client has not requested notifications. They will have to try again later after discoveries have completed
Content Handling Framework Errors
KErrCHFProxyObjectAlreadyExists -17050 A proxy object with the same identifier already exists.
KErrCHFNoSchemeInUri -17051 Supplied URI has no scheme part.
KErrCHFDataSupplierConstructionFailed -17052 Data supplier construction failed.
KErrCHFContentHandlerConstructionFailed -17053 Content handler construction failed.
KErrCHFDataSupplierSetPositionFailed -17054 Failed to set position in data supplier.
Root Server
KErrRSSuddenDeath -17103 A module has died.
KErrRSRequestCancelled -17104 A request was cancelled.
KErrRSInvalidParameter -17105 A parameter was in some way invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterFile -17106 The file could not be found, read or was in some way corrupt.
KErrRSInvalidParameterName -17107 The name was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterStackSize -17108 The stack size was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterHeapSize -17109 The heap size was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidUidType -17110 The second UID of the DLL was not the UID of a Comms Provider Module.
KErrRSModuleAlreadyExist -17111 A Comms Provider Module with this name is already loaded.
KErrRSInvalidMBufPoolSize -17112 The size of the MBuf pool is invalid.
KErrRSModuleNotRunning -17113 The specified module is not running.
KErrRSModuleNotLoaded -17114 The specified module is not loaded.
KErrRSAlreadyBound -17115 The specified binding is already active.
KErrRSModulesStillRunning -17116 There are running modules.
KErrRSNoNewHeapsAvailable -17117 Unable to create more new heaps in the Comms Process. Consider sharing a heap between modules.
KErrRSRequestTimedOut -17118 A request timed out. This can happen when a module stops responding to requests for some reason.
KErrRSModuleUnknown -17119 The specified module does not exist.
KErrRSSubModuleUnknown -17120 The specified sub module does not exist.
KErrRSBindingUnknown -17121 The specified binding does not exist.
KErrRSStatusUnknown -17122 The status is unknown.
KErrRSBindingExists -17123 The specified binding exist.
KErrRSModuleNotReady -17124 The module is not ready for requests.
KErrRSBindingInProgress -17125 The specified binding is not yet completed.
KErrRSUnableToOpenHeap -17126 Found heap but unable to open it for sharing.
KErrRSUnableToFindHeap -17127 Unable to find specified heap.
KErrRSUnableToCreateQueues -17128 Unable to create communication channels for new module.
KErrRSZombie -17129 This Comms Provider Module exists but is not responding.
KErrRSInvalidParameterThreadFuncOrdinal -17130 The specified ordinal does not exist for the DLL.
KErrRSInvalidBinding -17131 Invalid binding.
KErrRSInvalidQueueLength -17132 Queue length of binding invalid. Must be betweenTRSBindingInfo::EMinQueueLength and TRSBindingInfo::EMaxQueueLength.
Buffer Manager
KErrNoMBufs -17200
ESock Error codes
KErrConnectionTerminated -17210
KErrCannotFindProtocol -17211
Central Repository Errors
KErrTreeStoreUriTooLong -17250
KErrTreeStoreUriTooDeep -17251
KErrTreeStoreUriSegmentTooLong -17252
KErrTreeStoreBadUriSegmentName -17253
KErrTreeStoreBadUriDelimiters -17254
KErrTreeStoreZeroLenUriSegment -17255
KErrTreeStoreUnknownMountPoint -17256
KErrTreeStoreVolAlreadyAttached -17257
KErrTreeStoreVolumeNotAttached -17258
KErrTreeStoreNotAPersistedTree -17259
Content Access Framework
KErrCANotSupported -17450 Agent does not support the requested capability.
KErrCANoPermission -17451 Rights evaluation failed for the supplied intent. This implies that rights were available, but their evaluation, in the context of supplied intent, failed.
KErrCANoRights -17452 No rights were available for evaluation. A number of causes may generate this error: Perhaps the rights were removed or lost during a separate delivery
KErrCANoAgent -17453 The Agent required is not present. This may occur if content belongs to an agent that is no longer available on the device.
KErrCAOutOfRange -17454 Values specified are out of range.
