lua 统计字符集中出现的次数

来源:互联网 发布:python量化交易 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 11:07




--utf8字符串分割成单字表local function filter_spec_chars(s)    local ss = {}    local k = 1    while true do        if k > #s then break end        local c = string.byte(s,k)        if not c then break end        if c<192 then            if (c>=48 and c<=57) or (c>= 65 and c<=90) or (c>=97 and c<=122) then                table.insert(ss, string.char(c))            end            k = k + 1        elseif c<224 then            k = k + 2        elseif c<240 then            if c>=228 and c<=233 then                local c1 = string.byte(s,k+1)                local c2 = string.byte(s,k+2)                if c1 and c2 then                    local a1,a2,a3,a4 = 128,191,128,191                    if c == 228 then a1 = 184                    elseif c == 233 then a2,a4 = 190,c1 ~= 190 and 191 or 165                    end                    if c1>=a1 and c1<=a2 and c2>=a3 and c2<=a4 then                        table.insert(ss, string.char(c,c1,c2))                    end                end            end            k = k + 3        elseif c<248 then            k = k + 4        elseif c<252 then            k = k + 5        elseif c<254 then            k = k + 6        end    end    return ssend--utf8字符串长度function string.utf8len(input)    local len  = string.len(input)    local left = len    local cnt  = 0    local arr  = {0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc}    while left ~= 0 do        local tmp = string.byte(input, -left)        local i   = #arr        while arr[i] do            if tmp >= arr[i] then                left = left - i                break            end            i = i - 1        end        cnt = cnt + 1    end    return cntend--查找表中是否有值为value的k--此方法可以改成查找表中是否有值为value的vfunction table.keyof(hashtable, value)    for k, v in pairs(hashtable) do        if k == value then            return k        end    end    return nilend--secondName是一个词语集合,如果只统计这些词语或者单词的出现次数,那就用不到上面的方法了local function HashFold ()    local getTime = os.time()    local hash = {["李强"] = 1}    for k,v in pairs(secondName) do        local list = filter_spec_chars(v)        for j,i in pairs(list) do        -- print("logging   2",i)            if table.keyof(hash,i) then                hash[i] = hash[i] + 1            else                hash[i] = 1            end            -- print("logging   3",hash[i])        end    end    print("GameToos.getTimeiv() HashFold :",os.time() - getTime)    local num = 200    for k,v in pairs(hash) do        if v>=num then            print("出现次数大于"..num.."100次的字符",k,v)        end    endendHashFold ()


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