Unity3D学习笔记(6)-- 打飞碟游戏改进版

来源:互联网 发布:户外网络摄像机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 06:31









 private Dictionary<int, SSAction> used = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>(); private List<SSAction> free = new List<SSAction>(); private List<int> wait = new List<int>();



 private void Update()    {        foreach (var tmp in used.Values)        {            if (!tmp.gameObject.activeSelf)            {                wait.Add(tmp.GetInstanceID());            }        }        foreach (int tmp in wait)        {            FreeDisk(used[tmp].gameObject); //释放一个飞碟        }        wait.Clear();    }




    private Dictionary<int, SSAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();        //保存所以已经注册的动作    private List<SSAction> waitingAdd = new List<SSAction>();                           //动作的等待队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后注册到动作管理器里    private List<int> waitingDelete = new List<int>();                                  //动作的删除队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后删除

protected void Update()    {        //把等待队列里所有的动作注册到动作管理器里        foreach (SSAction ac in waitingAdd) actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;        waitingAdd.Clear();        //管理所有的动作,如果动作被标志为删除,则把它加入删除队列,被标志为激活,则调用其对应的Update函数        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> kv in actions)        {            SSAction ac = kv.Value;            if (ac.destroy)            {                waitingDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());            }            else if (ac.enable)            {                ac.Update();            }        }        //把删除队列里所有的动作删除        foreach (int key in waitingDelete)        {            SSAction ac = actions[key];            actions.Remove(key);            DestroyObject(ac);        }        waitingDelete.Clear();    }


   public void RunAction(GameObject gameobject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback manager)    {        action.gameobject = gameobject;        action.transform = gameobject.transform;        action.callback = manager;        waitingAdd.Add(action);        action.Start();    }



/** * 这个文件是用来生产飞碟的工厂 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class DiskFactory : MonoBehaviour{    /**     * diskPrefab是用来生产飞碟的模板,保存着一个飞碟的实例     */          public GameObject diskPrefab;    /**     * used是用来保存正在使用的飞碟     * free是用来保存未激活的飞碟     */    private Dictionary<int, DiskData> used = new Dictionary<int, DiskData>();    private List<DiskData> free = new List<DiskData>();    private List<int> wait = new List<int>();    private void Awake()    {        diskPrefab = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/disk"), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);        diskPrefab.SetActive(false);    }    private void Update()    {        foreach (var tmp in used.Values)        {            if (!tmp.gameObject.activeSelf)            {                wait.Add(tmp.GetInstanceID());            }        }        foreach (int tmp in wait)        {            FreeDisk(used[tmp].gameObject);        }        wait.Clear();    }    /**     * GetDisk这个函数是用来飞碟的,     * 每次首次判断free那里还有没有未使用的飞碟,     * 有就从free那里获取,没有就生成一个飞碟     */    public GameObject GetDisk(int round, ActionMode mode)    {        GameObject newDisk = null;        if (free.Count > 0)        {            newDisk = free[0].gameObject;            free.Remove(free[0]);        }        else        {            newDisk = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(diskPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);            newDisk.AddComponent<DiskData>();        }                /**         * 以下几句代码是用来随机生成飞碟的颜色的,并根据回合数来限制飞碟可用的颜色         * 第一回合智能生成黄色的飞碟,第二回合飞碟可以有黄色和红色,第三回合黄,红         * 黑三种颜色的飞碟都可以出现,start变量是用来改变每一回合飞碟出现的概率的         */                  int start = 0;        if (round == 1) start = 100;        if (round == 2) start = 250;        int selectedColor = Random.Range(start, round * 499);        if (selectedColor > 500)        {            round = 2;        }        else if (selectedColor > 300)        {            round = 1;        }        else        {            round = 0;        }        /**         * 根据回合数来生成相应的飞碟         */        DiskData diskdata = newDisk.GetComponent<DiskData>();        switch (round)        {                       case 0:                {                    diskdata.color = Color.yellow;                    diskdata.speed = 4.0f;                    float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;                    diskdata.direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);                    newDisk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow;                    break;                }            case 1:                {                    diskdata.color = Color.red;                    diskdata.speed = 6.0f;                    float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;                    diskdata.direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);                    newDisk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;                    break;                }            case 2:                {                    diskdata.color = Color.black;                    diskdata.speed = 8.0f;                    float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;                    diskdata.direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);                    newDisk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.black;                    break;                }        }        if (mode == ActionMode.PHYSIC)        {            newDisk.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();        }        used.Add(diskdata.GetInstanceID(), diskdata);        //newDisk.SetActive(true);        newDisk.name = newDisk.GetInstanceID().ToString();        return newDisk;    }    public void FreeDisk(GameObject disk)    {        DiskData tmp = null;        foreach (DiskData i in used.Values)        {            if (disk.GetInstanceID() == i.gameObject.GetInstanceID())            {                tmp = i;            }        }        if (tmp != null) {            tmp.gameObject.SetActive(false);            free.Add(tmp);            used.Remove(tmp.GetInstanceID());        }    }}


