
来源:互联网 发布:竞彩足球对阵数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 05:17


// A growable array
template< typename TYPE >
class CGrowableArray
= NULL; 
= 0
= 0

const CGrowableArray<TYPE>& a ) 
forint i=0; i < a.m_nSize; i++ ) 
            Add( a.m_pData[i] ); 


const TYPE& operator[]( int nIndex ) const  { return GetAt( nIndex ); }
& operator[]( int nIndex )                { return GetAt( nIndex ); }
& operator=const CGrowableArray<TYPE>& a ) 
ifthis == &a ) 
return *this
forint i=0; i < a.m_nSize; i++ ) 
            Add( a.m_pData[i] ); 
return *this

    HRESULT SetSize( 
int nNewMaxSize );
    HRESULT Add( 
const TYPE& value );
    HRESULT Insert( 
int nIndex, const TYPE& value );
    HRESULT SetAt( 
int nIndex, const TYPE& value );

&   GetAt( int nIndex ) 
        assert( nIndex 
>= 0 && nIndex < m_nSize ); 
return m_pData[nIndex]; 

int     GetSize() const                    { return m_nSize; }
*   GetData()                        { return m_pData; }
bool    Contains( const TYPE& value )    { return ( -1 != IndexOf( value ) ); }

int IndexOf( const TYPE& value ) 
return ( m_nSize > 0 ) ? IndexOf( value, 0, m_nSize ) : -1

int IndexOf( const TYPE& value, int iStart ) 
return IndexOf( value, iStart, m_nSize - iStart ); 

int IndexOf( const TYPE& value, int nIndex, int nNumElements );

int LastIndexOf( const TYPE& value ) 
return ( m_nSize > 0 ) ? LastIndexOf( value, m_nSize-1, m_nSize ) : -1

int LastIndexOf( const TYPE& value, int nIndex ) 
return LastIndexOf( value, nIndex, nIndex+1 ); 

int LastIndexOf( const TYPE& value, int nIndex, int nNumElements );

    HRESULT Remove( 
int nIndex );
void    RemoveAll() { SetSize(0); }

* m_pData;      // the actual array of data
    int m_nSize;        // # of elements (upperBound - 1)
    int m_nMaxSize;     // max allocated

    HRESULT SetSizeInternal( 
int nNewMaxSize );  // This version doesn't call constructor or destructor.



SetSizeInternal() 分析

template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::SetSizeInternal( int nNewMaxSize )
if( nNewMaxSize < 0 )
false );

if( nNewMaxSize == 0 )
// Shrink to 0 size & cleanup
        if( m_pData )
            free( m_pData );

= 0;
= 0;
else if( m_pData == NULL || nNewMaxSize > m_nMaxSize )
// Grow array
        int nGrowBy = ( m_nMaxSize == 0 ) ? 16 : m_nMaxSize;
= __max( nNewMaxSize, m_nMaxSize + nGrowBy );

* pDataNew = (TYPE*) realloc( m_pData, nNewMaxSize * sizeof(TYPE) );
if( pDataNew == NULL )

= pDataNew;
= nNewMaxSize;

return S_OK;


// Grow array
int nGrowBy = ( m_nMaxSize == 0 ) ? 16 : m_nMaxSize;  

如果m_nMaxSize为0,意味着没有为m_nMaxSize指定大小,则将nGrowBy赋值为16,即增加的内存大小为16 * sizeof(TYPE);若指定了m_nMaxSize,则增加的大小为m_nMaxSize * sizeof(TYPE),即将分配内存调整为原来的两倍。

nNewMaxSize = __max( nNewMaxSize, m_nMaxSize + nGrowBy );

#define __max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

nNewMaxSize在新指定分配内存大小与自动增长的内存m_nMaxSize + nGrowBy 中取一个较大的值。

TYPE* pDataNew = (TYPE*) realloc( m_pData, nNewMaxSize * sizeof(TYPE) );
if( pDataNew == NULL )
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

m_pData       = pDataNew;
m_nMaxSize = nNewMaxSize;

pDataNew为指向重新分配内存的指针,m_pData = pDataNew将m_pData指向新分配的内存,m_nMaxSize = nNewMaxSize更新分配后内存的最大尺寸。


Reallocate memory blocks.

void *realloc(
void *memblock,
size_t size


Pointer to previously allocated memory block.
New size in bytes.

