
来源:互联网 发布:程序员都用什么电脑 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 03:45



StateMachineBehaviour is a component that can be added to a state machine state. It's the base class every script on a state derives from.

By default the Animator does instantiate a new instance of each behaviour define in the controller. The class attributeSharedBetweenAnimatorsAttribute control how behaviours are instantiated.

StateMachineBehaviour has some predefined messages:OnStateEnter,OnStateExit, OnStateIK, OnStateMove, OnStateUpdate.

OnStateEnterCalled on the first Update frame when a statemachine evaluate this state.OnStateExitCalled on the last update frame when a statemachine evaluate this state.OnStateIKCalled right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorIK.OnStateMoveCalled right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorMove.OnStateUpdateCalled at each Update frame except for the first and last frame.



StateMachineBehaviour is a component that can be added to a state machine state. It's the base class every script on a state derives from.


By default the Animator does instantiate a new instance of each behaviour define in the controller. The class attributeSharedBetweenAnimatorsAttribute control how behaviours are instantiated.

StateMachineBehaviour has some predefined messages:OnStateEnter,OnStateExit, OnStateIK, OnStateMove, OnStateUpdate.

OnStateEnterCalled on the first Update frame when a statemachine evaluate this state.OnStateExitCalled on the last update frame when a statemachine evaluate this state.OnStateIKCalled right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorIK.OnStateMoveCalled right after MonoBehaviour.OnAnimatorMove.OnStateUpdateCalled at each Update frame except for the first and last frame.





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