/* * 这个文件是用来保存飞碟的一些信息, * DiskData作为组件挂载在飞碟上 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class DiskData : MonoBehaviour {    public Vector3 size;    public Color color;    public float speed;    public Vector3 direction;}


/* * 场景控制的必须实现的接口 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public interface ISceneControl  {    void LoadResources();}


/** * 这个文件是用来场景控制的,负责各个场景的切换, * 虽然目前只有一个场景 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class Director : System.Object {    /**     * currentSceneControl标志目前正在使用的场景     */    public ISceneControl currentSceneControl { get; set; }    /**     * Director这个类是采用单例模式     */     private static Director director;    private Director()    {    }public static Director getInstance()    {        if (director == null)        {            director = new Director();        }        return director;    }}


/** * 这个文件是用来控制主游戏场景的 */ using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class FirstSceneControl : MonoBehaviour, ISceneControl, IUserAction {    public ActionMode mode { get; set; }    /**     * actionManager是用来指定当前的动作管理器     */    public IActionManager actionManager { get; set; }    /**     * scoreRecorder是用来指定当前的记分管理对象的     */    public ScoreRecorder scoreRecorder { get; set; }    /**     * diskQueue是用来保存一个回合要发射的飞碟     */    public Queue<GameObject> diskQueue = new Queue<GameObject>();    /**     * diskNumber是用来保存一回合要发射的飞碟总数     */    private int diskNumber;    /**     * currentRound是用来保存当前是那一回合     */    private int currentRound = -1;    /**     * round是用来保存总共有多少回合,这里是3,     * 不过,这个游戏的实现是不断的循环的,即过了     * 第三回合,又回到第一回合     */          public int round = 3;    /**     * time是用来保存每个飞碟的发射时间间隔     */          private float time = 0;    /**     * gameState是用来保存当前的游戏状态     */    private GameState gameState = GameState.START;        void Awake () {        Director director = Director.getInstance();        director.currentSceneControl = this;        diskNumber = 10;        this.gameObject.AddComponent<ScoreRecorder>();        this.gameObject.AddComponent<DiskFactory>();        this.gameObject.AddComponent<CCFlyActionFactory>();        mode = ActionMode.NOTSET;        scoreRecorder = Singleton<ScoreRecorder>.Instance;        director.currentSceneControl.LoadResources();    }    private void Update()    {        /**         * 以下代码用来管理游戏的状态         */        if (mode != ActionMode.NOTSET && actionManager != null)        {            if (actionManager.getDiskNumber() == 0 && gameState == GameState.RUNNING)            {                gameState = GameState.ROUND_FINISH;            }            if (actionManager.getDiskNumber() == 0 && gameState == GameState.ROUND_START)            {                currentRound = (currentRound + 1) % round;                NextRound();                actionManager.setDiskNumber(10);                gameState = GameState.RUNNING;            }            if (time > 1)            {                ThrowDisk();                time = 0;            }            else            {                time += Time.deltaTime;            }        }                      }    private void NextRound()    {        DiskFactory df = Singleton<DiskFactory>.Instance;        for (int i = 0; i < diskNumber; i++)        {            diskQueue.Enqueue(df.GetDisk(currentRound, mode));        }        actionManager.StartThrow(diskQueue);            }    void ThrowDisk()    {        if (diskQueue.Count != 0)        {            GameObject disk = diskQueue.Dequeue();            /**             * 以下几句代码是随机确定飞碟出现的位置             */                          Vector3 position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);            float y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 4f);            position = new Vector3(-disk.GetComponent<DiskData>().direction.x * 7, y, 0);            disk.transform.position = position;            disk.SetActive(true);        }            }    public void LoadResources()    {        //DiskFactory df = Singleton<DiskFactory>.Instance;        //df.init(diskNumber);        GameObject greensward = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/greensward"));    }    public void GameOver()    {        GUI.color = Color.red;        GUI.Label(new Rect(700, 300, 400, 400), "GAMEOVER");            }    public int GetScore()    {        return scoreRecorder.score;    }    public GameState getGameState()    {        return gameState;    }    public void setGameState(GameState gs)    {        gameState = gs;    }    public void hit(Vector3 pos)    {        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pos);        RaycastHit[] hits;        hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray);        for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)        {            RaycastHit hit = hits[i];            if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DiskData>() != null)            {                scoreRecorder.Record(hit.collider.gameObject);                /**                 * 如果飞碟被击中,那么就移到地面之下,由工厂负责回收                 */                                  hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, -5, 0);            }        }    }    public ActionMode getMode()    {        return mode;    }    public void setMode(ActionMode m)    {                if (m == ActionMode.KINEMATIC)        {            this.gameObject.AddComponent<CCActionManager>();        }        else        {            this.gameObject.AddComponent<PhysicActionManager>();        }   mode = m;    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public interface IActionManager {    void StartThrow(Queue<GameObject> diskQueue);    int getDiskNumber();    void setDiskNumber(int num);}


