
来源:互联网 发布:oracle数据库巡检 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:14



MediaCodec是anroid api 16以后开发的硬编解码接口,英文文档参照这个链接,中文翻译可以参考这个链接。本文主要记录的是如何使用MediaCodec对视频进行编解码,最后会以实例的方式展示如何将Camera预览数据编码成H264,再把编码后的h264解码并且显示在SurfaceView中。本例不涉及音频的编解码。



MediaCodec createByCodecName (String name);MediaCodec createDecoderByType (String type);


mMC = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(MIME_TYPE);


mMF = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MIME_TYPE, width, height);mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);  mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, framerate);  if (mPrimeColorFormat != 0){    mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, mPrimeColorFormat);  }mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 1); //关键帧间隔时间 单位smMC.configure(mMF, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);


mMC.start();mInputBuffers = mMC.getInputBuffers();mOutputBuffers = mMC.getOutputBuffers();


int inputbufferindex = mMC.dequeueInputBuffer(BUFFER_TIMEOUT);


ByteBuffer inputBuffer = mInputBuffers[inputbufferindex];inputBuffer.clear();//清除原来的内容以接收新的内容inputBuffer.put(bytes, 0, len);//len是传进来的有效数据长度mMC.queueInputBuffer(inputbufferindex, 0, len, timestamp, 0);


int outputbufferindex = mMC.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBI, BUFFER_TIMEOUT);


mOutputBuffers[outputbufferindex].get(bytes, 0, mBI.size);


mMC.releaseOutputBuffer(outputbufferindex, false);



mMC = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(MIME_TYPE);


int[] width = new int[1];int[] height = new int[1];  AvcUtils.parseSPS(sps, width, height);//从sps中解析出视频宽高mMF = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MIME_TYPE, width[0], height[0]);mMF.setByteBuffer("csd-0", ByteBuffer.wrap(sps));mMF.setByteBuffer("csd-1", ByteBuffer.wrap(pps));mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, width[0] * height[0]);mMC.configure(mMF, surface, null, 0);


mMC.start();mInputBuffers = mMC.getInputBuffers();mOutputBuffers = mMC.getOutputBuffers();


int inputbufferindex = mMC.dequeueInputBuffer(BUFFER_TIMEOUT);


ByteBuffer inputBuffer = mInputBuffers[inputbufferindex];inputBuffer.clear();


inputBuffer.put(bytes, 0, len);mMC.queueInputBuffer(inputbufferindex, 0, len, timestamp, 0);


mMC.releaseOutputBuffer(outputbufferindex, true);






