【LeetCode】500. Keyboard Row

来源:互联网 发布:2017学校网络改造方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:32



Given a List of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of alphabet on only one row’s of American keyboard like the image below.

Example 1:

Input: ["Hello", "Alaska", "Dad", "Peace"]Output: ["Alaska", "Dad"]


You may use one character in the keyboard more than once.

You may assume the input string will only contain letters of alphabet.



public class Solution {    private static String rowOne = "qwertyuiopQWERTYUIOP";    private static String rowTwo = "asdfghjklASDFGHJKL";    private static String rowThree = "zxcvbnmZXCVBNM";    public String[] findWords(String[] words) {        /*        思路是首先创建3个列表,分别包含键盘中3行的字母的大小写,        然后遍历输入的单词,判断每个单词的所有字母是不是都出现在同一个列表中,        如果是,那么这个单词符合要求,否则不符合要求        */        List<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();        for(String word : words){           if(canInput(word)){               wordList.add(word);           }        }        String[] results = new String[wordList.size()];        return wordList.toArray(results);    }    private boolean canInput(String word){        char c = word.charAt(0);        String checkRow = rowThree;        if(rowOne.indexOf(c) >= 0){            checkRow = rowOne;        }else if(rowTwo.indexOf(c) >= 0){            checkRow = rowTwo;        }        for(int i = 1; i < word.length(); i++){            char ch = word.charAt(i);            if(checkRow.indexOf(ch) < 0){                return false;            }        }        return true;    }}




Short Easy Java with Explanation


 public string[] FindWords(string[] words)     {        int[] row1 = ToCountArr("qwertyuiop");        int[] row2 = ToCountArr("asdfghjkl");        int[] row3 = ToCountArr("zxcvbnm");        return words.Where(w => All(row1, w) || All(row2, w) || All(row3, w)).ToArray();    }    public int[] ToCountArr(string s)    {        int[] arr = new int[26];        foreach (char c in s)        {            arr[c - 'a'] = 1;        }        return arr;    }    public bool All(int[] row, string input)    {        foreach (char c in input.ToLower())        {            if (row[c-'a'] == 0) return false;        }        return true;    }
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