HAWQ技术解析(八) —— 大表分区

来源:互联网 发布:免费英语水平测试软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:55
  • 范围分区:基于数字范围分区,如日期、价格等。
  • 列表分区:基于列表值分区,如销售区域、产品分类等。
  • 两者混合的分区类型。
        图1是一个混合类型分区表的例子,sales表以销售日期范围作为主分区,而以销售区域作为一个日期分区中的列表子分区键。注意,HAWQ并没提供类似Oracle的在线重定义功能,它只能使用CREATE TABLE命令创建分区表,而没有简单的命令能够将一个非分区表转化成分区表。最好在建表之前就规划好分区方式和维护方法,因为当一个非分区表已经存在大量数据后再改作分区表的操作,时间和空间消耗上都是很棘手的问题。

        在CREATE TABLE命令中使用PARTITION BY或可选的SUBPARTITION BY子句建立分区。上级分区可以包含一个或多个下级分区。HAWQ内部创建上下级分区之间的层次关系。分区条件定义一个分区内可以包含的数据。在建立分区表时,HAWQ为每个分区条件创建一个唯一的CHECK约束,限制一个分区所能含有的数据,保证各个分区中数据的互斥性。查询优化器利用该CHECK约束,决定扫描哪些分区以满足查询谓词条件。
        HAWQ在系统目录中存储分区的层次信息,因此插入到分区表中的行可以正确传递到子分区中。ALTER TABLE命令的PARTITION子句用于修改分区表结构。


  • 表是否足够大?按照一般的经验,至少千万记录以上的表才算大表。数据仓库中的事实表适合作为分区表。对于小于这个数量级的表通常不需要分区。因为系统管理与维护分区的开销会抵消掉分区带来的可见的性能优势。
  • 性能是否不可接受?只有当实施了其它优化手段后,响应时间仍然不可接受时,再考虑使用分区。
  • 查询谓词条件中是否包含适合的分区键?检查查询的WHERE子句中是否包含适合作为分区的条件。例如,如果大部分查询都通过日期检索数据,那么按照月或周做范围分区可能是有益的。
  • 是否需要维护一个数据仓库的历史数据窗口?例如,组织中的数据仓库只需要保持过去12个月的数据,那么按月分区,就可以很容易地删除最老月份的分区,并向最新的月分区中装载当前数据。
  • 根据分区定义条件,是否每个分区的数据量比较平均?分区条件应尽可能使数据平均划分。如果每个分区包含基本相同的记录数,性能会有所提升。例如,将一个大表分成10个相等的分区,如果查询条件中带有分区键,那么理论上查询应该比非分区表快将近10倍。
        使用分区还要注意以下问题。首先,不要创建多余的分区。太多的分区将会减慢管理和维护任务,如检查磁盘使用、集群扩展、释放剩余空间等。其次,只有在查询条件可以利用分区消除时,性能才会得到提升。否则,一个需要扫描所有分区的查询会比非分区表还慢。可以通过查看一个查询的执行计划(explain plan)确认是否用到了分区消除。最后是关于多级分区的问题。多级分区会使分区文件的数量快速增长。例如,如果一个表按日期和城市做分区,1000天的1000个城市的数据,就会形成100万个分区。假设表有100列,并且假设表使用面向列的物理存储格式,那么系统为此表需要管理1亿个文件。

