读书笔记:Tutorial of React.JS

来源:互联网 发布:哪个网络播放器最好用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:46


React is all about modular, composable components.


In React, components should always represent the state of the view and not only at the point of initialization.



  • CommentBox
    • CommentList
      • Comment
    • CommentForm


var CommentBox = React.createClass({    render: function(){        return(<div className="commentBox"></div>        );    }});ReactDOM.render(  <CommentBox />,  document.getElementById('content'));

React.createClass()定义component构造器,该方法接受一个JSON 对象,其中键值render定义了关键函数–该函数返回该component对应的HTML结构.


// tutorial1-raw.jsvar CommentBox = React.createClass({displayName: 'CommentBox',  render: function() {    return (      React.createElement('div', {className: "commentBox"},        "Hello, world! I am a CommentBox."      )    );  }});ReactDOM.render(  React.createElement(CommentBox, null),  document.getElementById('content'));

接受两个参数, 一个是markup格式的component变量声明,一个是目标位置, render函数生成的DOM将插入到该目标位置下.

You can return a tree of components that you (or someone else) built. This is what makes React composable: a key tenet of maintainable frontends.

Note that native HTML element names start with a lowercase letter, while custom React class names begin with an uppercase letter.

var CommentBox = React.createClass({  render: function() {    return (      <div className="commentBox">        <h1>Comments</h1>        <CommentList />        <CommentForm />      </div>    );  }});

Component 中可以插入自定义componet


Let’s create the Comment component, which will depend on data passed in from its parent. Data passed in from a parent component is available as a ‘property’ on the child component. These ‘properties’ are accessed through this.props.
Using props, we will be able to read the data passed to the Comment from the CommentList, and render some markup:

// tutorial4.jsvar Comment = React.createClass({  render: function() {    return (      <div className="comment">        <h2 className="commentAuthor">          {this.props.author}        </h2>        {this.props.children}      </div>    );  }});

We access named attributes passed to the component as keys on this.props and any nested elements as this.props.children

(Q:What does it mean by “nested elements”?).

// tutorial5.jsvar CommentList = React.createClass({  render: function() {    return (      <div className="commentList">        <Comment author="Pete Hunt">This is one comment</Comment>        <Comment author="Jordan Walke">This is *another* comment</Comment>      </div>    );  }});




...     {this.props.author}        </h2>        {this.props.children}  // <===      </div>      ...



We need to convertthis.props.children from React’s wrapped text to a raw string that remarkable will understand so we explicitly call toString().
【但这个写法是不work的。】That’s React protecting you from an XSS attack. There’s a way to get around it (but the framework warns you not to use it):
This is a special API that intentionally makes it difficult to insert raw HTML, but for remarkable we’ll take advantage of this backdoor.

var Comment = React.createClass({  rawMarkup: function() {    var md = new Remarkable();    var rawMarkup = md.render(this.props.children.toString());    return { __html: rawMarkup };  },  render: function() {    return (      <div className="comment">        <h2 className="commentAuthor">          {this.props.author}        </h2>        <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={this.rawMarkup()} />      </div>    );  }});


 { __html: nameOfYourHTMLContent }


传递来自Data Model的数据


// CommentList的修改var CommentList = React.createClass({  render: function() {  // 定义动态绑定    var commentNodes = this.props.data.map(function(comment) {      return (        <Comment author={comment.author} key={comment.id}>          {comment.text}        </Comment>      );    });    return (      <div className="commentList">      //this.props.data.map方法的返回结果是一串**有效的HTML文本**,直接在`render`对应的方法的返回值中作为**变量**使用即可。        {commentNodes}  // <===Like this!      </div>    );  }});


// CommenBox的修改var CommentBox = React.createClass({  render: function() {    return (      <div className="commentBox">        <h1>Comments</h1>        // 数据首先到达父级元素CommentBox,        // 在子元素CommentList中作为属性使用        <CommentList data={this.props.data} />         <CommentForm />      </div>    );  }});ReactDOM.render(  <CommentBox data={data} />,  document.getElementById('content'));

Componet 的属性data中绑定数据源:在ReactDOM.render中修改 data={nameOfDataSourceVariable}


ReactDOM.render(  <CommentBox url="/api/comments" />,  document.getElementById('content'));


app.get('/api/comments', function(req, res) {  fs.readFile(COMMENTS_FILE, function(err, data) {    if (err) {      console.error(err);      process.exit(1);    }    res.json(JSON.parse(data));  });});...var COMMENTS_FILE = path.join(__dirname, 'comments.json');



To implement interactions, we introduce mutable state to the component. this.state is private to the component and can be changed by calling this.setState(). When the state updates, the component re-renders itself.

// tutorial12.jsvar CommentBox = React.createClass({  getInitialState: function() {    return {data: []};  },  render: function() {    return (      <div className="commentBox">        <h1>Comments</h1>        <CommentList data={this.state.data} />        <CommentForm />      </div>    );  }});

getInitialState(): executes exactly once during the lifecycle of the component and sets up the initial state of the component. When the server fetches data, we will be changing the comment data we have.



