
来源:互联网 发布:学校网络解决方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:23
如果项目有添加混淆的时候,打包生成release包的时候,会在项目的app包下app\build\outputs\mapping 中生成如下几个文件
public static void main(String[] args) {

       String string = "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_coupon.png: 579 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_daily.png: 769 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_forum.png: 570 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_into.png: 1440 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_quiz.png: 1051 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/discovery_registerdomain.png: 1479 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/dottedline.png: 114 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/my_pushdomain.png: 1340 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/mytrade.png: 1219 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/publci_type_bg_notchecked.png: 377 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/radiogroup_bg.png: 85 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable-hdpi-v4/remind_icon.png: 451 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 67 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/btn_gray_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/btn_orange_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/btn_picture_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/btn_red_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/btn_white_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/drawable/radio_vp_position_selector.xml: 580 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/abc_action_bar_up_container.xml: 448 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/abc_action_bar_view_list_nav_layout.xml: 396 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/amoydomain_search.xml: 1132 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/draw_search_activity.xml: 3608 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_couponlist.xml: 1816 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_dianzan.xml: 680 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_editsearch.xml: 1432 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_guidefirst.xml: 488 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_guidefourth.xml: 716 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_guidesecond.xml: 488 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_guidethird.xml: 488 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_messagelist.xml: 3100 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_regdomain1.xml: 644 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/layout/layout_schedulexieyi.xml: 1480 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/abort_ename.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/aprise.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/attention_domain.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/base.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/edit_mobile_bid.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/my_trade.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/nick_name.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/on_sale.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/personal_data.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/recharge.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/treasure_more.xml: 464 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/treasure_search.xml: 464 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/turn_in.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/turn_in_re_add.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/turn_out_detail.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/use_protection.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n" +                "Skipped unused resource res/menu/wxentity.xml: 420 bytes (replaced with small dummy file of size 104 bytes)\n";        String[] strings = string.split("\n");        Pattern pattern=Pattern.compile(".*(drawable-hdpi-v4/|drawable/|menu/)(.*):.*");        for (int i=0;i<strings.length;i++){            matcher=pattern.matcher(strings[i]);            if (matcher.find()){                list.add(matcher.group(2));            }        }        tran("项目路径\app\\src\\main\\res",list);
}    public static  void tran(String path,ArrayList<String> list){        ArrayList<String> strings=list;        File file=new File(path);        if (file.exists()){            File[] files=file.listFiles();            if (files.length==0){                System.out.println("文件夹为空");                return;            }else {                for (File file1:files){                    if (file1.isDirectory()){                        tran(file1.getAbsolutePath(),strings);                    }else{                        for (int i=0; i<strings.size();i++){                            if (strings.get(i).equals(file1.getName())){                                file1.delete();                                strings.remove(i);                                break;                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }    }}
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