1. 定义日期范围分区表
create table sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))distributed by (id)partition by range (date)( start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive   end (date '2017-02-01') exclusive   every (interval '1 day') );
        上面的语句以date列作为分区键,从2017年1月1月到2017年2月1日,每天一个分区,将建立31个分区。分区对应表对象的名称分别是sales_1_prt_1 ... sales_1_prt_31。注意inclusive表示分区中包含定义的分区键值,exclusive表示不包含。例如,sales_1_prt_1包含date >= (date '2017-01-01') and date < (date '2017-01-02')的数据,sales_1_prt_31包含date >= (date '2017-01-31') and date < (date '2017-02-01')的数据,即这个语句定义的分区是左闭右开的数据区间。
db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2016-12-31'),100);ERROR:  no partition for partitioning key  (seg21 hdp4:40000 pid=60186)db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-01-01'),100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-02-01'),100);ERROR:  no partition for partitioning key  (seg23 hdp4:40000 pid=60190)db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-01-31'),100);INSERT 0 1
create table sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))distributed by (id)partition by range (date)( start (date '2017-01-01') exclusive   end (date '2017-02-01') inclusive   every (interval '1 day') );db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-01-01'),100);ERROR:  no partition for partitioning key  (seg19 hdp4:40000 pid=60182)db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-01-02'),100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-01-31'),100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-02-01'),100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into sales values (1, (date '2017-02-02'),100);ERROR:  no partition for partitioning key  (seg23 hdp4:40000 pid=60269)
create table sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))distributed by (id)partition by range (date)( partition p201701 start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive ,  partition p201702 start (date '2017-02-01') inclusive ,  partition p201703 start (date '2017-03-01') inclusive ,  partition p201704 start (date '2017-04-01') inclusive ,  partition p201705 start (date '2017-05-01') inclusive ,  partition p201706 start (date '2017-06-01') inclusive ,  partition p201707 start (date '2017-07-01') inclusive ,  partition p201708 start (date '2017-08-01') inclusive ,  partition p201709 start (date '2017-09-01') inclusive ,  partition p201710 start (date '2017-10-01') inclusive ,  partition p201711 start (date '2017-11-01') inclusive ,  partition p201712 start (date '2017-12-01') inclusive                  end (date '2018-01-01') exclusive );

2. 定义数字范围分区表
db1=# create table rank (id int, rank int, year int, genderdb1(# char(1), count int)db1-# distributed by (id)db1-# partition by range (year)db1-# ( start (2017) end (2018) every (1),db1(#   default partition extra );NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "rank_1_prt_extra" for table "rank"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "rank_1_prt_2" for table "rank"CREATE TABLEdb1=# \dt                     List of relations Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   --------+------------------+-------+---------+------------- public | rank             | table | gpadmin | append only public | rank_1_prt_2     | table | gpadmin | append only public | rank_1_prt_extra | table | gpadmin | append only(3 rows)db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'M',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2017,'M',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2018,'M',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2019,'M',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# select * from rank; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2018 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2019 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2017 | M      |   100(4 rows)db1=# select * from rank_1_prt_2; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2017 | M      |   100(1 row)db1=# select * from rank_1_prt_extra; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2018 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2019 | M      |   100(3 rows)db1=# drop table rank;DROP TABLEdb1=# \dtNo relations found.
  • HAWQ缺省的分区范围是左闭右开。
  • 可以使用default partition子句增加一个缺省分区,当数据不被包含在任何明确定义的分区时,可以被包含在缺省分区中。
  • HAWQ在查询时可以将分区当做表看待,但删除主表后,分区被一并删除。
3. 定义列表分区表
db1=# create table rank (id int, rank int, year int, genderdb1(# char(1), count int )db1-# distributed by (id)db1-# partition by list (gender)db1-# ( partition girls values ('f'),db1(#   partition boys values ('m'),db1(#   default partition other );NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "rank_1_prt_girls" for table "rank"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "rank_1_prt_boys" for table "rank"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "rank_1_prt_other" for table "rank"CREATE TABLEdb1=# \dt                     List of relations Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   --------+------------------+-------+---------+------------- public | rank             | table | gpadmin | append only public | rank_1_prt_boys  | table | gpadmin | append only public | rank_1_prt_girls | table | gpadmin | append only public | rank_1_prt_other | table | gpadmin | append only(4 rows)db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'M',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'m',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'f',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'F',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# insert into rank values (1,1,2016,'A',100);INSERT 0 1db1=# select * from rank; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | f      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | m      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | F      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | A      |   100(5 rows)db1=# select * from rank_1_prt_boys; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | m      |   100(1 row)db1=# select * from rank_1_prt_girls; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | f      |   100(1 row)db1=# select * from rank_1_prt_other; id | rank | year | gender | count ----+------+------+--------+-------  1 |    1 | 2016 | M      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | F      |   100  1 |    1 | 2016 | A      |   100(3 rows)
db1=# create table rank (id int, rank int, year int, genderdb1(# char(1), count int )db1-# distributed by (id)db1-# partition by list (gender,year)db1-# ( partition girls values ('f',2017),db1(#   partition boys values ('m',2018),db1(#   default partition other );ERROR:  Composite partition keys are not allowed

