C++抽象编程 Programming Abstracting in C++ 全书笔记(未完结)

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00. 目录

1. Overview of C++

1.1 Your first C++ program

1.2 The history of C++

1.3 The structure of a C++ program

1.4 Variables

01. C++常见的的命名规则,属性和方法小写开头,类使用大写,单词之间首字母大写。常量全部大写,可以用短划线隔开各个。
In this text, names of variables and functions begin with a lowercase letter, such as limit or raiseToPower. The names of classes and other programmer-defined data types begin with an uppercase letter, as Direction or TokenScanner.
Constant values are written entirely in uppercase, as in PI or HALFJOLLAR. Whenever an identifier consists of serveral English words run together, the usual convention is to capitalize the first letter of each word to make the name easier to read.
Because that strategy doesn't work for constants, programmers use the underscore character to mark the word boundaries.

1.5 Data types

02. 类型
In C++, every data type value has an associated data type. From a formal perspective, a data type is define by two properties: a domain, which is the set of values that belong to that type, and a set of operations, which defines the behavior of that type.

03. 枚举
The syntax for defining an enumerated type is
enum typename {namelist};
Where typename is the name of the new types and namelist is a list of the constants in the domain, separated by commas.

04. 优先级
If two operators have the same precedence, they are applied in the order spcified by their associativity, which indicates whether that operator group to the left or to the right.

1.6 Expressions

1.7 Statements


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05. 习题


1. source file

2. // /* */

3. <>表示系统标准库 " "自己写的头文件

4. const duoble CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH = 2.54;

5. main return 0;

6. 屏幕上换行

7. 名字 类型 数值 范围

8. c f

9. member operator

10. 表示的范围不同

11. 美国字符

12. true false

13. double x; cin >> x;

14. cout << "i = " << i << ", d = " << d << ", c = " << c << ", s = " << s << endl;

15. int 5, int 3, double 4.8, double 18, int 4, int 2

16. unary表示负值,substraction表示减法操作。

17. 去掉小数部分

18.  一种类型转化为另一种类型, type (var)

19. 4

20. var1 += var2

21. ++x 先将x加1再进行操作。

22. short-circuit evaluation 在&& 和 ||中只要计算正确后面不再计算

23. if (boolean) statement;

switch(var) {

case item:

    statement; break;


24. 判断一个输入是否结束的特殊值。

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

for (int i = 100; i >= 0; i+= 2)


2. Functions and Libraries

2.1 The idea of a function

2.2 Libraries

2.3 Defining functions in C++

06. 默认值需要记住的两点

When you use default parameters, it helps to keep the following rules in mind:

1. The specification of the default value appears only in the function prototype and not in the function definition.

2. Any default parameters must appear at the end of the parameter list.

2.4 The mechanics of function calls

2.5 Reference parameters

07. 将大的程序分成若干小段,同时使用引用传递参数,程序结构很清晰。

#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <cmath>using namespace std;/* Function prototypes */void getCoefficients(double &a, double &b, double &c);void solveQuadratic(double a, double b, double c, double &x1, double &x2);void printRoots(double x1, double x2);void error(string msg);int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    double a, b, c, r1, r2;    getCoefficients(a, b, c);    solveQuadratic(a, b, c, r1, r2);    printRoots(r1, r2);    return 0;}// Reads in the coefficients of a quadratic equation into the// reference paramters a, b, and c.void getCoefficients(double &a, double &b, double &c) {    cout << "Enter coefficients for the quadratic equation: " << endl;    cout << "a: ";    cin >> a;    cout << "b: ";    cin >> b;    cout << "c: ";    cin >> c;}// Solves a quadratic equation for the coefficients a, b, and c. The// roots are returned in the reference parameters x1 and x2.void solveQuadratic(double a, double b, double c, double &x1, double &x2) {    if (a == 0) error("The coefficient a must be nonzero.");    double disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;    if (disc < 0) error ("This equation has no real roots");    double sqrtDisc = sqrt(disc);    x1 = (-b + sqrtDisc) / (2 * a);    x2 = (-b - sqrtDisc) / (2 * a);}// Displays x1 and x2, which are the roots of the quadratic equation.void printRoots(double x1, double x2) {    if (x1 == x2)        cout << "There is a double root at " << x1 << endl;    else        cout << "The roots are " << x1 << " and " << x2 << endl;}// Writes the string msg to the cerr stream and then exits the program// with a standard status value indicating that a failure has occurred.void error(string msg) {    cerr << msg << endl;    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}

2.6 Interfaces and Implementations

08. 宏的使用

#ifndef ERROR_H#define ERROR_H#include <string>void error(std::string msg);#endif // ERROR_H
In this interface, the boilerplate consists of the #ifndef and #define lines at the beginning of the interface and the matching #endif line at the end.

These lines make sure that the compiler doesn't compile the same interface twice.

09. 实现

#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <string>#include "error.h"using namespace std;void error(string msg) {    cerr << msg << endl;    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}
10. 类型

enum Direction {NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST};
The simplest approach to making this type accessible through a library interface would be to write a direction.h interface that contained only this line along with the usual interface that contained only this line along with the usual interface boilerplate. If you were to adopt that strategy, you wouldn't need to supply an implementation at all.

