2017-03-08 DBA日记之二,在oracle中exec 及 call的区别

来源:互联网 发布:mysql deadlock 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 10:37
  1. CALL is Oracle SQL and should work everywhere. Other DB clients that can talk to Oracle may or may not support SQL*Plus EXEC. Many do (for example, Oracle SQL Developer, SQLWorkbench/J), but some don't (Liquibase).
  2. The data types of the parameters passed by the CALL statement must be SQL data types. They cannot be PL/SQL-only data types such as BOOLEAN.
  3. EXEC could be used to execute not only an SP, but an arbitrary statement.
  4. If an SP does not have parameters, you can use EXEC SP; syntax, but CALL requires empty parentheses: CALL SP();

1. 所有工具都支持call的调用,而exec 不是所有工具都支持。
2. call procedure(parameter1) 里的面参数必须是标准的sql语句数据类型,否则报错,如boolean型就不支持call的调用。但exec可以,因为exec 解释后,就是一个匿名plsql 块 begin .... end;
3. 调用方式不一样。当存储过程没有参数时,exec proc ; 不用带括号,call 就必须带上了,但标准做法,还是带上会好一点。
4. exec 不仅可以执行存储过程,还可以执行其它语句?
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