package com.example.mediacodecpro;import;import;import;import android.util.Log;import;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;/** * Created by chuibai on 2017/3/10.<br /> */public class Encoder {    public static final int TRY_AGAIN_LATER = -1;    public static final int BUFFER_OK = 0;    public static final int BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 1;    public static final int OUTPUT_UPDATE = 2;    private int format = 0;    private final String MIME_TYPE = "video/avc";    private MediaCodec mMC = null;    private MediaFormat mMF;    private ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers;    private ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers;    private long BUFFER_TIMEOUT = 0;    private MediaCodec.BufferInfo mBI;    /**     * 初始化编码器     * @throws IOException 创建编码器失败会抛出异常     */    public void init() throws IOException {        mMC = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MIME_TYPE);        format = MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;        mBI = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();    }    /**     * 配置编码器,需要配置颜色、帧率、比特率以及视频宽高     * @param width 视频的宽     * @param height 视频的高     * @param bitrate 视频比特率     * @param framerate 视频帧率     */    public void configure(int width,int height,int bitrate,int framerate){        if(mMF == null){            mMF = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MIME_TYPE, width, height);            mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, bitrate);            mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, framerate);            if (format != 0){                mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, format);            }            mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, -1); //关键帧间隔时间 单位s        }        mMC.configure(mMF,null,null,MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);    }    /**     * 开启编码器,获取输入输出缓冲区     */    public void start(){        mMC.start();        inputBuffers = mMC.getInputBuffers();        outputBuffers = mMC.getOutputBuffers();    }    /**     * 向编码器输入数据,此处要求输入YUV420P的数据     * @param data YUV数据     * @param len 数据长度     * @param timestamp 时间戳     * @return     */    public int input(byte[] data,int len,long timestamp){        int index = mMC.dequeueInputBuffer(BUFFER_TIMEOUT);        Log.e("...","" + index);        if(index >= 0){            ByteBuffer inputBuffer = inputBuffers[index];            inputBuffer.clear();            if(inputBuffer.capacity() < len){                mMC.queueInputBuffer(index, 0, 0, timestamp, 0);                return BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;            }            inputBuffer.put(data,0,len);            mMC.queueInputBuffer(index,0,len,timestamp,0);        }else{            return index;        }        return BUFFER_OK;    }    /**     * 输出编码后的数据     * @param data 数据     * @param len 有效数据长度     * @param ts 时间戳     * @return     */    public int output(/*out*/byte[] data,/* out */int[] len,/* out */long[] ts){        int i = mMC.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBI, BUFFER_TIMEOUT);        if(i >= 0){            if(mBI.size > data.length) return BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;            outputBuffers[i].position(mBI.offset);            outputBuffers[i].limit(mBI.offset + mBI.size);            outputBuffers[i].get(data, 0, mBI.size);            len[0] = mBI.size ;            ts[0] = mBI.presentationTimeUs;            mMC.releaseOutputBuffer(i, false);        } else if (i == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {            outputBuffers = mMC.getOutputBuffers();            return OUTPUT_UPDATE;        } else if (i == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {            mMF = mMC.getOutputFormat();            return OUTPUT_UPDATE;        } else if (i == MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {            return TRY_AGAIN_LATER;        }        return BUFFER_OK;    }    public void release(){        mMC.stop();        mMC.release();        mMC = null;        outputBuffers = null;        inputBuffers = null;    }    public void flush() {        mMC.flush();    }}


package com.example.mediacodecpro;import;import;import android.view.Surface;import;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;/** * Created by chuibai on 2017/3/10.<br /> */public class Decoder {    public static final int TRY_AGAIN_LATER = -1;    public static final int BUFFER_OK = 0;    public static final int BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 1;    public static final int OUTPUT_UPDATE = 2;    private final String MIME_TYPE = "video/avc";    private MediaCodec mMC = null;    private MediaFormat mMF;    private long BUFFER_TIMEOUT = 0;    private MediaCodec.BufferInfo mBI;    private ByteBuffer[] mInputBuffers;    private ByteBuffer[] mOutputBuffers;    /**     * 初始化编码器     * @throws IOException 创建编码器失败会抛出异常     */    public void init() throws IOException {        mMC = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(MIME_TYPE);        mBI = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();    }    /**     * 配置解码器     * @param sps 用于配置的sps参数     * @param pps 用于配置的pps参数     * @param surface 用于解码显示的Surface     */    public void configure(byte[] sps, byte[] pps, Surface surface){        int[] width = new int[1];        int[] height = new int[1];        AvcUtils.parseSPS(sps, width, height);//从sps中解析出视频宽高        mMF = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MIME_TYPE, width[0], height[0]);        mMF.setByteBuffer("csd-0", ByteBuffer.wrap(sps));        mMF.setByteBuffer("csd-1", ByteBuffer.wrap(pps));        mMF.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, width[0] * height[0]);        mMC.configure(mMF, surface, null, 0);    }    /**     * 开启解码器,获取输入输出缓冲区     */    public void start(){        mMC.start();        mInputBuffers = mMC.getInputBuffers();        mOutputBuffers = mMC.getOutputBuffers();    }    /**     * 输入数据     * @param data 输入的数据     * @param len 数据有效长度     * @param timestamp 时间戳     * @return 成功则返回{@link #BUFFER_OK} 否则返回{@link #TRY_AGAIN_LATER}     */    public int input(byte[] data,int len,long timestamp){        int i = mMC.dequeueInputBuffer(BUFFER_TIMEOUT);        if(i >= 0){            ByteBuffer inputBuffer = mInputBuffers[i];            inputBuffer.clear();            inputBuffer.put(data, 0, len);            mMC.queueInputBuffer(i, 0, len, timestamp, 0);        }else {            return TRY_AGAIN_LATER;        }        return BUFFER_OK;    }    public int output(byte[] data,int[] len,long[] ts){        int i = mMC.dequeueOutputBuffer(mBI, BUFFER_TIMEOUT);        if(i >= 0){            if (mOutputBuffers[i] != null)            {                mOutputBuffers[i].position(mBI.offset);                mOutputBuffers[i].limit(mBI.offset + mBI.size);                if (data != null)                    mOutputBuffers[i].get(data, 0, mBI.size);                len[0] = mBI.size;                ts[0] = mBI.presentationTimeUs;            }            mMC.releaseOutputBuffer(i, true);        }else{            return TRY_AGAIN_LATER;        }        return BUFFER_OK;    }    public void flush(){        mMC.flush();    }    public void release() {        flush();        mMC.stop();        mMC.release();        mMC = null;        mInputBuffers = null;        mOutputBuffers = null;    }}


