One-by-one to solve the Sequence Problem (1)

来源:互联网 发布:赵丽颖野心知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 02:38

One-by-one to solve the Sequence Problem (1)

1400 : Composition (from hihocoder)

Alice writes an English composition with a length of N characters. However, her teacher requires that M illegal pairs of characters cannot be adjacent, and if ‘ab’ cannot be adjacent, ‘ba’ cannot be adjacent either.
In order to meet the requirements, Alice needs to delete some characters.
Please work out the minimum number of characters that need to be deleted.
The first line contains the length of the composition N.
The second line contains N characters, which make up the composition. Each character belongs to ‘a’..’z’.
The third line contains the number of illegal pairs M.
Each of the next M lines contains two characters ch1 and ch2,which cannot be adjacent.
For 20% of the data: 1 ≤ N ≤ 10
For 50% of the data: 1 ≤ N ≤ 1000
For 100% of the data: 1 ≤ N ≤ 100000, M ≤ 200.
One line with an integer indicating the minimum number of characters that need to be deleted.

Delete ‘a’ and ‘d’.






#include <iostream>#include <list>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <unordered_map>#include <unordered_set>#include <utility>using namespace std;typedef unsigned int unint;typedef unordered_set<string> setstr;typedef unordered_map<char, unint> mapchar;typedef pair<char, unint> pcu;int main() {    int N = 0;    while (cin >> N) {        string ts;        cin >> ts;        list<char> mstr(ts.begin(), ts.end());        int m = 0;        cin >> m;        setstr mp;        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)        {            string s1;            cin >> s1;            mp.insert(s1);            char tc = s1[0];            s1[0] = s1[1];            s1[1] = tc;            mp.insert(s1);        }        mapchar mmp;        mmp.insert(pair<char,unint>(ts[0], 0));        for (int i =1;i<N; ++i) {            char c = ts[i];            mapchar tmmp;            string s11(2,'0');            auto resf0 = mmp.find(c);            tmmp.insert(pcu(c, i));            s11[1] = c;            for (auto it : mmp) {                // delete                it.second += 1;                auto resf = tmmp.find(it.first);                if (resf == tmmp.end()) {                    tmmp.insert(it);                }                else {                    if (resf->second > it.second)                        resf->second = it.second;                }                // keep it                it.second -= 1;                s11[0] = it.first;                auto resf1 = mp.find(s11);                if (resf1 == mp.end()) {                    // insert it                    auto resf11 = tmmp.find(c);                    if (resf11 == tmmp.end())                     {                        tmmp.insert(pcu(c, it.second));                    }                    else {                        if (resf11->second > it.second)                            resf11->second = it.second;                    }                }            }// for it : mmp            mmp = tmmp;        }        unint res1 = 0x0fffffff;        for (auto i : mmp) {            if (res1 > i.second)                res1 = i.second;        }        cout << res1 << endl;    }// end of while    return 0;}
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