【图像处理】IPTC Tags

来源:互联网 发布:看电影用什么软件最好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 00:14


The tags listed below are part of the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) and the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) Information Interchange Model (IIM). This is an older meta information format, slowly being phased out in favor of XMP -- the newer IPTCCore specification uses XMP format. IPTC information may be found in JPG, TIFF, PNG, MIFF, PS, PDF, PSD, XCF and DNG images.

IPTC information is separated into different records, each of which has its own set of tags. See http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf for the official IPTC IIM specification.

This specification dictates a length for ASCII (string or digits) and binary (undef) values. These lengths are given in square brackets after the Writable format name. For tags where a range of lengths is allowed, the minimum and maximum lengths are separated by a comma within the brackets. IPTC strings are not null terminated. When writing, ExifTool issues a minor warning and truncates the value if it is longer than allowed by the IPTC specification. Minor errors may be ignored with the IgnoreMinorErrors (-m) option, allowing longer values to be written, but beware that values like this may cause problems for some other IPTC readers. ExifTool will happily read IPTC values of any length.

Separate IPTC date and time tags may be written with a combined date/time value and ExifTool automagically takes the appropriate part of the date/time string depending on whether a date or time tag is being written. This is very useful when copying date/time values to IPTC from other metadata formats.

IPTC time values include a timezone offset. If written with a value which doesn't include a timezone then the current local timezone offset is used (unless written with a combined date/time, in which case the local timezone offset at the specified date/time is used, which may be different due to changes in daylight savings time).

Note that it is not uncommon for IPTC to be found in non-standard locations in JPEG and TIFF-based images. When reading, the family 1 group name has a number added for non-standard IPTC ("IPTC2", "IPTC3", etc), but when writing only "IPTC" may be specified as the group. To keep the IPTC consistent, ExifTool updates tags in all existing IPTC locations, but will create a new IPTC group only in the standard location.

RecordTag NameWritableValues / Notes1IPTCEnvelope---> IPTC EnvelopeRecord Tags2IPTCApplication---> IPTC ApplicationRecord Tags3IPTCNewsPhoto---> IPTC NewsPhoto Tags7IPTCPreObjectData---> IPTC PreObjectData Tags8IPTCObjectData---> IPTC ObjectData Tags9IPTCPostObjectData---> IPTC PostObjectData Tags240IPTCFotoStation---> IPTC FotoStation Tags

IPTC EnvelopeRecord Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes0EnvelopeRecordVersionint16u: 5Destinationstring[0,1024]+ 20FileFormatint16u0 = No ObjectData 
1 = IPTC-NAA Digital Newsphoto Parameter Record 
2 = IPTC7901 Recommended Message Format 
3 = Tagged Image File Format (Adobe/Aldus Image data) 
4 = Illustrator (Adobe Graphics data) 
5 = AppleSingle (Apple Computer Inc) 
6 = NAA 89-3 (ANPA 1312) 
7 = MacBinary II 
8 = IPTC Unstructured Character Oriented File Format (UCOFF) 
9 = United Press International ANPA 1312 variant 
10 = United Press International Down-Load Message 
11 = JPEG File Interchange (JFIF) 
12 = Photo-CD Image-Pac (Eastman Kodak) 
13 = Bit Mapped Graphics File [.BMP] (Microsoft) 
14 = Digital Audio File [.WAV] (Microsoft & Creative Labs) 
15 = Audio plus Moving Video [.AVI] (Microsoft) 
16 = PC DOS/Windows Executable Files [.COM][.EXE] 
17 = Compressed Binary File [.ZIP] (PKWare Inc) 
18 = Audio Interchange File Format AIFF (Apple Computer Inc) 
19 = RIFF Wave (Microsoft Corporation) 
20 = Freehand (Macromedia/Aldus) 
21 = Hypertext Markup Language [.HTML] (The Internet Society) 
22 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 (Musicom), ISO/IEC 
23 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 3, ISO/IEC 
24 = Portable Document File [.PDF] Adobe 
25 = News Industry Text Format (NITF) 
26 = Tape Archive [.TAR] 
27 = Tidningarnas Telegrambyra NITF version (TTNITF DTD) 
28 = Ritzaus Bureau NITF version (RBNITF DTD) 
29 = Corel Draw [.CDR]
22FileVersionint16u 30ServiceIdentifierstring[0,10] 40EnvelopeNumberdigits[8] 50ProductIDstring[0,32]+ 60EnvelopePrioritydigits[1]0 = 0 (reserved) 
1 = 1 (most urgent) 
2 = 2 
3 = 3 
4 = 4 
5 = 5 (normal urgency) 
6 = 6 
7 = 7 
8 = 8 (least urgent) 
9 = 9 (user-defined priority)70DateSentdigits[8] 80TimeSentstring[11] 90CodedCharacterSetstring[0,32]!(values are entered in the form "ESC X Y[, ...]". The escape sequence for UTF-8 character coding is "ESC % G", but this is displayed as "UTF8" for convenience. Either string may be used when writing. The value of this tag affects the decoding of string values in the Application and NewsPhoto records. This tag is marked as "unsafe" to prevent it from being copied by default in a group operation because existing tags in the destination image may use a different encoding. When creating a new IPTC record from scratch, it is suggested that this be set to "UTF8" if special characters are a possibility)100UniqueObjectNamestring[14,80] 120ARMIdentifierint16u 122ARMVersionint16u 

