URAL 2067 水dp

来源:互联网 发布:漳州网络诈骗举报平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:25

There is a group of n children. According to a proverb, every man to his own taste. So the children value strawberries and raspberries differently. Let’s say that i-th child rates his attachment to strawberry as s i and his attachment to raspberry as r i.
According to another proverb, opposites attract. Surprisingly, those children become friends whose tastes differ.
Let’s define friendliness between two children v, u as: p( v, u) = sqrt(( s v − s u) 2 + ( r v − r u) 2)
The friendliness between three children v, u, w is the half the sum of pairwise friendlinesses: p( v, u, w) = ( p( v, u) + p( v, w) + p( u, w)) / 2
The best friends are that pair of children v, u for which v ≠ u and p( v, u) ≥ p( v, u, w) for every child w. Your goal is to find all pairs of the best friends.
In the first line there is one integer n — the amount of children (2 ≤ n ≤ 2 · 10 5).
In the next n lines there are two integers in each line — s i and r i (−10 8 ≤ s i, r i ≤ 10 8).
It is guaranteed that for every two children their tastes differ. In other words, if v ≠ u then s v ≠ s u or r v ≠ r u.
Output the number of pairs of best friends in the first line.
Then output those pairs. Each pair should be printed on a separate line. One pair is two numbers — the indices of children in this pair. Children are numbered in the order of input starting from 1. You can output pairs in any order. You can output indices of the pair in any order.
It is guaranteed that the amount of pairs doesn’t exceed 10 5.
input output
2 3
7 6
1 2
5 5
2 -4
-4 2










比如这个题要开long long 才能过

#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<cstring>#include<stack>#include<cstdio>#include<vector>using namespace std;long long tu[100001];struct p{    long long  z,y,zhi,geshu;    bool operator < (const p&a)const{    return zhi<a.zhi;    }};long long  dp[100001][2];p zz[100001];int main(){    #define int long long    int n;    cin>>n;    for(int a=1;a<=n;a++)scanf("%lld",&tu[a]);    map<int,int>mp;    for(int a=1;a<=n;a++)    {        if(!mp[tu[a]])        {            mp[tu[a]]=mp.size();            zz[mp.size()].zhi=tu[a];            zz[mp.size()].z=0x3f3f3f3f;            zz[mp.size()].y=0;        }        zz[mp[tu[a]]].geshu++;        zz[mp[tu[a]]].z=min(zz[mp[tu[a]]].z,a);        zz[mp[tu[a]]].y=max(zz[mp[tu[a]]].y,a);    }    sort(zz+1,zz+mp.size()+1);/*  for(int a=1;a<=mp.size();a++)    {        cout<<zz[a].z<<" "<<zz[a].y<<" "<<endl;    }    *///  cout<<endl;    int cengshu=mp.size();    memset(dp,0x3f,sizeof(dp));/*  dp[1][0]=zz[1].z-1;    dp[1][1]=zz[1].y-1;//  cout<<dp[1][0]<<" "<<dp[1][1]<<endl;    for(int a=2;a<=cengshu;a++)    {        dp[a][0]=min(dp[a-1][0]+abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].z),dp[a-1][1]+abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].y));//      cout<<abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].z)<<" "<<abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].y)<<endl;        dp[a][1]=min(dp[a-1][0]+abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].z),dp[a-1][1]+abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].y));//      cout<<abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].z)<<" "<<abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].y)<<endl;    }*///  dp[1][0]=dp[1][1]=zz[1].y-1;    dp[1][1]=zz[1].y-1;    dp[1][0]=dp[1][1]+zz[1].y-zz[1].z;    for(int a=2;a<=cengshu;a++)    {//      int tem0z=dp[a-1][0]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+min(abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].z),abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].z));//      int tem0y=dp[a-1][1]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+min(abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].y),abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].y));        int tem0z=dp[a-1][0]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].z);        int tem0y=dp[a-1][1]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+abs(zz[a].y-zz[a-1].y);        int tem1z=dp[a-1][0]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].z);        int tem1y=dp[a-1][1]+zz[a].y-zz[a].z+abs(zz[a].z-zz[a-1].y);        dp[a][0]=min(tem0z,tem0y);        dp[a][1]=min(tem1z,tem1y);//      cout<<dp[a][0]<<" "<<dp[a][1]<<endl;    }    cout<<min(dp[cengshu][0],dp[cengshu][1])+n<<endl;    return 0;}
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