4. 定义多级分区
        可以在分区中定义子分区。使用subpartition template子句保证每个分区都有相同的子分区定义,包括以后添加的分区。
create table sales (trans_id int, date date, amountdecimal(9,2), region text)distributed by (trans_id)partition by range (date)subpartition by list (region)subpartition template( subpartition usa values ('usa'),  subpartition asia values ('asia'),  subpartition europe values ('europe'),  default subpartition other_regions)  (start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive   end (date '2018-01-01') exclusive   every (interval '1 month'),   default partition outlying_dates );
        下面的例子显示了一个树形分区设计。sales表按年、月、地区的层级三级分区。SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE子句保证每个分区都有相同的子分区结构。例子中的每一层级都指定了缺省的分区。
create table sales (id int, year int, month int, day int,region text)distributed by (id)partition by range (year)    subpartition by range (month)      subpartition template (        start (1) end (13) every (1),        default subpartition other_months )           subpartition by list (region)             subpartition template (               subpartition usa values ('usa'),               subpartition europe values ('europe'),               subpartition asia values ('asia'),               default subpartition other_regions )( start (2017) end (2018) every (1),  default partition outlying_years );
5. 对一个已经存在的表进行分区
        正如开篇提到的,HAWQ只能使用CREATE TABLE命令创建分区表。如果想对一个已经存在的表进行分区,只能这样做:新建分区表->将数据原表导入分区表->删除原表->分区表改名->分析分区表->对新建的分区表重新授权。例如:
create table sales2 (like sales)partition by range (date)( start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive   end (date '2018-01-01') exclusive   every (interval '1 month') );insert into sales2 select * from sales;drop table sales;alter table sales2 rename to sales;analyze sales;grant all privileges on sales to admin;grant select on sales to guest;

6. 查看分区表定义
select partitionboundary, partitiontablename, partitionname,partitionlevel, partitionrank  from pg_partitions where tablename='sales';
  • pg_partition:分区表及其层级关系。
  • pg_partition_templates:子分区使用的模板。
  • pg_partition_columns:分区键列。
create table sales (id int, year int, month int, day int,region text)distributed by (id)partition by range (year)    subpartition by range (month)      subpartition template (        start (1) end (13) every (1),        default subpartition other_months )           subpartition by list (region)             subpartition template (               subpartition usa values ('北京'),               subpartition europe values ('上海'),               subpartition asia values ('广州'),               default subpartition other_regions )( start (2017) end (2020) every (1),  default partition outlying_years );
        sales表最底层存储数据的分区共有 4 * 13 * 4 = 208个;

1. 插入一条数据,如图2所示。


2. 无条件查询,查询计划如图3所示。



3. 以年为条件查询,查询计划如图4所示。


        可以看到,该查询扫描了全部208个分区的一半,104个分区。顶级年份分区有四个,为什么where year='2017'要扫描104而不是52个分区呢?在运行时,查询优化器会扫描这个表的层级关系(系统表),并使用CHECK表约束确定扫描哪些满足查询条件的分区。如果存在DEFAULT分区,则它总是被扫描,因此该查询或扫描year=2017和default两个分区,这就是扫描的分区数是104而不是52的原因。可见,包含DEFAULT分区会增加整体扫描时间。按理说DEFAULT与其它所有分区的数据都是互斥的,完全不必在可以确定分区的条件下再去扫描它,这是不是HAWQ查询优化器的一个问题也未可知。