package com.example.mediacodecpro;import;import;import android.hardware.Camera;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.Message;import;import android.util.Log;import android.view.SurfaceView;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.TextView;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.Queue;import butterknife.BindView;import butterknife.ButterKnife;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener, Camera.PreviewCallback {    @BindView(    SurfaceView surfaceViewEncode;    @BindView(    SurfaceView surfaceViewDecode;    @BindView(    Button btnStart;    @BindView(    Button btnStop;    @BindView(    TextView capture;    private int width;    private int height;    private int bitrate;    private int framerate;    private int captureFrame;    private Camera mCamera;    private Queue<PreviewBufferInfo> mPreviewBuffers_clean;    private Queue<PreviewBufferInfo> mPreviewBuffers_dirty;    private Queue<PreviewBufferInfo> mDecodeBuffers_clean;    private Queue<PreviewBufferInfo> mDecodeBuffers_dirty;    private int PREVIEW_POOL_CAPACITY = 5;    private int format;    private int DECODE_UNI_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;    private byte[] mAvcBuf = new byte[1024 * 1024];    private final int MSG_ENCODE = 0;    private final int MSG_DECODE = 1;    private String TAG = "MainActivity";    private long mLastTestTick = 0;    private Object mAvcEncLock;    private Object mDecEncLock;    private Decoder mDecoder;    private Handler codecHandler;    private byte[] mRawData;    private Encoder mEncoder;    private CodecThread codecThread;    private DatagramSocket socket;    private DatagramPacket packet;    private byte[] sps_pps;    private byte[] mPacketBuf = new byte[1024 * 1024];    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        ButterKnife.bind(this);        //初始化参数        initParams();        //设置监听事件        btnStart.setOnClickListener(this);        btnStop.setOnClickListener(this);    }    /**     * 初始化参数,包括帧率、颜色、比特率,视频宽高等     */    private void initParams() {        width = 352;        height = 288;        bitrate = 1500000;        framerate = 30;        captureFrame = 0;        format = ImageFormat.YV12;        mAvcEncLock = new Object();        mDecEncLock = new Object();    }    @Override    protected void onResume() {        if (getRequestedOrientation() != ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {            setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);        }        super.onResume();    }    @Override    public void onClick(View v) {        switch (v.getId()){            case                mCamera =;                initQueues();                initEncoder();                initCodecThread();                startPreview();                break;            case                releaseCodecThread();                releseEncoderAndDecoder();                releaseCamera();                releaseQueue();                break;        }    }    /**     * 释放队列资源     */    private void releaseQueue() {        if (mPreviewBuffers_clean != null){            mPreviewBuffers_clean.clear();            mPreviewBuffers_clean = null;        }        if (mPreviewBuffers_dirty != null){            mPreviewBuffers_dirty.clear();            mPreviewBuffers_dirty = null;        }        if (mDecodeBuffers_clean != null){            mDecodeBuffers_clean.clear();            mDecodeBuffers_clean = null;        }        if (mDecodeBuffers_dirty != null){            mDecodeBuffers_dirty.clear();            mDecodeBuffers_dirty = null;        }    }    /**     * 释放摄像头资源     */    private void releaseCamera() {        if(mCamera != null){            mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(null);            mCamera.stopPreview();            mCamera.release();            mCamera = null;        }    }    private void releseEncoderAndDecoder() {        if(mEncoder != null){            mEncoder.flush();            mEncoder.release();            mEncoder = null;        }        if(mDecoder != null){            mDecoder.release();            mDecoder = null;        }    }    private void releaseCodecThread() {        codecHandler.getLooper().quit();        codecHandler = null;        codecThread = null;    }    private void initCodecThread() {        codecThread = new CodecThread();        codecThread.start();    }    /**     * 开启预览     */    private void startPreview() {        Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters();        parameters.setPreviewFormat(format);        parameters.setPreviewFrameRate(framerate);        parameters.setPreviewSize(width,height);        mCamera.setParameters(parameters);        try {            mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(surfaceViewEncode.getHolder());        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(this);        mCamera.startPreview();    }    @Override    public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {        /** 预览的data为null */        if(data == null) {            Log.e(TAG,"预览的data为null");            return;        }        long curTick = System.currentTimeMillis();        if (mLastTestTick == 0) {            mLastTestTick = curTick;        }        if (curTick > mLastTestTick + 1000) {            setCaptureFPSTextView(captureFrame);            captureFrame = 0;            mLastTestTick = curTick;        } else            captureFrame++;        synchronized(mAvcEncLock) {            PreviewBufferInfo info = mPreviewBuffers_clean.poll();    //remove the head of queue            info.buffer = data;            info.size = getPreviewBufferSize(width, height, format);            info.