KErrCAPendingRights -17455 The rights were not available but are expected. Will only be returned if the agent supports this capability.
KErrCASizeNotDetermined -17456 A request to get the content size failed because the agent was unable to determine it. This error may occur on circumstances where, say, the content is streamed over HTTP.
KErrCANewFileHandleRequired -17457 The function failed because the agent needs the client to provide another file handle before the import can continue
XML Framework Errors
KErrXmlStringDictionaryPluginNotFound -17550
KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound -17551
KErrXmlGeneratorPluginNotFound -17552
KErrXmlPluginNotFound -17553
KErrXmlBadCharacterConversion -17554
KErrXmlUnsupportedCharacterSet -17555
KErrXmlUnavailableCharacterSet -17556
KErrXmlUnsupportedElement -17557
KErrXmlUnsupportedAttribute -17558
KErrXmlUnsupportedAttributeValue -17559
KErrXmlMissingStringDictionary -17560
KErrXmlUnsupportedDocumentVersion -17561
KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt -17562
KErrXmlStringPoolTableNotFound -17563
KErrXmlBadIndex -17564
KErrXmlUnsupportedExtInterface -17566
KErrSIPMalformedMessage -17700 SIP message was malformed
KErrSIPInvalidRegistrarResponse -17701 Invalid SIP response received from registrar
KErrSIPRequestPending -17702 SIP Request pending
KErrSIPInvalidTransactionState -17703 The action cannot be performed in the current transaction state
KErrSIPInvalidDialogState -17704 Not allowed in dialogs current state
KErrSIPInvalidDialogRequest -17705 Invalid request in SIP dialog
KErrSIPInvalidDialogResponse -17706 Invalid response in SIP dialog
KErrSIPTransportFailure -17707 Sending a SIP message failed. For example ICMP error occured
KErrSIPNoAckReceived -17708 No ACK was received after sending a 2xx response
KErrSIPInvalidRegistrationState -17709 Not allowed in registration's current state
KErrSIPInvalidContact -17710 The contact given did not contain user part
KErrSIPResourceNotAvailable -17711 Object can't access a resource, since that has been deleted by user. The user is expected to delete this object as it can no longer be used.
KErrSIPResolvingFailure -17712 DNS query for the remote address failed
KErrSIPForbidden -17713 Authentication with a server failed
KErrSIPMaxCompartmentsInUse -17714 Maximum number of allowed SigComp compartments exceeded
KErrSIPTerminatedWithResponse -17715 Refresh initiated client transaction was terminated with a 3xx, 4xx, 5xx or 6xx response.
KErrSIPOutboundProxyNotResponding -17716 Provided SIP outbound proxy is not responding
KErrSIPInvalidURIType -17717 The URI type is not allowed in some field of the particular SIP message. Note that this does not mean that the URI type is forbidden in general. For example Contact-header of an INVITE must always contain a SIP-URI. Any other types are rejected with this error code.
SIP Codec
KErrSipCodecPreParser -17750
KErrSipCodecTokenizer -17751
KErrSipCodecNotAllowed -17752
KErrSipCodecHeaderName -17753
KErrSipCodecHeaderValue -17754
KErrSipCodecRequestLine -17755
KErrSipCodecResponseLine -17756
KErrSipCodecResponseCode -17757
KErrSipCodecSIPVersion -17758
KErrSipCodecSIPMethod -17759
KErrSipCodecReasonPhrase -17760
KErrSipCodecAnyParam -17761
KErrSipCodecAnyParamName -17762
KErrSipCodecAnyParamValue -17763
KErrSipCodecDuplicateParam -17764
KErrSipCodecHostPort -17765
KErrSipCodecHost -17766
KErrSipCodecPort -17767
KErrSipCodecSIPAddress -17768
KErrSipCodecDisplayName -17769
KErrSipCodecURI -17770
KErrSipCodecURIScheme -17771
KErrSipCodecURIParams -17772
KErrSipCodecURIHeaders -17773
