[leetcode] 517. Super Washing Machines

来源:互联网 发布:网络存储 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:06

You have n super washing machines on a line. Initially, each washing machine has some dresses or is empty.

For each move, you could choose any m (1 ≤ m ≤ n) washing machines, and pass one dress of each washing machine to one of its adjacent washing machines at the same time .

Given an integer array representing the number of dresses in each washing machine from left to right on the line, you should find theminimum number of moves to make all the washing machines have the same number of dresses. If it is not possible to do it, return -1.


Input: [1,0,5]Output: 3Explanation: 1st move:    1     0 <-- 5    =>    1     1     42nd move:    1 <-- 1 <-- 4    =>    2     1     3    3rd move:    2     1 <-- 3    =>    2     2     2   


Input: [0,3,0]Output: 2Explanation: 1st move:    0 <-- 3     0    =>    1     2     0    2nd move:    1     2 --> 0    =>    1     1     1     


Input: [0,2,0]Output: -1Explanation: It's impossible to make all the three washing machines have the same number of dresses. 


  1. The range of n is [1, 10000].
  2. The range of dresses number in a super washing machine is [0, 1e5].





  • 如果lCnt>0 && rCnt>0

​表明位置k需要同时从两侧获取衣服,两侧可以同时进行,所以位置k上最小操作数为max(lCnt, rCnt);

  • 如果lCnt<0 && rCnt<0


  • 其他情况

表明位置k需要从一侧获取衣服,然后向另一侧输出衣服,两侧可以同时进行,所以位置k上最小操作数为max(abs(lCnt), abs(rCnt))。


class Solution {public:    int findMinMoves(vector<int>& machines) {        if(machines.empty()) return 0;        int n = machines.size(), minMv = INT_MIN, avg;        vector<int> sum(n+1, 0);                for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)            sum[i+1] = sum[i] + machines[i];        if(sum.back() % n) return -1;        avg = sum.back() / n;                for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {            int lCnt = sum[i] - avg * i;            int rCnt = sum.back() - sum[i+1] - avg * (n - 1 - i);            if(lCnt > 0 && rCnt > 0)                minMv = max(minMv, max(lCnt, rCnt));            else if(lCnt < 0 && rCnt < 0)                minMv = max(minMv, 0 - lCnt - rCnt);            else                minMv = max(minMv, max(abs(lCnt), abs(rCnt)));        }                return minMv;    }};

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