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();            mPreviewBuffers_dirty.add(info);            if(mDecoder == null){                codecHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ENCODE);            }        }    }    private void setCaptureFPSTextView(int captureFrame) {        capture.setText("当前帧率:" + captureFrame);    }    private void initEncoder() {        mEncoder = new Encoder();        try {            mEncoder.init();            mEncoder.configure(width,height,bitrate,framerate);            mEncoder.start();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    /**     * 初始化各种队列     */    private void initQueues() {        if (mPreviewBuffers_clean == null)            mPreviewBuffers_clean = new LinkedList<>();        if (mPreviewBuffers_dirty == null)            mPreviewBuffers_dirty = new LinkedList<>();        int size = getPreviewBufferSize(width, height, format);        for (int i = 0; i < PREVIEW_POOL_CAPACITY; i++) {            byte[] mem = new byte[size];            mCamera.addCallbackBuffer(mem);    //ByteBuffer.array is a reference, not a copy            PreviewBufferInfo info = new PreviewBufferInfo();            info.buffer = null;            info.size = 0;            info.timestamp = 0;            mPreviewBuffers_clean.add(info);        }        if (mDecodeBuffers_clean == null)            mDecodeBuffers_clean = new LinkedList<>();        if (mDecodeBuffers_dirty == null)            mDecodeBuffers_dirty = new LinkedList<>();        for (int i = 0; i < PREVIEW_POOL_CAPACITY; i++) {            PreviewBufferInfo info = new PreviewBufferInfo();            info.buffer = new byte[DECODE_UNI_SIZE];            info.size = 0;            info.timestamp = 0;            mDecodeBuffers_clean.add(info);        }    }    /**     * 获取预览buffer的大小     * @param width 预览宽     * @param height 预览高     * @param format 预览颜色格式     * @return 预览buffer的大小     */    private int getPreviewBufferSize(int width, int height, int format) {        int size = 0;        switch (format) {            case ImageFormat.YV12: {                int yStride = (int) Math.ceil(width / 16.0) * 16;                int uvStride = (int) Math.ceil((yStride / 2) / 16.0) * 16;                int ySize = yStride * height;                int uvSize = uvStride * height / 2;                size = ySize + uvSize * 2;            }            break;            case ImageFormat.NV21: {                float bytesPerPix = (float) ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(format) / 8;                size = (int) (width * height * bytesPerPix);            }            break;        }        return size;    }    private void swapYV12toI420(byte[] yv12bytes, byte[] i420bytes, int width, int height) {        System.arraycopy(yv12bytes, 0, i420bytes, 0, width * height);        System.arraycopy(yv12bytes, width * height + width * height / 4, i420bytes, width * height, width * height / 4);        System.arraycopy(yv12bytes, width * height, i420bytes, width * height + width * height / 4, width * height / 4);    }    private class PreviewBufferInfo {        public byte[] buffer;        public int size;        public long timestamp;    }    private class CodecThread extends Thread {        @Override        public void run() {            Looper.prepare();            codecHandler = new Handler() {                @Override                public void handleMessage(Message msg) {                    switch (msg.what) {                        case MSG_ENCODE:                            int res = Encoder.BUFFER_OK;                            synchronized (mAvcEncLock) {                                if (mPreviewBuffers_dirty != null && mPreviewBuffers_clean != null) {                                    Iterator<PreviewBufferInfo> ite = mPreviewBuffers_dirty.iterator();                                    while (ite.hasNext()) {                                        PreviewBufferInfo info =;                                        byte[] data = info.buffer;                                        int data_size = info.size;                                        if (format == ImageFormat.YV12) {                                            if (mRawData == null || mRawData.length < data_size) {                                                