
来源:互联网 发布:手机图文设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:13


<tr>    <th style="width: 70px;height:50px;">商品2<font color="red">*</font><br>(220*280)</th>    <td style="width: 50px;text-align:left;height:50px;">        <input id="upload_second" class="fileupload" name="upload" type="file" name="files[]"               data-url="/category/uploadImg.action?width=190&height=100" multiple/>        <script>            $(function () {                'use strict';                // Change this to the location of your server-side upload handler:                var url = '/banner/uploadImg.action';                var dataType = 'json';                if ($.NV('name') == "firefox" || $.NV('name') == "chrome") {                    dataType = '';                }                $('#upload_second').fileupload({                    dataType: dataType,                    done: function (e, data) {                        var json = data.result;                        if (data.result.files == undefined || data.result.files == null) {                            var jsonStr = data.result + "";                            jsonStr = jsonStr.substring(0, jsonStr.length - 64);                            json = $.parseJSON(jsonStr);                        }                        $.each(json.files, function (index, file) {                            if (file.result == "true") {                                var width = file.width;                                var height = file.height;                                if (width == 190 && height == 100) {                                    $("#pti_second").attr("src", file.url);                                    $("#skuImgTwo").val(file.url);                                    //$("#picMsg").html("<font color='green'>(图片尺寸符合规格)</font>");                                    alert("上传成功!");                                } else {                                    //$("#picMsg").html("<font color='red'>(您上传的图片尺寸不正确,请重新上传)</font>");                                }                            } else {                                alert("上传失败:" + file.errorMsg + "!");                            }                        });                    },                    error: function (e, data) {                        var json = data.result;                        try {                            if (data.result.files == undefined || data.result.files == null) {                                var jsonStr = data.result + "";                                jsonStr = jsonStr.substring(0, jsonStr.length - 64);                                json = $.parseJSON(jsonStr);                            }                        } catch (err) {                            json = e.responseText;                            if (json == null || json == undefined) {                                alert("上传失败.");                                return;                            }                            json = json.substring(0, json.length - 64);                            json = $.parseJSON(json);                        }                        $.each(json.files, function (index, file) {                            if (file.result == "true") {                                $("#pti_second").attr("src", file.url);                                $("#skuImgTwo").val(file.url);                                alert("上传成功!");                            } else {                                alert("上传失败:" + file.errorMsg + "!");                            }                        });                    },                    progressall: function (e, data) {                        var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);                    }                }).prop('disabled', !$.support.fileInput)                        .parent().addClass($.support.fileInput ? undefined : 'disabled');            });        </script>        <dd><img id="pti_second" src="$!{bannerApp.skuImgTwo}" width="400px" height="300px" title=""/><span                id="picMsg"></span></dd>        <input type="hidden" id="skuImgTwo" name="skuImgTwo" value="$!{bannerApp.skuImgTwo}"/>        <input type="hidden" id="skuIdTwo" name="skuIdTwo" value="$!{bannerApp.skuIdTwo}"/>    </td></tr>

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