KErrSipCodecFromOrToAddress -17774
KErrSipCodecFromOrToParams -17775
KErrSipCodecContactHeader -17776
KErrSipCodecContactSetToStar -17777
KErrSipCodecContactAddress -17778
KErrSipCodecContactParams -17779
KErrSipCodecViaHeader -17780
KErrSipCodecCallIdHeader -17781
KErrSipCodecCSeqHeader -17782
KErrSipCodecContentLengthHeader -17783
KErrSipCodecExpiresHeader -17784
KErrSipCodecMaxForwardsHeader -17785
KErrSipCodecContentTypeHeader -17786
KErrSipCodecRouteHeader -17787
KErrSipCodecMinExpiresHeader -17788
KErrSipCodecTokenBaseHeader -17789
KErrSipCodecRequireHeader -17790
KErrSipCodecContentEncodingHeader -17791
KErrSipCodecProxyRequireHeader -17792
KErrSipCodecSupportedHeader -17793
KErrSipCodecUnsupportedHeader -17794
KErrSipCodecAllowHeader -17795
KErrSipCodecSecurityHeader -17796
KErrSipCodecContentDispositionHeader -17797
KErrSipCodecSubscriptionStateHeader -17798
KErrSipCodecAcceptHeader -17799
KErrSipCodecAcceptEncodingHeader -17800
KErrSipCodecAcceptLanguageHeader -17801
KErrSipCodecAcceptParams -17802
KErrSipCodecEventHeader -17803
KErrSipCodecAllowEventsHeader -17804
KErrSipCodecAuthenticationInfoHeader -17805
KErrSipCodecReferToHeader -17806
KErrSipCodecAuthenticationHeader -17807
KErrSipCodecAuthScheme -17808
KErrSipCodecAuthorizationHeader -17809
KErrSipCodecURIContainer -17810
KErrSipCodecRAckHeader -17811
KErrSipCodecRSeqHeader -17812
KErrSipCodecReplyToHeader -17813
KErrSipCodecTimestampHeader -17814
KErrSipCodecRetryAfterHeader -17815
KErrSipCodecRetryAfterParams -17816
KErrSipCodecAcceptContactHeader -17817
KErrSipCodecPAssociatedURIHeader -17818
KErrSipCodecPAccessNetworkInfoHeader -17819
SDP Codec
KErrSdpCodecVersionField -17875
KErrSdpCodecOriginField -17876
KErrSdpCodecSessionField -17877
KErrSdpCodecInfoField -17878 KErrSdpCodecUriField -17879
KErrSdpCodecEmailField -17880 KErrSdpCodecPhoneField -17881
KErrSdpCodecConnectionField -17882  
KErrSdpCodecBandwidthField -17883  
KErrSdpCodecTimeField -17884  
KErrSdpCodecRepeatField -17885  
KErrSdpCodecZoneField -17886  
KErrSdpCodecKeyField -17887  
KErrSdpCodecAttributeField -17888  
KErrSdpCodecMediaField -17889  
KErrSdpCodecMediaInfoField -17890  
KErrSdpCodecMediaConnectionField -17891  
KErrSdpCodecMediaBandwidthField -17892  
KErrSdpCodecMediaKeyField -17893  
KErrSdpCodecMediaAttributeField -17894  
KErrSdpCodecTypedTime -17895  
KErrSdpCodecStringPool -17896  
KErrSdpCodecDecode -17897  
LBS Privacy Framework Errors
KErrPrivacyTbNullPtr -17901
KErrPrivacyTbProgramError -17902
KErrPrivacyTbNullSearchString -17903
KErrPrivacyTbWriteFailure -17904
KErrPriPolicyTbPackedPriByte -17905
KErrPriVersionTbInvalidVersion -17906
KErrPriVersionTbRecordAlreadyExist -17907
KErrServicePrivacyTbErrorBase -17910
KErrSerPriTbMismatchServiceIdAndType -17911
KErrSerPriTbServiceIdTypeChanged -17912
KErrSerPriTbSecureIdChanged -17913
KErrServiceIdPhoneNumberTbErrorBase -17915 Leave codes used for ServiceIdPhoneNumber table
KErrServiceIdPhoneNumTbMatchDigitsOutOfRange -17916
KErrServicePrivacyErrorBase -17920
KErrServicePrivacyDuplicateServiceItemId -17921
KErrServicePrivacyArrayIndexOutOfRange -17922
KErrServicePrivacyDbModelErrorBase -17925 Leave codes used for ServicePrivacyDbModel
KErrSPDbModelWrongMajorVersion -17926
KErrSPDbModelServiceIdPhNoDigitsLessThan7 -17927
KErrSPDbModelServiceIdTypeNotSet -17928
KErrSPDbModelWrongServiceInfoMask -17929
KErrSPDbModelNullServiceId -17930
KErrSPDbModelChildTbRcdNotDeleted -17931
KErrSPDbModelChildTbRcdNotUpdated -17932
KErrSPDbModelInvalidPhMatchLength -17933
KErrServicePrivacyDbErrorBase -17935 Leave codes used for ServicePrivacyDb