We’re going to use jQuery to make an asynchronous request to the server we started earlier to fetch the data we need


// tutorial13.jsvar CommentBox = React.createClass({  getInitialState: function() {    return {data: []};  },  componentDidMount: function() {    $.ajax({      url: this.props.url,      dataType: 'json',      cache: false,      success: function(data) {        this.setState({data: data});      }.bind(this),      error: function(xhr, status, err) {        console.error(this.props.url, status, err.toString());      }.bind(this)    });  },  render: function() {    return (      <div className="commentBox">        <h1>Comments</h1>        <CommentList data={this.state.data} />        <CommentForm />      </div>    );  }});

传参语法:{data: nameOfCallBackParams}


...  componentDidMount: function() {  // AJAX is wrapped up in a func.    this.loadCommentsFromServer();     /* call AJAX when the component is first loaded and every 2 seconds after that. */    setInterval(this.loadCommentsFromServer, this.props.pollInterval);  },...ReactDOM.render(  <CommentBox url="/api/comments" pollInterval={2000} />,  document.getElementById('content'));




【传统DOM带来的问题】With the traditional DOM, input elements are rendered and the browser manages the state (its rendered value). As a result, the state of the actual DOM will differ from that of the component. This is not ideal as the state of the view will differ from that of the component.
we will be usingthis.stateto save the user’s input as it is entered.
We define an initial state with two properties author and text and set them to be empty strings.
In our elements, we set the value prop to reflect the state of the component and attach onChange handlers to them.
These <input> elements with a value set are called controlled components.


var CommentForm = React.createClass({  getInitialState: function() {  // 初始值赋为空    return {author: '', text: ''};  },  handleAuthorChange: function(e) {    this.setState({author: e.target.value});  },  handleTextChange: function(e) {    this.setState({text: e.target.value});  },  ...<input    type="text"          placeholder="Say something..."          value={this.state.text}          onChange={this.handleTextChange}        />

注意setState语法: this.setState({nameOfProperty: nameOfCallbackParam.target.value});


Let’s make the form interactive. When the user submits the form, we should clear it,
submit a request to the server,
and refresh the list of comments.
To start, let’s listen for the form’s submit event and clear it.


  handleSubmit: function(e) {    e.preventDefault();    var author = this.state.author.trim();    var text = this.state.text.trim();    /*.trim()?*/    if (!text || !author) {      return;    }    // TODO: send request to the server    /*clear the form after submission*/    this.setState({author: '', text: ''});  },  ...  render: function() {    return (      <form className="commentForm" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>      ...


Call preventDefault() on the event to prevent the browser’s default action of submitting the form.


It makes sense to do all of this logic in CommentBox since CommentBox owns the state that represents the list of comments.
We need to** pass data from the child component back up to its parent**. We do this in our parent’s render method by passing a new callback (handleCommentSubmit) into the child, binding it to the child’s onCommentSubmit event. Whenever the event is triggered, the callback will be invoked.


  handleCommentSubmit: function(comment) {    // TODO: submit to the server and refresh the list  },        /* LOOK AT HERE ↓ */    this.props.onCommentSubmit({author: author, text: text});    this.setState({author: '', text: ''});  },render: ...function() {    return (      <div className="commentBox">        <h1>Comments</h1>        <CommentList data={this.state.data} />        /* LOOK AT HERE ↓ */        <CommentForm onCommentSubmit={this.handleCommentSubmit} />      </div>    );  }

Now that CommentBox has made the callback available to CommentForm via the onCommentSubmit prop, the CommentForm can call the callback when the user submits the form:


... handleSubmit: function(e) {    e.preventDefault();    var author = this.state.author.trim();    var text = this.state.text.trim();    if (!text || !author) {      return;    }    /* 父级传来的回调函数通过    this.props.nameOfCallBackMethod来调用!LOOK AT HERE ↓ */    this.props.onCommentSubmit({author: author, text: text});    this.setState({author: '', text: ''});  },...


// CommentBox handleCommentSubmit: function(comment) {    $.ajax({      url: this.props.url,      dataType: 'json',      type: 'POST',      //  发送数据的ajax请求      data: comment,       success: function(data) {        this.setState({data: data});      }...);  },



In  CommentBox handleCommentSubmit: function(comment) {    var comments = this.state.data;    // comments是当前的数据大数组    comment.id = Date.now();    // 将新的comment添加(concat)到comments中    var newComments = comments.concat([comment]);    // 本地手动更新    this.setState({data: newComments});    $.ajax({    ...


  • 学会了component的基本使用;
  • 数据和component的绑定;
  • 数据源的绑定(本地/服务器)。
  • JSX作为语法糖的使用。
  • 运用元素的prop(properties)进行数据传递,以及在此之上利用回调函数进行从子元素到父元素数据传递
  • 使用markdown渲染文本。


So far, based on its props, each component has rendered itself once. props are immutable: they are passed from the parent and are “owned” by the parent.
this.state is private to the component and can be changed by calling this.setState(). When the state updates, the component re-renders itself.




Forms Article:进阶使用Controlled Components
automatically binds :事件绑定
thinking in react

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