IPTC ApplicationRecord Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes0ApplicationRecordVersionint16u: 3ObjectTypeReferencestring[3,67] 4ObjectAttributeReferencestring[4,68]+ 5ObjectNamestring[0,64] 7EditStatusstring[0,64] 8EditorialUpdatedigits[2]01 = Additional language10Urgencydigits[1]0 = 0 (reserved) 
1 = 1 (most urgent) 
2 = 2 
3 = 3 
4 = 4 
5 = 5 (normal urgency) 
6 = 6 
7 = 7 
8 = 8 (least urgent) 
9 = 9 (user-defined priority)12SubjectReferencestring[13,236]+ 15Categorystring[0,3] 20SupplementalCategoriesstring[0,32]+ 22FixtureIdentifierstring[0,32] 25Keywordsstring[0,64]+ 26ContentLocationCodestring[3]+ 27ContentLocationNamestring[0,64]+ 30ReleaseDatedigits[8] 35ReleaseTimestring[11] 37ExpirationDatedigits[8] 38ExpirationTimestring[11] 40SpecialInstructionsstring[0,256] 42ActionAdviseddigits[2]01 = Object Kill 
02 = Object Replace 
03 = Object Append 
04 = Object Reference
45ReferenceServicestring[0,10]+ 47ReferenceDatedigits[8]+ 50ReferenceNumberdigits[8]+ 55DateCreateddigits[8] 60TimeCreatedstring[11] 62DigitalCreationDatedigits[8] 63DigitalCreationTimestring[11] 65OriginatingProgramstring[0,32] 70ProgramVersionstring[0,10] 75ObjectCyclestring[1]'a' = Morning 
'b' = Both Morning and Evening 
'p' = Evening
80By-linestring[0,32]+ 85By-lineTitlestring[0,32]+ 90Citystring[0,32] 92Sub-locationstring[0,32] 95Province-Statestring[0,32] 100Country-PrimaryLocationCodestring[3] 101Country-PrimaryLocationNamestring[0,64] 103OriginalTransmissionReferencestring[0,32] 105Headlinestring[0,256] 110Creditstring[0,32] 115Sourcestring[0,32] 116CopyrightNoticestring[0,128] 118Contactstring[0,128]+ 120Caption-Abstractstring[0,2000] 121LocalCaptionstring[0,256](I haven't found a reference for the format of tags 121, 184-188 and 225-232, so I have just make them writable as strings with reasonable length. Beware that if this is wrong, other utilities won't be able to read these tags as written by ExifTool)122Writer-Editorstring[0,32]+ 125RasterizedCaptionundef[7360] 130ImageTypestring[2] 131ImageOrientationstring[1]'L' = Landscape 
'P' = Portrait 
'S' = Square
135LanguageIdentifierstring[2,3] 150AudioTypestring[2]'0T' = Text Only 
'1A' = Mono Actuality 
'1C' = Mono Question and Answer Session 
'1M' = Mono Music 
'1Q' = Mono Response to a Question 
'1R' = Mono Raw Sound 
'1S' = Mono Scener 
'1V' = Mono Voicer 
'1W' = Mono Wrap 
'2A' = Stereo Actuality 
'2C' = Stereo Question and Answer Session 
'2M' = Stereo Music 
'2Q' = Stereo Response to a Question 
'2R' = Stereo Raw Sound 
'2S' = Stereo Scener 
'2V' = Stereo Voicer 
'2W' = Stereo Wrap151AudioSamplingRatedigits[6] 152AudioSamplingResolutiondigits[2] 153AudioDurationdigits[6] 154AudioOutcuestring[0,64] 184JobIDstring[0,64] 185MasterDocumentIDstring[0,256] 186ShortDocumentIDstring[0,64] 187UniqueDocumentIDstring[0,128] 188OwnerIDstring[0,128] 200ObjectPreviewFileFormatint16u0 = No ObjectData 
1 = IPTC-NAA Digital Newsphoto Parameter Record 
2 = IPTC7901 Recommended Message Format 
3 = Tagged Image File Format (Adobe/Aldus Image data) 
4 = Illustrator (Adobe Graphics data) 
5 = AppleSingle (Apple Computer Inc) 
6 = NAA 89-3 (ANPA 1312) 
7 = MacBinary II 
8 = IPTC Unstructured Character Oriented File Format (UCOFF) 
9 = United Press International ANPA 1312 variant 
10 = United Press International Down-Load Message 
11 = JPEG File Interchange (JFIF) 
12 = Photo-CD Image-Pac (Eastman Kodak) 
13 = Bit Mapped Graphics File [.BMP] (Microsoft) 
14 = Digital Audio File [.WAV] (Microsoft & Creative Labs) 
15 = Audio plus Moving Video [.AVI] (Microsoft) 
16 = PC DOS/Windows Executable Files [.COM][.EXE] 
17 = Compressed Binary File [.ZIP] (PKWare Inc) 
18 = Audio Interchange File Format AIFF (Apple Computer Inc) 
19 = RIFF Wave (Microsoft Corporation) 
20 = Freehand (Macromedia/Aldus) 
21 = Hypertext Markup Language [.HTML] (The Internet Society) 
22 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 (Musicom), ISO/IEC 
23 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 3, ISO/IEC 
24 = Portable Document File [.PDF] Adobe 
25 = News Industry Text Format (NITF) 
26 = Tape Archive [.TAR] 
27 = Tidningarnas Telegrambyra NITF version (TTNITF DTD) 
28 = Ritzaus Bureau NITF version (RBNITF DTD) 
29 = Corel Draw [.CDR]
201ObjectPreviewFileVersionint16u 202ObjectPreviewDataundef[0,256000] 221Prefsstring[0,64](PhotoMechanic preferences)225ClassifyStatestring[0,64] 228SimilarityIndexstring[0,32] 230DocumentNotesstring[0,1024] 231DocumentHistorystring[0,256] 232ExifCameraInfostring[0,4096] 255CatalogSetsstring[0,256]+(written by iView MediaPro)