Return Value

realloc returns a void pointer to the reallocated (and possibly moved) memory block.

If there is not enough available memory to expand the block to the given size, the original block is left unchanged, and NULL is returned.

If size is zero, then the block pointed to by memblock is freed; the return value is NULL, and memblock is left pointing at a freed block.

The return value points to a storage space that is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for storage of any type of object. To get a pointer to a type other than void, use a type cast on the return value.


The realloc function changes the size of an allocated memory block. The memblock argument points to the beginning of the memory block. If memblock is NULL, realloc behaves the same way as malloc and allocates a new block of size bytes. If memblock is not NULL, it should be a pointer returned by a previous call to calloc, malloc, or realloc.

The size argument gives the new size of the block, in bytes. The contents of the block are unchanged up to the shorter of the new and old sizes, although the new block can be in a different location. Because the new block can be in a new memory location, the pointer returned by realloc is not guaranteed to be the pointer passed through the memblock argument.

In Visual C++ 2005, realloc sets errno to ENOMEM if the memory allocation fails or if the amount of memory requested exceeds _HEAP_MAXREQ. For information on this and other error codes, see errno, _doserrno, _sys_errlist, and _sys_nerr.

realloc calls malloc in order to use the C++ _set_new_mode function to set the new handler mode. The new handler mode indicates whether, on failure, malloc is to call the new handler routine as set by _set_new_handler. By default, malloc does not call the new handler routine on failure to allocate memory. You can override this default behavior so that, when realloc fails to allocate memory, malloc calls the new handler routine in the same way that the new operator does when it fails for the same reason. To override the default, call


early in ones program, or link with NEWMODE.OBJ (see Link Options).

When the application is linked with a debug version of the C run-time libraries, realloc resolves to _realloc_dbg. For more information about how the heap is managed during the debugging process, see The CRT Debug Heap.

realloc is marked __declspec(noalias) and __declspec(restrict), meaning that the function is guaranteed not to modify global variables, and that the pointer returned is not aliased. For more information, see noalias and restrict.


Routine Required header Compatibility
realloc<stdlib.h> and <malloc.h>ANSI, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


// crt_realloc.c
// This program allocates a block of memory for buffer and then uses _msize to display the size of that
// block. Next, it uses realloc to expand the amount of memory used by buffer and then calls _msize again to
// display the new amount of memory allocated to buffer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( void )
long *buffer, *oldbuffer;
size_t size;

if( (buffer = (long *)malloc( 1000 * sizeof( long ) )) == NULL )
exit( 1 );

size = _msize( buffer );
printf( "Size of block after malloc of 1000 longs: %u/n", size );

// Reallocate and show new size:
oldbuffer = buffer; // save pointer in case realloc fails
if( (buffer = realloc( buffer, size + (1000 * sizeof( long )) ))
== NULL )
free( oldbuffer ); // free original block
exit( 1 );
size = _msize( buffer );
printf( "Size of block after realloc of 1000 more longs: %u/n",
size );

free( buffer );
exit( 0 );


Size of block after malloc of 1000 longs: 4000
Size of block after realloc of 1000 more longs: 8000




template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::SetSize( int nNewMaxSize )
int nOldSize = m_nSize;

if( nOldSize > nNewMaxSize )
// Removing elements. Call destructor.
        forint i = nNewMaxSize; i < nOldSize; ++i )

// Adjust buffer.  Note that there's no need to check for error
// since if it happens, nOldSize == nNewMaxSize will be true.
    HRESULT hr = SetSizeInternal( nNewMaxSize );

if( nOldSize < nNewMaxSize )
// Adding elements. Call constructor.
        forint i = nOldSize; i < nNewMaxSize; ++i )
new (&m_pData[i]) TYPE;

return hr;

