
来源:互联网 发布:stc80c52数据手册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:19


//  The Notes Created by Z-Tech on 2017/2/17.//  All Codes Boot on 《C++ Primer Plus》V6.0//  OS:MacOS 10.12.4//  Translater:clang/llvm8.0.0 &g++4.2.1//  Editer:iTerm 2&Sublime text 3//  IDE: Xcode8.2.1&Clion2017.1//P3.1#include <iostream>#include <climits>int main(){    using namespace std;    int n_int=INT_MAX;    short n_short=SHRT_MAX;//指定最大值    long n_long=LONG_MAX;    long long n_llong=LLONG_MAX;    cout<<"int is "<<sizeof (int)<<" bytes."<<endl;//此处不用n_int而是对类型名int使用,所以必须加()    cout<<"short is "<<sizeof n_short<<" bytes."<<endl;    cout<<"long is "<<sizeof n_long<<" bytes."<<endl;    cout<<"long long is "<<sizeof n_llong<<" bytes."<<endl;    cout<<endl;    cout<<"maximum values:"<<endl;    cout<<"int: "<<n_int<<endl;    cout<<"short: "<<n_short<<endl;    cout<<"long: "<<n_long<<endl;    cout<<"long long: "<<n_llong<<endl<<endl;    cout<<"Minimum int value = "<<INT_MIN<<endl;//最小值    cout<<"Bits per byte = "<<CHAR_BIT<<endl;//字节的位数    return 0;}//P3.2#include <iostream>//有无符号的short溢出后值的变化#define ZERO 0#include <climits>int main(){    using namespace std;    short sam= SHRT_MAX;    unsigned short sue=sam;    cout<<"Sam has "<<sam<<" dollars and Sue has "<<sue;    cout<<" dollars deposited."<<endl//注意此处并未结束        <<"Add $1 to each account."<<endl<<"Now ";    sam++;//32767+1>-32768;整形溢出跳转    sue++;//32767+1=32768    cout<<"Sam has "<<sam<<" dollars and sue has "<<sue;    cout<<" dollars deposited.\nPoor Sam!"<<endl;    sam=sue=ZERO;    cout<<"Sam has "<<sam<<" dollars and Sue has "<<sue;    cout<<" dollars deposited."<<endl;    cout<<"Take $1 from each account."<<endl<<"Now ";    sam--;//0-1=-1    sue--;//0-1>65535,整形溢出跳转    cout<<"Sam has "<<sam<<" dollars and Sue has "<<sue;    cout<<" dollars deposited."<<endl<<"Luck Sue!"<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.3#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    int chest=42;//十进制    int waist=0x42;//十六进制    int inseam=042;//八进制    cout<<"Monsieur cuts a striking figure!\n";//默认情况下,cout始终以十进制输出    cout<<"chest= "<<chest<<" (42 in decimal)\n";    cout<<"waist= "<<waist<<" (0x42 in hex)\n";    cout<<"inseam= "<<inseam<<" (042 in octal)\n";    return 0;}//P3.4#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int chest=42;    int waist=42;    int inseam=42;    cout<<"Monsieur cuts a striking figure!"<<endl;    //默认输出即为十进制    cout<<"chest = "<<chest<<" (decimal for 42)"<<endl;    cout<<hex;//十六进制,对后方有效,且控制符位于std中    cout<<"waist = "<<waist<<" (hexadecimal for 42)"<<endl;    cout<<oct;//八进制    cout<<"inseam = "<<inseam<<" (octal for 42)"<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.5#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    char ch;    cout<<"Enter a character: "<<endl;    cin>>ch;    cout<<"Hola! ";    cout<<"Thank you for the "<<ch<<" character."<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.6#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    char ch='M';//如果没有''则将被视为一个未声明的变量    int i=ch;    cout<<"The ASCII code for "<<ch<<" is "<<i<<endl;    cout<<"Add one to the character code:"<<endl;    i=++ch;    cout<<"The ASCII code for "<<ch<<" is "<<i<<endl;    cout<<"Displaying char ch using cout.put(ch): ";    cout.put(ch);//输出ch所代表的字符    cout.put('!');//直接输出字符需要''    cout<<endl<<"Done!Done!Done!"<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.7#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"\aOperation \"HypeHype\" is now activated!\n";// \a为振铃符    cout<<"Enter your agent code:________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b";// \b为退格符,可移动光标的位置    long code;    cin>>code;    cout<<"\ayou entered "<< code <<"...\n";    cout<<"\aCode verified! Proceed with Plan Z3!\n";    return 0;}//P3.7.extra#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    int k\u00F6rper;//变量名为Körper    cout<<"Let them eat g\u00E2teau.\n";//gâteau    return 0;}//P3.8#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);//强制显示小数点,不显示e表示法    float tub=10.0/3.0;//均被初始化为3.333333    double mint=10.0/3.0;    const float million=1.0e6;//十的六次方    cout<<"tub="<<tub;    cout<<", a million tubs = "<<million*tub;//这里float只精确到小数点后六位,故显示结果不正确    cout<<",\nand ten million tubs = ";    cout<<10*million*tub<<endl;//因为已经超出限制,再乘以十依然不正确    cout<<"mint = "<<mint<<" and a million mint = ";//double精度到15位,所以13位是有效的    cout<<million*mint<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.9#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    float a=2.34E+22f;//2.34*10^22,当22变为6时,结果为1    float b=a+1.0f;//因为float只能表示前6-7位,所以会被系统忽略    cout<<"a = "<<a<<endl;    cout<<"b-a = "<<b-a<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.10#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    float hats,heads;    cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);//修复小数点后的零,强制显示    cout<<"Enter a number: ";    cin>>hats;    cout<<"Enter another number: ";    cin>>heads;    cout<<"hats = "<<hats<<";heads = "<<heads<<endl;    cout<<"hats + heads = "<<heads+hats<<endl;    cout<<"hats * heads = "<<hats*heads<<endl;    cout<<"hats / heads = "<<hats/heads<<endl;    //cout<<"hats % heads = "<<hats%heads<<endl;该行求模不能使用浮点数    return 0;}//P3.11#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);    cout << "Integer division: 9/5 = " << 9 / 5 << endl;    cout << "Floating-Point division: 9.0/5.0 = ";    cout << 9.0 / 5.0 << endl;    cout << "Mixed division: 9.0/5 = " << 9.0 / 5 << endl;    cout << "Double constant: 1e7/9.0 = ";    cout << 1.e7 / 9.0 << endl;//1e7和1.e7是等价的。而且不加参数默认double    cout<<"Float constant: 1e7f/9.0f = ";    cout<<1.e7f/9.0f<<endl;//两个数都为float,结果只能为float,6位有效数字    return 0;}//P3.12#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    const int Lbs_per_stn=14;    int lbs;    cout<<"Enter your weight in pound: ";    cin>>lbs;    int stone=lbs/Lbs_per_stn;//计算整的Stone    int pounds=lbs%Lbs_per_stn;//计算余下的英镑数    cout<<lbs<<" Pounds are "<<stone<<" Stone , "<<pounds<<" Pound(s).\n";    return 0;}//P3.13#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);    float tree=3;    int guess(3.9832);//括号赋值法    int debt=7.2E12;//每一个编译器均不同    cout<<"Tree = "<<tree<<endl;    cout<<"guess = "<<guess<<endl;    cout<<"Debt = "<<debt<<endl;    return 0;}//P3.14#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    int auks,bats,coots;    auks=19.99+11.99;    bats=(int) 19.99+(int) 11.99;//C 语言老式写法    coots=int (19.99)+ int (11.99);    cout<<"auks= "<<auks<<", bats= "<<bats;    cout<<", coots= "<<coots<<endl;    char ch='Z';    cout<<"The Code for "<<ch<<" is ";    cout<<int(ch)<<endl;    cout<<"Yes,the code is ";    cout<<static_cast<int>(ch)<<endl;      //调用static_cast<>将ch强制类型转换为int    return 0;}//PP3.7.1#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter your height by foot:__\b\b";//两个删除符号    int height;    cin>>height;    const int inchV=12;//转换因子inchV    int inch=height/inchV;    int foot=height%inchV;    cout<<"So your height is "<<inch<<" inch and "        <<foot<<" foot.";    return 0;}//PP3.7.2#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Please enter your height by inch and foot(Use Space between them): ";    float inch,foot;//参考身高数据:5 inch&7.9 foot,约1.72m    cin>>inch>>foot;//参考体重数据:120 pound,约54.5kg    cout<<"Please enter your Weight by Pound : ";    float pound;    cin>>pound;    const int hcv=12;    const float wcv=2.2;    float mi=(inch*hcv+foot)*0.0254;    float kg=pound/2.2;    float bmi=kg/(mi*mi);    cout<<"So your height is "<<mi<<" metre and your weight is "<<kg<<" kg."<<endl;    cout<<"Then your BMI is "<<bmi<<endl;    cout<<"Thank you ver much.";    return 0;}//PP3.7.3#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter a latitude in degrees,minutes,and seconds: ";    cout<<"First,enter the degrees: ";    float degrees;    cin>>degrees;    cout<<"Next,enter the minutes: ";    float minutes;    cin>>minutes;    cout<<"Finally,enter the seconds: ";    float seconds;    cin>>seconds;    const int sv=60;//const定义需要指明具体的常量类型    cout<<degrees<<" degrees, "<<minutes<<" minutes, "<<seconds<<" seconds "        <<" = "<<degrees+minutes/sv+seconds/sv/sv<<" degrees.";    return 0;}//PP3.7.4#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter the numbers of seconds: ";    long allseconds;    cin>>allseconds;    int allhours=allseconds/3600;//全部小时数    short days=allhours/24;//除法计算天数    short hours=allhours%24;//求模算出小时数    long allminutes=allseconds/60;//全部分钟数    short minutes=allminutes%(allhours*60);//求模算出分钟数    short seconds=allseconds%60;//求模算出秒数    cout<<allseconds<<"seconds = "<<days<<" days "<<hours<<" hours "        <<minutes<<" minutes "<<seconds<<" seconds.";    return 0;}//PP3.7.5#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);    cout<<"Enter the world's population: ";    long double wpplt;    cin>>wpplt;    cout<<"Enter the population of the U.S: ";    long double upplt;    cin>>upplt;    cout<<"The population of U.S is "<<(upplt/wpplt)*100<<"% of the world population.";//百分比要*100    return 0;}//PP3.7.6#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter your drive distance: ";    double distance;    cin>>distance;    cout<<"Next,enter the oil by 升: ";    float oil;    cin>>oil;    cout<<"100km run out of "<<(oil/distance)*100<<"升。";    return 0;}
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