Vue 路由嵌套、数据请求、组件

来源:互联网 发布:碳微球 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:42
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>Title</title></head><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"><body><div id = "app">    <div class="app" >        <a class="width"  ><router-link to="/tax">急速免税</router-link> </a>        <a  class="width" ><router-link to="/classify"> 分类</router-link> </a>        <a  class="width" > <router-link to ="/cart">购物车</router-link></a>        <a  class="width" ><router-link to ="/my">我的</router-link> </a>    </div>    <router-view></router-view></div></body><template id = "tax">    <div >        <tax-child1></tax-child1>        <div v-for="name in names">            {{name}}        </div>        <span v-for="item in movies" >            <img  style="width: 150px;height:150px;" v-bind:src="item.avatars.large" alt="">            <span>{{}}</span>        </span>       <div>           <ul style="float: left;margin-right: 50px;margin-left: 50px">               <li>                   <router-link :to="{path:'/tax/taxchild1',query:{id:12312313}}">route1</router-link>               </li>               <li>                   <router-link :to="{path:'/tax/taxchild2',query:{id:345353}}">route2</router-link>               </li>           </ul>           <router-view></router-view>       </div>    </div></template><script type="text/x-template" id = "classify">    <div>        <div>我是分类</div>        <button @click ="goCar">跳到购物车</button>    </div></script><script type="text/x-template" id = "cart">    <div>我是购物车</div></script><script type="text/x-template" id = "my">   <div>       <span>我的资料</span>   </div> </script><template id ="tax-child1">    <div>        <ul>            <li>tax-child1 01</li>            <li>tax-child1 02</li>            <li>tax-child1 03</li>        </ul>    </div></template><template id ="tax-child2">    <ul>        <li>tax-child2 01</li>        <li>tax-child2 02</li>        <li>tax-child2 03</li>    </ul></template><script type="text/javascript" src = "vue_js/vue.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src = "vue_router/vue_router.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src = "vue_js/resoure.js"></script><script>    /*import Vue from './vue_js/vue.js';    import Router from './vue_router/vue_router.js';    import resoure from './vue_js/resoure.js';*/    const testTax = Vue.component("test-tax",{        template:"#tax",        replace:true,        props:{        },        data:function(){            return {                movies:[],                names:["赌神","四面楚歌"]            }        },        mounted:function () {            console.log(this);            let that = this;            var url = "";            this.$http.jsonp(url, {}, {            }).then(function(response) {                that.movies = response.body.casts;                console.log(that.movies);            }, function(response) {                // 这里是处理错误的回调                console.log(response);            });        }    });    const testClassify =  Vue.component("test-classify",{        template:"#classify",        data:function(){            return {            }        },        methods:{            goCar:function (){                /*  route.go("/cart");*/                this.$router.push({ path: 'cart', query: { id: 12312312313 } });                /*this.$router.go({path:"cart"});拿不到值*/            }        }    });    const testCart  = Vue.component("test-cart",{        template:"#cart",        props:[],        data:function(){            return {            }        },        mounted:function(){            console.log(this.$;        }    });    const testMy =  Vue.component("test-my",{        template:"#my",        props:[],        data:function(){            return {            }        },        mounted:function(){        }    });    const taxChild1 =  Vue.component("tax-child1",{        template:"#tax-child1",        data:function(){            return {            }        },        mounted:function(){            console.log(this.$;        }    });    const taxChild2 =  Vue.component("tax-child2",{        template:"#tax-child2",        data:function(){            return {            }        }    });    const router = new VueRouter({        routes: [            {                path: '/tax',                component: testTax,                children:[                    {path:'/tax/taxchild1',component:taxChild1},                    {path:'/tax/taxchild2',component:taxChild2}                ]            },            {                path: '/classify',                component: testClassify            },            {                path: '/cart',                component: testCart            },            {                path: '/my',                component: testMy            },            { path: "", redirect: '/tax' }        ]    });    const app = new Vue({router}).$mount('#app')</script></html>
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