IPTC NewsPhoto Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes0NewsPhotoVersionint16u: 10IPTCPictureNumberstring[16](4 numbers: 1-Manufacturer ID, 2-Equipment ID, 3-Date, 4-Sequence)20IPTCImageWidthint16u 30IPTCImageHeightint16u 40IPTCPixelWidthint16u 50IPTCPixelHeightint16u 55SupplementalTypeint8u0 = Main Image 
1 = Reduced Resolution Image 
2 = Logo 
3 = Rasterized Caption
60ColorRepresentationint16u0x0 = No Image, Single Frame 
0x100 = Monochrome, Single Frame 
0x300 = 3 Components, Single Frame 
0x301 = 3 Components, Frame Sequential in Multiple Objects 
0x302 = 3 Components, Frame Sequential in One Object 
0x303 = 3 Components, Line Sequential 
0x304 = 3 Components, Pixel Sequential 
0x305 = 3 Components, Special Interleaving 
0x400 = 4 Components, Single Frame 
0x401 = 4 Components, Frame Sequential in Multiple Objects 
0x402 = 4 Components, Frame Sequential in One Object 
0x403 = 4 Components, Line Sequential 
0x404 = 4 Components, Pixel Sequential 
0x405 = 4 Components, Special Interleaving
64InterchangeColorSpaceint8u1 = X,Y,Z CIE 
3 = Y,U,V (K) (D65) 
4 = RGB Device Dependent 
5 = CMY (K) Device Dependent 
6 = Lab (K) CIE 
7 = YCbCr 
8 = sRGB65ColorSequenceint8u 66ICC_Profileno 70ColorCalibrationMatrixno 80LookupTableno 84NumIndexEntriesint16u 85ColorPaletteno 86IPTCBitsPerSampleint8u 90SampleStructureint8u0 = OrthogonalConstangSampling 
1 = Orthogonal4-2-2Sampling 
2 = CompressionDependent
100ScanningDirectionint8u0 = L-R, Top-Bottom 
1 = R-L, Top-Bottom 
2 = L-R, Bottom-Top 
3 = R-L, Bottom-Top 4 = Top-Bottom, L-R 
5 = Bottom-Top, L-R 
6 = Top-Bottom, R-L 
7 = Bottom-Top, R-L102IPTCImageRotationint8u0 = 0 
1 = 90 
2 = 180 
3 = 270
110DataCompressionMethodint32u 120QuantizationMethodint8u0 = Linear Reflectance/Transmittance 
1 = Linear Density 
2 = IPTC Ref B 
3 = Linear Dot Percent 
4 = AP Domestic Analogue 
5 = Compression Method Specific 
6 = Color Space Specific 
7 = Gamma Compensated125EndPointsno 130ExcursionToleranceint8u0 = Not Allowed 
1 = Allowed
135BitsPerComponentint8u 140MaximumDensityRangeint16u 145GammaCompensatedValueint16u 

IPTC PreObjectData Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes10SizeModeno0 = Size Not Known 
1 = Size Known
20MaxSubfileSizeno 90ObjectSizeAnnouncedno 95MaximumObjectSizeno 

IPTC ObjectData Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes10SubFileno+ 

IPTC PostObjectData Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes10ConfirmedObjectSizeno 

IPTC FotoStation Tags

Tag IDTag NameWritableValues / Notes[no tags known]
0 0