个人觉得这代码写的有些问题,作者说如果调用SetSizeInternal()失败,则nOldSize == nNewMaxSize必成立,但实际上我们查看SetSizeInternal()的代码发现:

TYPE* pDataNew = (TYPE*) realloc( m_pData, nNewMaxSize * sizeof(TYPE) );
 if( pDataNew == NULL )
       return E_OUTOFMEMORY;


template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::SetSize( int nNewMaxSize )
int nOldSize = m_nSize;

if( nOldSize > nNewMaxSize )
// Removing elements. Call destructor.
        forint i = nNewMaxSize; i < nOldSize; ++i )

// Adjust buffer.  
    HRESULT hr = SetSizeInternal( nNewMaxSize );

return hr;

if( nOldSize < nNewMaxSize )
// Adding elements. Call constructor.
        forint i = nOldSize; i < nNewMaxSize; ++i )
new (&m_pData[i]) TYPE;

return S_OK;


    if( nOldSize > nNewMaxSize )
        // Removing elements. Call destructor.
        for( int i = nNewMaxSize; i < nOldSize; ++i )



    // Adjust buffer.  
    HRESULT hr = SetSizeInternal( nNewMaxSize );

        return hr;


    if( nOldSize < nNewMaxSize )
        // Adding elements. Call constructor.
        for( int i = nOldSize; i < nNewMaxSize; ++i )
            ::new (&m_pData[i]) TYPE;




template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::Add( const TYPE& value )
    HRESULT hr;

if( FAILED( hr = SetSizeInternal( m_nSize + 1 ) ) )
return hr;

// Construct the new element
    ::new (&m_pData[m_nSize]) TYPE;
= value;

return S_OK;




template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::Insert( int nIndex, const TYPE& value )
    HRESULT hr;

// Validate index
    if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_nSize )
false );

// Prepare the buffer
    if( FAILED( hr = SetSizeInternal( m_nSize + 1 ) ) )
return hr;

// Shift the array
    MoveMemory( &m_pData[nIndex+1], &m_pData[nIndex], sizeof(TYPE) * (m_nSize - nIndex) );

// Construct the new element
    ::new (&m_pData[nIndex]) TYPE;

// Set the value and increase the size
    m_pData[nIndex] = value;

return S_OK;


#define MoveMemory RtlMoveMemory

#define RtlMoveMemory(Destination,Source,Length) memmove((Destination),(Source),(Length))




template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::SetAt( int nIndex, const TYPE& value )
// Validate arguments
    if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize )
false );

= value;
return S_OK;

// Searches for the specified value and returns the index of the first occurrence
// within the section of the data array that extends from iStart and contains the 
// specified number of elements. Returns -1 if value is not found within the given 
// section.
template< typename TYPE >
int CGrowableArray<TYPE>::IndexOf( const TYPE& value, int iStart, int nNumElements )
// Validate arguments
    if( iStart < 0 || iStart >= m_nSize || nNumElements < 0 || iStart + nNumElements > m_nSize )
false );
return -1;

// Search
    forint i = iStart; i < (iStart + nNumElements); i++ )
if( value == m_pData[i] )
return i;

// Not found
    return -1;



// Searches for the specified value and returns the index of the last occurrence
// within the section of the data array that contains the specified number of elements
// and ends at iEnd. Returns -1 if value is not found within the given section.
template< typename TYPE >
int CGrowableArray<TYPE>::LastIndexOf( const TYPE& value, int iEnd, int nNumElements )
// Validate arguments
    if( iEnd < 0 || iEnd >= m_nSize || nNumElements < 0 || iEnd - nNumElements < 0 )
false );
return -1;

// Search
    forint i = iEnd; i > (iEnd - nNumElements); i-- )
if( value == m_pData[i] )
return i;

// Not found
    return -1;



template< typename TYPE >
HRESULT CGrowableArray
<TYPE>::Remove( int nIndex )
if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize )
false );

// Destruct the element to be removed

// Compact the array and decrease the size
    MoveMemory( &m_pData[nIndex], &m_pData[nIndex+1], sizeof(TYPE) * (m_nSize - (nIndex+1)) );

return S_OK;