__attribute__((constructor)) 和 __attribute__((destructor))

来源:互联网 发布:风暴英雄mac版下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 20:19

__attribute__: GNU C 的一大特色就是__attribute__ 机制。__attribute__ 可以设置函数属性(Function),变量属性(Variable)和类型属性(Type)。

__attribute__ 书写特征是:

---- __attribute__ 前后都有两个下划线,并切后面会紧跟一对原括弧,括弧里面是相应的__attribute__ 参数。

__attribute__ 语法格式为:__attribute__ ((attribute-list))



__attribute__((constructor)): 需要在main函数之前调用的函数,可以设置constructor属性,实现初始化。




struct data{char ch; int num;};

sizeof(int) = 4; sizeof(data) = 8; (非紧凑模式)

struct data{char ch; int num;}__attribute__((packed));
sizeof(int) = 4; sizeof(data) = 5;


__attribute__((constructor)) static void beforeFunction(){    printf("beforeFunction\n");}

constructor (priority)
destructor (priority)

--- The constructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically before execution enters main().

--- Similarly, the destructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically after main() completes or exit() is called.

--- Functions with these attributes are useful for initializing data that is used implicitly during the execution of the program.You can set an optional integer priority to control the order in which constructor and destructor funcs are run.  A constructorwith a smaller priority number runs before a constructor with a larger priority number;the opposite relationship holds for destructors. 构造函数优先级数字越小,越先执行。析构函数相反。

So, if you have a constructor that allocates a resource and a destructor that deallocates the same resource, both functions typically have the same priority.  

The priorities for constructor and destructor functions are the same as those specified for namespace-scope

C++ objects (see C++ Attributes).These attributes are not currently implemented for Objective-C. 

/* max length */#define MAX_LEN 16/*server max number */#define MAX_SNUM 10/*port max number*/#define MAX_PNUM 10enum server_state{idle = 0,in_use};//server informationtypedef struct server_info{    char host_name[MAX_LEN];int port_id[MAX_PNUM];enum server_state st[MAX_PNUM];char used_by[MAX_PNUM][MAX_LEN];char ip_address[MAX_PNUM][MAX_LEN];} S_Info;char pre_host_name[MAX_SNUM][MAX_LEN] = {                    "eslruntime01",                    "eslruntime02",                    "eslruntime03",                    "eslruntime04",                    "eslruntime05",                    "eslruntime06",                    "eslruntime07",                    "eslruntime08",                    "eslruntime09",                    "eslruntime10"};int port_inf[MAX_PNUM] = {10000,10001,10002,10003,10004,10005,10006,10007,10008,10009};enum server_state sst[MAX_PNUM] = {idle};//create server tablestatic S_Info * init_server_info(){    S_Info * server_t = (S_Info *)malloc(sizeof(S_Info) * MAX_SNUM);    int i,j,k;    for (i = 0;i < MAX_SNUM;++i){     for(j = 0;j < MAX_PNUM;++j){            server_t[i].port_id[j] = port_inf[j];            server_t[i].st[j] = sst[j];memset(server_t[i].used_by[j],0,MAX_LEN);memset(server_t[i].ip_address[j],0,MAX_LEN);}    for(k = 0;k < MAX_LEN;++k){        server_t[i].host_name[k] = pre_host_name[i][k];        }}    return server_t;}//global variableS_Info * server_total;static void create_total_server() __attribute__((constructor));static void free_total_server() __attribute__((destructor));static void create_total_server(){server_total = init_server_info();}static void free_total_server(){free(server_total);server_total = NULL;}


static  __attribute__((constructor(101))) void before1(){    printf("before1\n");}static  __attribute__((constructor(102))) void before2(){    printf("before2\n");}static  __attribute__((constructor(103))) void before3(){    printf("before3\n");}




关于格式 -- 按照文档中的说法,__attribute__应该放在函数声明的尾部;之前.

__attribute__((constructor)) // 在main函数被调用之前调用__attribute__((destructor)) // 在main函数被调用之后调#include<stdio.h> __attribute__((constructor)) void before_main() {    printf("before main\n"); } __attribute__((destructor)) void after_main() {    printf("after main\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) {    printf("in main\n");    return 0; }//这个例子的输出结果将会是:before mainin mainafter main

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