3. 以年、月为条件查询,查询计划如图5所示。



4. 以年、月、地区为条件查询,查询计划如图6所示。



5. 以DEFAULT条件查询,查询计划如图7所示。


  • 查询优化器只有在查询条件中包含=、<、<=、>、>=、<>等比较运算符是才可能应用分区消除。
  • 对于稳定的函数会应用分区消除,对于易变函数不会应用分区消除。例如,WHERE date > CURRENT_DATE会应用分区消除,而time > TIMEOFDAY则不会。
        ALTER TABLE命令维护分区表。尽管可以通过引用分区对应的表对象的名子进行查询和装载数据,但修改分区表结构时,只能使用ALTER TABLE...PARTITION引用分区的名字。也可以使用PARTITION FOR (value)或PARTITION FOR(RANK(number))指示分区。注意,HAWQ不支持在多级分区上的如下操作:
  • 增加缺省分区
  • 增加分区
  • 删除缺省分区
  • 删除分区
  • 分割分区
  • 所有修改子分区的操作
1. 增加分区
create table sales (id int, year int, month int, day int,region text)distributed by (id)partition by range (year)    subpartition by range (month)      subpartition template (        start (1) end (13) every (1),        default subpartition other_months )           subpartition by list (region)             subpartition template (               subpartition usa values ('北京'),               subpartition europe values ('上海'),               subpartition asia values ('广州'),               default subpartition other_regions )( start (2017) end (2020) every (1));alter table sales add partition start (2016) inclusive end (2017) exclusive;
        使用add partition增加分区时不能存在DEFAULT分区,否则会报类似以下的错误:
ERROR:  cannot add RANGE partition to relation "sales" with DEFAULT partition "outlying_years"HINT:  need to SPLIT partition "outlying_years"
        这时需要使用split partition增加分区。
alter table sales alter partition for (rank(12))      add partition africa values ('africa');  alter table sales alter partition for (rank(1))      add partition africa values ('africa');

2. 增加缺省分区
alter table sales add default partition other;

3. 分区改名
alter table sales rename to globalsales;
alter table sales rename partition for (2017) to y2017;
db1=# alter table globalsales rename partition for (2017) to year2017;ERROR:  relation name "globalsales_1_prt_year2017_2_prt_other_months_3_prt_other_regions" for child partition is too long
        当使用ALTER TABLE...PARTITION 命令修改分区表时,总是用分区名称(如y2017)而不是分区对应的表对象全名(globalsales_1_prt_y2017)。

4. 删除分区
        ALTER TABLE命令也可用来删除分区,如果被删除的分区有子分区,则这些子分区及其数据也都被一起删除。
alter table globalsales drop partition for (2017);alter table globalsales drop partition for (2018);
db1=# alter table globalsales drop partition for (2019);ERROR:  cannot drop partition for value (2019) of relation "globalsales" -- only one remainsHINT:  Use DROP TABLE "globalsales" to remove the table and the final partition

5. 清空分区
        使用ALTER TABLE命令清空一个分区及其所有子分区的数据。不能单独清空一个子分区。
alter table globalsales truncate partition for (2018);

6. 分区交换
db1=# alter table sales exchange partition for (2017)db1-# with table stage_sales;ERROR:  cannot EXCHANGE PARTITION for relation "sales" -- partition has children


