
来源:互联网 发布:smo算法 python实现 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 19:19


1. 算法原理

  非极大值抑制算法(Non-maximum suppression, NMS)的本质是搜索局部极大值,抑制非极大值元素。

2. 3邻域情况下NMS的实现



  a. 算法流程3-5行判断当前元素是否大于其左邻与右邻元素,如符合条件,该元素即为极大值点。对于极大值点I[i],已知I[i]>I[i+1],故无需对i+1位置元素做进一步处理,直接跳至i+2位置,对应算法流程第12行。


  b. 若元素I[i]不满足算法流程第3行判断条件,将其右邻I[i+1]作为极大值候选,对应算法流程第7行。采用单调递增的方式向右查找,直至找到满足I[i]>I[i+1]的元素,若i<=W-1,该点即为极大值点,对应算法流程第10-11行。


3. NMS在物体检测中的应用




function pickLocate = nms(boxes, overlap) % Non-maximum suppression.% In object detect algorithm, select high score detections and skip windows% covered by a previously selected detection.%% input - boxes : object detect windows.%                 xMin yMin xMax yMax score.%         overlap : suppression threshold.% output - pickLocate : number of local maximum score. boxes = double(boxes); if isempty(boxes)    pickLocate = [];else    xMin = boxes(:, 1);    yMin = boxes(:, 2);    xMax = boxes(:, 3);    yMax = boxes(:, 4);         s = boxes(:, end);         % area of every detected windows.    area = (xMax - xMin + 1) .* (yMax - yMin + 1);         % sort detected windows based on the score.    [vals, I] = sort(s);         pickLocate = [];    while ~isempty(I)        last = length(I);        i = I(last);                 pickLocate = [pickLocate; i];        suppress = [last];                 for pos = 1 : last - 1            j = I(pos);                          % covered area.            xx1 = max(xMin(i), xMin(j));            yy1 = max(yMin(i), yMin(j));            xx2 = min(xMax(i), xMax(j));            yy2 = min(yMax(i), yMax(j));                         w = xx2 - xx1 + 1;            h = yy2 - yy1 + 1;                         if ((w > 0) && (h > 0))                % compute overlap.                o = w * h / min(area(i), area(j));                                 if (o > overlap)                    suppress = [suppress; pos];                end            end                         % xx1 = max(x1(i), x1(I(1:last-1)));            % yy1 = max(y1(i), y1(I(1:last-1)));            % xx2 = min(x2(i), x2(I(1:last-1)));            % yy2 = min(y2(i), y2(I(1:last-1)));                         % w = max(0.0, xx2-xx1+1);            % h = max(0.0, yy2-yy1+1);                         % inter = w.*h;            % o = inter ./ (area(i) + area(I(1:last-1)) - inter);                         % saving the windows which o less than threshold.            % I = I(o <= overlap);        end        I(suppress) = [];    endend

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