KErrServicePrivacyDbInvalidServiceItemIdInArray -17936
KErrServicePrivacyDbEventObserverAlreadyExists -17937
HTTP Errors
EHttpGeneralError -20000 "A general error has occurred"
EHttpCannotFindServer -20001 "The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server"
EHttpCannotFindPlugin -20002 "The plugin name/type was not found on the device"
EHttpUnsupportedMethod -20003 "The method requested is not supported"
EHttpWapAPReadFailure -20004 "Access point information is missing"
EHttpNetDialSetupFailed -20005 "Net dial setup has failed"
EHttpWtlsConfigFailed -20006 "The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS"
EHttpWtlsBadServerCert -20007 "The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate"
EHttpWtlsServerCertRejected -20008 "The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted"
EHttpWtlsCipherRejected -20009 "The session has been aborted due to low security status"
EHttpGatewayCannotBeReached -20010 "A session could not be established with the WAP Gateway"
EHttpGatewayTransactionAbort -20011 "A transaction was aborted by the gateway or the stack"
EHttpGatewaySessionDisconnect -20012 "The session was disconnectedby the WAP Gateway"
EHttpCancellationAbort -20013 "Error code for leave when cancellation has occured during RunL()"
EHttpReceivingErrorDeck -20014 "Could not find document, so receiving an error deck"
HTTP Status Code 400 -20400 "The request sent does not use the correct syntax"
HTTP Status Code 401 -20401 "Unauthorized request, authentication must be used"
HTTP Status Code 402 -20402 "Payment is required for this action to succeed"
HTTP Status Code 403 -20403 "The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server"
HTTP Status Code 404 -20404 "The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 405 -20405 "The methodrequested is not currentlyallowed"
HTTP Status Code 406 -20406 "The header information of the returned resource is incorrect"
HTTP Status Code 407 -20407 "Proxy authentication is required"
HTTP Status Code 408 -20408 "The request has timed out"
HTTPStatus Code 409 -20409 "A Conflict has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 410 -20410 "The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 411 -20411 "Length is required here"
HTTP Status Code 412 -20412 "A precondition has not been met"
HTTP Status Code 413 -20413 "The request entity is too large"
HTTP Status Code 414 -20414 "The URL requested is too long"
HTTP Status Code 415 -20415 "The media type requested is unsupported"
HTTP Status Code 500 -20500 "An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 501 -20501 "An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 502 -20502 "An error has occurred within the WAP gateway"
HTTP Status Code 503 -20503 "The service requested is unavailable"
HTTP Status Code 504 -20504 "The connection to the gateway has timed out"
HTTP Status Code 505 -20505 "This HTTP version is not supported"
SEN Service Connection
KErrSenNotInitialized -30291
KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy -30292
KErrConnectionInitializing -30293
KErrConnectionExpired -30294
KErrSubmitting -30295
KErrSenSoapFault -30296
KErrSenInternal -30297
KErrSenNoEndpoint -30298
KErrSenNoContract -30299
KErrSenInvalidCharacters -30300
KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor -30301
KErrSenXmlReaderNotSet -30302
KErrSenXmlContentHandlerNotSet -30303
KErrSenProviderIdInUseByAnotherEndpoint -30305
KErrSenNoContractNoEndPoint -30306
KErrPosLmNotInitialized -30351
KErrPosLmUnknownFormat -30352
KErrPositionBufferOverflow -30371
KErrPositionIncalculable -30372