#ifndef DIRECTION_H#define DIRECTION_H#include <string>enum Direction {NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST};Direction leftFrom(Direction dir);Direction rightFrom(Direction dir);std::string DirectionToString(Direction dir);#endif // DIRECTION_H

#include <string>#include "direction.h"using namespace std;Direction leftFrom(Direction dir){    return Direction((dir + 3)) % 4;}Direction rightFrom(Direction dir){    return Direction((dir + 1) % 4);}string DirectionToString(Direction dir){    switch (dir) {    case NORTH:        return "NORTH";    case EAST:        return "EAST";    case SOUTH:        return "SOUTH";    case WEST:        return "WEST";    default:        return "???";    }}
11. 常量需要在声明和引用中同时加extern

To export the constant PI, you need to add the keyword extern to both its definition and the prototype declaration in the interface.

extern const double PI;

extern const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

2.7 Principles of interface design

12. 程序不要复杂化

To make programming manageable, you must reduce the complexity of the programming process as much as possible.

Functions reduce some of the complexity; libraries offer a similar reduction in programing complexity but at  a higher level of detail.

A library gives its client access to a set of functions and types that implement what computer scientists describe as a programming abstraction.

2.8 Designing a random number library

13. 统一

A central feature of a well-designed interface is that is presents a unified and consistent abstraction.

14. 设计一个random函数库

2.9 Introduction to the Stanford libraries


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3. Strings

3.1 Using strings as abstract values

3.2 String operations

3.3 The <cctype> library

3.4 Modifying the contents of a string

3.5 The legacy of  C-style strings

3.6 Writing string applications

3.7 The strlib.h library


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4. Streams

4.1 Using strings as abstract values

4.2 Formatted input

4.3 Data files

4.4 Class hierarchies

4.5 The simpio.h and filelib.h libraries


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5. Collections

5.1 The Vector class

5.2 The Stack class

5.3 The Queue class

5.4 The Map class

5.5 The Set class

5.6 Iterating over a collection


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6. Designing Classes

6.1 Representing points

6.2 Operator overloading

6.3 Rational numbers

6.4 Designing a token scanner class

6.5 Encapsulating programs as classes


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7. Introduction to Recursion

7.1 A simple example of recursion

7.2 The factorial function

7.3 The Fibonacci function

7.4 Checking palindromes

7.5 The binary search algorithm

7.6 Mutual recursion

7.7 Thinking recursively


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8. Recursive Strategies

8.1 The Towers of Hanoi

8.2 The subset-sum problem

8.3 Generating permutations

8.4 Graphical recursion


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9. Backtracking Algorithms

9.1 Recursive backtracking in a maze

9.2 Backtracking and games

9.3 The minimax algorithm


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10. Algorithmic Analysis

10.1 The sorting problem

10.2 Computational complexity

10.3 Recursion to the rescue

10.4 Standard complexity classes

10.5 The Quicksort algorithm

10.6 Mathematical induction


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11. Pointers and Arrays

11.1 The Structure of memory

11.2 Pointers

11.3 Arrays

11.4 Pointer arithmetic


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12. Dynamic Memory Management

12.1 Dynamic allocation and the heap

12.2 Linked lists

12.3 Freeing memory

12.4 Defining a CharStack class

12.5 Heap-stack diagrams

12.6 Unit testing

12.7 Copying objects

12.8 The use of const

12.9 Efficiency of the CharStack class


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13. Efficiency and Representation

13.1 Software patterns for editing text

13.2 Designing a simple text editor

13.3 An array-based implementation

13.4 A stack-based implementation

13.5 A list-based implementation


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14. Linear Structures

14.1 Templates

14.2 Implementing stacks

14.3 Implementing queues

14.4 Implementing vectors

14.5 Integrating prototypes and code


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15. Maps

15.1 Implementing maps using vectors

15.2 Lookup tables

15.3 Hashing

15.4 Implementing the HashMap class


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16. Trees

16.1 Family trees

16.2 Binary search trees

16.3 Balanced trees

16.4 Implementing maps using BSTs

16.5 Partially ordered trees


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17 Sets

17.1 Sets as a mathematical abstraction

17.2 Expanding the set interface

17.3 Implementation strategies for sets

17.4 Optimizing sets of small integers


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18. Graphs

18.1 The structure of a graph

18.2 Representation strategies

18.3 A low-level graph abstraction

18.4 Graph traversals

18.5 Defining a Graph class

18.6 Finding shortest paths

18.7 Algorithms for searching the web


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19. Inheritance

19.1 Simple inheritance

19.2 A hierarchy of graphical shapes

19.3 A class hierarchy for expressions

19.4 Parsing an expression

19.5 Multiple inheritance


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20 Strategies for iteration

20.1 Using iterators

20.2 Using functions as data values

20.3 Encapsulating data with functions

20.4 The STL algorithms library

20.5 Functional programming in C++

20.6 Implementing iterators


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A Stanford library interfaces



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