
来源:互联网 发布:我要做淘宝优惠券群主 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 21:58


但是如果你在找一个原生的socket。http 客户端/服务器,WebSocket,和Socket。那Android的IO流库,AndroidAsync就是你要找的。

1. 基于NIO。一个线程,有回调驱动。高性能。
2. 所有的操作都返回一个能取消的Future。
3. Socket 客户端+ Socket 服务端。
4. HTTP 客户端+服务端。
5. WebSocket 客户端+服务端。
6. Socket.IO 客户端。


下载最新的jar文件( )或者通过Maven抓取。

<dependency>    <groupId>com.koushikdutta.async</groupId>    <artifactId>androidasync</artifactId>    <version>(insert latest version)</version></dependency>


dependencies {    compile 'com.koushikdutta.async:androidasync:2.+'}


// url是下载的URL地址。AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().getString(url, new AsyncHttpClient.StringCallback() {    // 如果可能,任何异常错误、结果都会请求回调    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, String result) {        if (e != null) {            e.printStackTrace();            return;        }        System.out.println("I got a string: " + result);    }});


// url is the URL to download.AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().getJSONObject(url, new AsyncHttpClient.JSONObjectCallback() {    // Callback is invoked with any exceptions/errors, and the result, if available.    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, JSONObject result) {        if (e != null) {            e.printStackTrace();            return;        }        System.out.println("I got a JSONObject: " + result);    }});


// url is the URL to download.AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().getJSONArray(url, new AsyncHttpClient.JSONArrayCallback() {    // Callback is invoked with any exceptions/errors, and the result, if available.    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, JSONArray result) {        if (e != null) {            e.printStackTrace();            return;        }        System.out.println("I got a JSONArray: " + result);    }});

AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().getFile(url, filename, new AsyncHttpClient.FileCallback() {    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, File result) {        if (e != null) {            e.printStackTrace();            return;        }        System.out.println("my file is available at: " + result.getAbsolutePath());    }});

// arguments are the http client, the directory to store cache files, and the size of the cache in bytes参数是http客户端请求,存储缓存文件地址,和缓存的字节大小。ResponseCacheMiddleware.addCache(AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(),getFileStreamPath("asynccache"),1024 * 1024 * 10);

也可以创建Web sockets:

AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().websocket(get, "my-protocol", new WebSocketConnectCallback() {    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception ex, WebSocket webSocket) {        if (ex != null) {            ex.printStackTrace();            return;        }        webSocket.send("a string");        webSocket.send(new byte[10]);        webSocket.setStringCallback(new StringCallback() {            public void onStringAvailable(String s) {                System.out.println("I got a string: " + s);            }        });        webSocket.setDataCallback(new DataCallback() {            public void onDataAvailable(DataEmitter emitter, ByteBufferList byteBufferList) {                System.out.println("I got some bytes!");                // note that this data has been read                byteBufferList.recycle();            }        });    }});


SocketIOClient.connect(AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(), "", new ConnectCallback() {    @Override    public void onConnectCompleted(Exception ex, SocketIOClient client) {        if (ex != null) {            ex.printStackTrace();            return;        }        client.setStringCallback(new StringCallback() {            @Override            public void onString(String string) {                System.out.println(string);            }        });        client.on("someEvent", new EventCallback() {            @Override            public void onEvent(JSONArray argument, Acknowledge acknowledge) {                System.out.println("args: " + arguments.toString());            }        });        client.setJSONCallback(new JSONCallback() {            @Override            public void onJSON(JSONObject json) {                System.out.println("json: " + json.toString());            }        });    }});

AsyncHttpPost post = new AsyncHttpPost("http://myservercom/postform.html");MultipartFormDataBody body = new MultipartFormDataBody();body.addFilePart("my-file", new File("/path/to/file.txt");body.addStringPart("foo", "bar");post.setBody(body);AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().execute(post, new StringCallback() {    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception ex, AsyncHttpResponse source, String result) {        if (ex != null) {            ex.printStackTrace();            return;        }        System.out.println("Server says: " + result);    }});

```java AsyncHttpServer server = new AsyncHttpServer();List<WebSocket> _sockets = new ArrayList<WebSocket>();server.get("/", new HttpServerRequestCallback() { @Override public void onRequest(AsyncHttpServerRequest request, AsyncHttpServerResponse response) { response.send("Hello!!!"); } });// listen on port 5000 server.listen(5000); // browsing http://localhost:5000 will return Hello!!!```

和WebSocket Servers:
```java server.websocket("/live", new WebSocketRequestCallback() { @Override public void onConnected(final WebSocket webSocket, AsyncHttpServerRequest request) { _sockets.add(webSocket);    //Use this to clean up any references to your websocketwebsocket.setClosedCallback(new CompletedCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception ex) { try { if (ex != null) Log.e("WebSocket", "Error"); } finally { _sockets.remove(webSocket); } } });    webSocket.setStringCallback(new StringCallback() {@Override public void onStringAvailable(String s) { if ("Hello Server".equals(s)) webSocket.send("Welcome Client!"); } });}});//..Sometime later, broadcast! for (WebSocket socket : _sockets) socket.send("Fireball!"); ```

Future<String> string = client.getString("");// this will block, and may also throw if there was an error!String value = string.get();

Future<String> string = client.getString("");string.setCallback(new FutureCallback<String>() {    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, String result) {        System.out.println(result);    }});

client.getString("").setCallback(new FutureCallback<String>() {    @Override    public void onCompleted(Exception e, String result) {        System.out.println(result);    }});
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