
来源:互联网 发布:dir python 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 13:23


一下例子:Creating a separate thread to perform a lengthy operation

package require Thread# Create a separate thread to search the current directory# and all its subdirectories, recursively, for all files# ending in the extension ".tcl". Store the results in the# file "files.txt".thread::create {   # Load the Tcllib fileutil package to use its   # findByPattern procedure.   package require fileutil   set files [fileutil::findByPattern [pwd] *.tcl]   set fid [open files.txt w]   puts $fid [join $files \n]   close $fid}# The main thread can perform other tasks in parallel...


thread::create [list exec app.exe]

以下实例:在应用中创建多线程Creating several threads in an application

package require Threadputs "*** I'm thread [thread::id]"# Create 3 threadsfor {set thread 1} {$thread <= 3} {incr thread} {   set id [thread::create {      # Print a hello message 3 times, waiting      # a random amount of time between messages      for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {         after [expr { int(500*rand()) }]         puts "Thread [thread::id] says hello"      }   }] ;# thread::create   puts "*** Started thread $id"} ;# forputs "*** Existing threads: [thread::names]"# Wait until all other threads are finishedwhile {[llength [thread::names]] > 1} {   after 500}puts "*** That's all, folks!"

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