mRawData = new byte[data_size];                                            }                                            swapYV12toI420(data, mRawData, width, height);                                        } else {                                            Log.e(TAG, "preview size MUST be YV12, cur is " + format);                                            mRawData = data;                                        }                                        res = mEncoder.input(mRawData, data_size, info.timestamp);                                        if (res != Encoder.BUFFER_OK) {//                                            Log.e(TAG, "mEncoder.input, maybe wrong:" + res);                                            break;        //the rest buffers shouldn't go into encoder, if the previous one get problem                                        } else {                                            ite.remove();                                            mPreviewBuffers_clean.add(info);                                            if (mCamera != null) {                                                mCamera.addCallbackBuffer(data);                                            }                                        }                                    }                                }                            }                            while (res == Encoder.BUFFER_OK) {                                int[] len = new int[1];                                long[] ts = new long[1];                                synchronized (mAvcEncLock) {                                    res = mEncoder.output(mAvcBuf, len, ts);                                }                                if (res == Encoder.BUFFER_OK) {                                    //发送h264                                    if(sps_pps != null){                                        send(len[0]);                                    }                                    if (mDecodeBuffers_clean != null && mDecodeBuffers_dirty != null) {                                        synchronized (mAvcEncLock) {                                            Iterator<PreviewBufferInfo> ite = mDecodeBuffers_clean.iterator();                                            if (ite.hasNext()) {                                                PreviewBufferInfo bufferInfo =;                                                if (bufferInfo.buffer.length >= len[0]) {                                                    bufferInfo.timestamp = ts[0];                                                    bufferInfo.size = len[0];                                                    System.arraycopy(mAvcBuf, 0, bufferInfo.buffer, 0, len[0]);                                                    ite.remove();                                                    mDecodeBuffers_dirty.add(bufferInfo);                                                } else {                                                    Log.e(TAG, "decoder uni buffer too small, need " + len[0] + " but has " + bufferInfo.buffer.length);                                                }                                            }                                        }                                        initDecoder(len);                                    }                                }                            }                            codecHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_ENCODE, 30);                            break;                        case MSG_DECODE:                            synchronized (mDecEncLock) {                                int result = Decoder.BUFFER_OK;                                //STEP 1: handle input buffer                                if (mDecodeBuffers_dirty != null && mDecodeBuffers_clean != null) {                                    Iterator<PreviewBufferInfo> ite = mDecodeBuffers_dirty.iterator();                                    while (ite.hasNext()) {                                        PreviewBufferInfo info =;                                        result = mDecoder.input(info.buffer, info.size, info.timestamp);                                        if (result != Decoder.BUFFER_OK) {                                            break;        //the rest buffers shouldn't go into encoder, if the previous one get problem                                        } else {                                            ite.remove();                                            mDecodeBuffers_clean.add(info);                                        }                                    }                                }                                int[] len = new int[1];                                long[] ts = new long[1];                                while (result == Decoder.BUFFER_OK) {                                    result = mDecoder.output(null, len, ts);                                }                            }                            codecHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_DECODE, 30);                            break;                    }                }            };            Looper.loop();        }    }    private void send(int len) {        try {            if(socket == null) socket = new DatagramSocket();            if(packet == null){                packet = new DatagramPacket(mPacketBuf,0,sps_pps.length + len);                packet.setAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""));                packet.setPort(5006);            }            if(mAvcBuf[4] == 0x65){                System.arraycopy(sps_pps,0,mPacketBuf,0,sps_pps.length);                System.arraycopy(mAvcBuf,0,mPacketBuf,sps_pps.length,len);                len += sps_pps.length;            }else{                System.arraycopy(mAvcBuf,0,mPacketBuf,0,len);            }            packet.setLength(len);            socket.send(packet);        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    private void initDecoder(int[] len) {        if(sps_pps == null){            sps_pps = new byte[len[0]];            System.arraycopy(mAvcBuf,0,sps_pps,0,len[0]);        }        if(mDecoder == null){            mDecoder = new Decoder();            try {                mDecoder.init();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }            byte[] sps_nal = null;            int sps_len = 0;            byte[] pps_nal = null;            int pps_len = 0;            ByteBuffer byteb = ByteBuffer.wrap(mAvcBuf, 0, len[0]);            //SPS            if (true == AvcUtils.goToPrefix(byteb)) {                int sps_position = 0;                int pps_position = 0;                int nal_type = AvcUtils.getNalType(byteb);                if (AvcUtils.NAL_TYPE_SPS == nal_type) {                    Log.d(TAG, "OutputAvcBuffer, AVC NAL type: SPS");                    sps_position = byteb.position() - AvcUtils.START_PREFIX_LENGTH - AvcUtils.NAL_UNIT_HEADER_LENGTH;                    //PPS                    if (true == AvcUtils.goToPrefix(byteb)) {                        nal_type = AvcUtils.getNalType(byteb);                        if (AvcUtils.NAL_TYPE_PPS == nal_type) {                            pps_position = byteb.position() - AvcUtils.START_PREFIX_LENGTH - AvcUtils.NAL_UNIT_HEADER_LENGTH;                            sps_len = pps_position - sps_position;                            sps_nal = new byte[sps_len];                            int cur_pos = byteb.position();                            byteb.position(sps_position);                            byteb.get(sps_nal, 0, sps_len);                            byteb.position(cur_pos);                            //slice                            if (true == AvcUtils.goToPrefix(byteb)) {                                nal_type = AvcUtils.getNalType(byteb);                                int pps_end_position = byteb.position() - AvcUtils.START_PREFIX_LENGTH - AvcUtils.NAL_UNIT_HEADER_LENGTH;                                pps_len = pps_end_position - pps_position;                            } else {                                pps_len = byteb.position() - pps_position;                                //pps_len = byteb.limit() - pps_position + 1;                            }                            if (pps_len > 0) {                                pps_nal = new byte[pps_len];                                cur_pos = byteb.position();                                byteb.position(pps_position);                                byteb.get(pps_nal, 0, pps_len);                                byteb.position(cur_pos);                            }                        } else {                            //Log.d(log_tag, "OutputAvcBuffer, AVC NAL type: "+nal_type);                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SPS is not followed by PPS, nal type :" + nal_type);                        }                    }                } else {                    //Log.d(log_tag, "OutputAvcBuffer, AVC NAL type: "+nal_type);                }                //2. configure AVC decoder with SPS/PPS                if (sps_nal != null && pps_nal != null) {                    int[] width = new int[1];                    int[] height = new int[1];                    AvcUtils.parseSPS(sps_nal, width, height);                    mDecoder.configure(sps_nal, pps_nal,surfaceViewDecode.getHolder().getSurface());                    mDecoder.start();                    if (codecHandler != null) {                        codecHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_DECODE);                    }                }            }        }    }}

上面的send方法可以把手机捕捉并编码的视频数据发送到电脑上使用ffplay播放,使用ffplay的时候记得加上参数-analyzeduration 200000减小视频延迟。


- 数据的输入和输出要异步进行,不要采用阻塞的方式等待输出数据
- 编码Camera预览数据的时候使用带buffer的预览回调,避免帧率过低
- 适当使用缓存队列,不要每一帧都new一个byte数组,避免频繁的GC
- 不要在主线程进行操作,在我学习的过程中看到有些朋友直接在预览回调里进行编解码,在dequeueOutputBuffer方法还传递-1,也就是无限等待程序返回

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