谢林隔离模型Matlab仿真实现 The Implementation of Schelling Model of Segregation With Matlab

来源:互联网 发布:一级域名转二级域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 08:22










名称 含义 similarity threshold 相似度阈值,低于则需要搬迁 red/blue ratio 红蓝像素比,此处即两种人群的比重 size 像素点个数(正方形) empty ratio 空置率,无人的像素点数


  • 以相似度阈值(容忍度)为自变量
    similarity threshold=30%, red/blue ratio=50%/50%,size=30*30,empty ratio=10%





similarity threshold=50%, red/blue ratio=50%/50%,size=30*30,empty ratio=10%




similarity threshold=80%, red/blue ratio=50%/50%,size=30*30,empty ratio=10%





  • 以红/蓝比为自变量(种族优势)
    similarity threshold=50%, red/blue ratio=80%/20%,size=30*30,empty ratio=10%




  • 空置率提高
    similarity threshold=50%, red/blue ratio=50%/50%,size=30*30,empty ratio=50%





% 以下代码省略了控制各个控件的响应函数及起始函数,库来自MATLAB R2016afunction step_btn_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject    handle to step_btn (see GCBO)% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)global size; %正方形区域边长(像素点个数)global empty; %空置率global ratio; %红色(即富人)占比global sim; %相似度容忍阈值global R; %分布矩阵global count; %轮数计算用变量(ROUND count)global map; %涂色用颜色表m = size * size; %计算像素点(居民)数量%根据百分比,计算像素点数量empty_tmp = round(m * empty / 100); ratio_tmp = round((m - empty_tmp) * ratio / 100);sim_tmp = sim / 100;str_tmp = get(handles.round_text,'String'); %获取ROUND NUMBER的字符串not_satis_red=[]; %初始化不满意红色点序列not_satis_blue=[];%初始化不满意蓝色点序列empty_now=[];%初始化空白像素点序列%R(i,j)=1代表空置,2代表红点,3代表蓝点for i=1:size    for j=1:size        switch R(i,j)            case 1                empty_now = [empty_now (j-1)*size+i];            case 2                satis_tmp = 0;                amount_tmp = 0;                %检测不满意情况                    if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if satis_tmp<round(sim_tmp*amount_tmp)                    not_satis_red =[not_satis_red (j-1)*size+i];                end            case 3                satis_tmp = 0;                amount_tmp = 0;                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if satis_tmp<round(sim_tmp*amount_tmp)                    not_satis_blue =[not_satis_blue (j-1)*size+i];                end        end    endend%pool是不满意像素点和空白点放在一起的像素点池pool = [not_satis_red not_satis_blue empty_now];index = randperm(length(pool)); %index是与pool数量相同的由1~pool的随机序列pool = pool(index); %pool中元素按照index索引打乱排列,实现随机分配R=reshape(R,1,m);  %将R矩阵转换为1*m矩阵,方便将随机分配后的序列放回for i=1:length(not_satis_red)    R(1,pool(1,i)) = 2;endfor i=1:length(not_satis_blue)    R(1,pool(1,i+length(not_satis_red))) = 3;endfor i=1:length(empty_now)    R(1,pool(1,i+length(not_satis_red)+length(not_satis_blue))) = 1;endR = reshape(R,size,size); %将R矩阵恢复size*size矩阵,为绘图做准备axes(findobj('tag','axes1'));%将R在axes1中绘制出来,颜色表为mapimage(R);colormap(map);%显示轮数ROUNDcount = count + 1;set(handles.round_text,'String', ['ROUND ' int2str(count)]);%检测本轮结束后的满意度satisfied = m - empty_tmp;for i=1:size    for j=1:size        switch R(i,j)            case 2                satis_tmp = 0;                amount_tmp = 0;                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if satis_tmp<round(sim_tmp*amount_tmp)                    satisfied = satisfied - 1;                end            case 3                satis_tmp = 0;                amount_tmp = 0;                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) == R(i,j) satis_tmp = satis_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= 1 && R(i-1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && R(i-1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= 1 && j ~= size && R(i-1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= 1 && R(i,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if j ~= size && R(i,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= 1 && R(i+1,j-1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && R(i+1,j) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if i ~= size && j ~= size && R(i+1,j+1) ~= 1 amount_tmp = amount_tmp + 1; end                if satis_tmp<round(sim_tmp*amount_tmp)                   satisfied = satisfied - 1;                end        end    endendset(handles.sat_text,'String',['SATISFIED ' num2str(satisfied/(m-empty_tmp)*100,'%.2f') '%']); %用统计图选择数据global datas;datas = [datas satisfied/(m-empty_tmp)*100];axes(findobj('Tag','axes2'));plot(datas); %存储本轮记录global record;record(end,5) = satisfied/(m-empty_tmp)*100;if satisfied/(m-empty_tmp) == 1    record(end,6) = count;    set(handles.step_btn,'Enable','off');endset(findobj('Tag','record1'),'Data',record);end



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