db1=# create table sales (id int, year int, month int, day int, region varchar(10))db1-# distributed by (id)db1-# partition by range (year)db1-# ( start (2017) end (2020) every (1));NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_1" for table "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_2" for table "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_3" for table "sales"CREATE TABLETime: 497.864 msdb1=# insert into sales values (1,2017,1,1,'北京');INSERT 0 1Time: 463.546 msdb1=# insert into sales values (2,2018,2,2,'上海');INSERT 0 1Time: 133.454 msdb1=# insert into sales values (3,2019,3,3,'广州');INSERT 0 1Time: 109.118 msdb1=# create table stage_sales (like sales);NOTICE:  Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause, defaulting to distribution columns from LIKE tableCREATE TABLETime: 130.794 msdb1=# \dt;                   List of relations Schema |     Name      | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   --------+---------------+-------+---------+------------- public | sales         | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2 | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3 | table | gpadmin | append only public | stage_sales   | table | gpadmin | append only(5 rows)db1=# insert into stage_sales values (4,2017,4,4,'深圳'); INSERT 0 1Time: 1559.465 msdb1=# alter table sales exchange partition for (2017) with table stage_sales;ALTER TABLETime: 61.744 msdb1=# select * from sales; id | year | month | day | region ----+------+-------+-----+--------  2 | 2018 |     2 |   2 | 上海  3 | 2019 |     3 |   3 | 广州  4 | 2017 |     4 |   4 | 深圳(3 rows)Time: 91.150 msdb1=# select * from stage_sales; id | year | month | day | region ----+------+-------+-----+--------  1 | 2017 |     1 |   1 | 北京(1 row)Time: 82.853 ms

7. 分裂分区
db1=# alter table sales split partition for (2017)db1-# at (2016)db1-# into (partition y016, partition y2017);ERROR:  cannot split partition with child partitionsHINT:  Try splitting the child partitions.
db1=# create table sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))db1-# distributed by (id)db1-# partition by range (date)db1-# ( partition p201701 start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive ,db1(#   partition p201702 start (date '2017-02-01') inclusive db1(#                     end (date '2017-03-01') exclusive );NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_p201701" for table "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_p201702" for table "sales"CREATE TABLETime: 274.237 msdb1=# insert into sales values (1, date '2017-01-15', 100);INSERT 0 1Time: 386.221 msdb1=# insert into sales values (1, date '2017-01-16', 100);INSERT 0 1Time: 146.437 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_p201701; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  1 | 2017-01-15 | 100.00  1 | 2017-01-16 | 100.00(2 rows)Time: 117.187 msdb1=# alter table sales split partition for ('2017-01-01') at ('2017-01-16')db1-# into (partition p20170101to0115, partition p20170116to0131);NOTICE:  exchanged partition "p201701" of relation "sales" with relation "pg_temp_68011"NOTICE:  dropped partition "p201701" for relation "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_p20170101to0115" for table "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_p20170116to0131" for table "sales"ALTER TABLETime: 446.998 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_p20170101to0115; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  1 | 2017-01-15 | 100.00(1 row)Time: 132.169 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_p20170116to0131; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  1 | 2017-01-16 | 100.00(1 row)Time: 86.589 ms
db1=# alter table sales add default partition other;NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_other" for table "sales"ALTER TABLETime: 134.470 msdb1=# insert into sales values (3, date '2017-03-01', 100);INSERT 0 1Time: 242.053 msdb1=# insert into sales values (4, date '2017-04-01', 100);INSERT 0 1Time: 147.235 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_other; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  4 | 2017-04-01 | 100.00  3 | 2017-03-01 | 100.00(2 rows)Time: 79.584 msdb1=# alter table sales split default partitiondb1-# start ('2017-03-01') inclusivedb1-# end ('2017-04-01') exclusivedb1-# into (partition p201703, default partition);NOTICE:  exchanged partition "other" of relation "sales" with relation "pg_temp_68051"NOTICE:  dropped partition "other" for relation "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_p201703" for table "sales"NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_other" for table "sales"ALTER TABLETime: 756.526 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_p201703; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  3 | 2017-03-01 | 100.00(1 row)Time: 89.353 msdb1=# select * from sales_1_prt_other; id |    date    |  amt   ----+------------+--------  4 | 2017-04-01 | 100.00(1 row)Time: 69.030 ms

8. 修改子分区模板
        ALTER TABLE SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE修改一个分区表的子分区模板。新模板只影响后面添加的数据,不修改现有的分区数据。
db1=# create table sales (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)db1-#   distributed by (trans_id)db1-#   partition by range (date)db1-#   subpartition by list (region)db1-#   subpartition templatedb1-#     ( subpartition usa values ('usa'),db1(#       subpartition asia values ('asia'),db1(#       subpartition europe values ('europe'),db1(#       default subpartition other_regions )db1-#   ( start (date '2017-01-01') inclusivedb1(#     end (date '2017-04-01') exclusivedb1(#     every (interval '1 month') );NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_1" for table "sales"...CREATE TABLETime: 623.565 msdb1=# alter table sales set subpartition templatedb1-# ( subpartition usa values ('usa'),db1(#   subpartition asia values ('asia'),db1(#   subpartition europe values ('europe'),db1(#   subpartition africa values ('africa'),db1(#   default subpartition regions );NOTICE:  replacing level 1 subpartition template specification for relation "sales"ALTER TABLETime: 49.767 ms
db1=# alter table sales add partition "4"db1-#   start ('2017-04-01') inclusivedb1-#   end ('2017-05-01') exclusive ;NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_4" for table "sales"...ALTER TABLETime: 414.251 msdb1=# \dt sales*                             List of relations Schema |               Name                | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   --------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------+------------- public | sales                             | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1                     | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1_2_prt_asia          | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1_2_prt_europe        | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1_2_prt_other_regions | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_1_2_prt_usa           | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2                     | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_asia          | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_europe        | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_other_regions | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_usa           | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3                     | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_asia          | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_europe        | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_other_regions | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_usa           | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4                     | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4_2_prt_africa        | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4_2_prt_asia          | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4_2_prt_europe        | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4_2_prt_regions       | table | gpadmin | append only public | sales_1_prt_4_2_prt_usa           | table | gpadmin | append only(22 rows)
alter table sales set subpartition template ();

9. 分区滚动窗口维护
create table sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))distributed by (id)partition by range (date)( start (date '2016-03-01') inclusive   end (date '2017-05-01') exclusive   every (interval '1 day') );

create or replace function fn_rolling_partition() returns intas $body$declare    oldest_month_first_day date := date(date_trunc('month',current_date) + interval '-13 month');    oldest_month_last_day date := date(date_trunc('month',current_date) + interval '-12 month - 1 day');    newest_month_first_day date := date(date_trunc('month',current_date) + interval '1 month');    newest_month_last_day date := date(date_trunc('month',current_date) + interval '2 month - 1 day');    i int;    j int;    sqlstring varchar(1000);  begin       -- 转储最早一个月的数据,    sqlstring = 'copy (select * from sales where date >= date(''' || oldest_month_first_day || ''') and date <= date(''' || oldest_month_last_day || ''')) to ''/home/gpadmin/sales_' || to_char(oldest_month_first_day,'YYYYMM') || '.txt'' with delimiter ''|'';';    execute sqlstring;    -- raise notice '%', sqlstring;    -- 删除最早月份对应的分区    i := 1;     j := oldest_month_last_day - oldest_month_first_day + 1;    for i in 1 .. j loop            sqlstring := 'alter table sales drop partition for (rank('|| i ||'));';        execute sqlstring;end loop;    -- 增加下一个月份的新分区    while newest_month_first_day <= newest_month_last_day loop            sqlstring := 'alter table sales add partition start (date '''|| newest_month_first_day ||''') inclusive end (date '''|| (newest_month_first_day + 1) ||''') exclusive;';        execute sqlstring;        -- raise notice '%', sqlstring;        newest_month_first_day = newest_month_first_day + 1;end loop;    -- 正常返回1    return 1;-- 异常返回0exception when others then     raise exception '%: %', sqlstate, sqlerrm;      return 0;end$body$ language plpgsql;

0 2 1 * * psql -d db1 -c "select fn_rolling_partition();" > rolling_partition.log 2>&1

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