/** * 这个文件是管理动作的具体动作管理器,是用来管理飞碟的飞行动作 */  using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class CCActionManager : MonoBehaviour, IActionManager, ISSActionCallback {        public FirstSceneControl sceneController;    public int DiskNumber = 0;    private Dictionary<int, SSAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();        //保存所以已经注册的动作    private List<SSAction> waitingAdd = new List<SSAction>();                           //动作的等待队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后注册到动作管理器里    private List<int> waitingDelete = new List<int>();                                  //动作的删除队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后删除    protected void Start()    {        sceneController = (FirstSceneControl)Director.getInstance().currentSceneControl;        sceneController.actionManager = this;    }    // Update is called once per frame    protected void Update()    {        //把等待队列里所有的动作注册到动作管理器里        foreach (SSAction ac in waitingAdd) actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;        waitingAdd.Clear();        //管理所有的动作,如果动作被标志为删除,则把它加入删除队列,被标志为激活,则调用其对应的Update函数        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> kv in actions)        {            SSAction ac = kv.Value;            if (ac.destroy)            {                waitingDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());            }            else if (ac.enable)            {                ac.Update();            }        }        //把删除队列里所有的动作删除        foreach (int key in waitingDelete)        {            SSAction ac = actions[key];            actions.Remove(key);            DestroyObject(ac);        }        waitingDelete.Clear();    }    //初始化一个动作    public void RunAction(GameObject gameobject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback manager)    {        action.gameobject = gameobject;        action.transform = gameobject.transform;        action.callback = manager;        waitingAdd.Add(action);        action.Start();    }    public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source,        SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,        int intParam = 0,        string strParam = null,        UnityEngine.Object objectParam = null)    {        if (source is CCFlyAction)        {            DiskNumber--;            source.gameobject.SetActive(false);        }    }    public void StartThrow(Queue<GameObject> diskQueue)    {        CCFlyActionFactory cf = Singleton<CCFlyActionFactory>.Instance;        foreach (GameObject tmp in diskQueue)        {            RunAction(tmp, cf.GetSSAction(), (ISSActionCallback)this);        }    }    public int getDiskNumber()    {        return DiskNumber;    }    public void setDiskNumber(int num)    {        DiskNumber = num;    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class PhysicActionManager : MonoBehaviour, IActionManager, ISSActionCallback{/** * 这个文件是管理动作的具体动作管理器,是用来管理飞碟的飞行动作 */      public FirstSceneControl sceneController;    public int DiskNumber = 0;    private Dictionary<int, SSAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();        //保存所以已经注册的动作    private List<SSAction> waitingAdd = new List<SSAction>();                           //动作的等待队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后注册到动作管理器里    private List<int> waitingDelete = new List<int>();                                  //动作的删除队列,在这个对象保存的动作会稍后删除    protected void Start()    {        sceneController = (FirstSceneControl)Director.getInstance().currentSceneControl;        sceneController.actionManager = this;    }    // Update is called once per frame    protected void FixedUpdate()    {        //把等待队列里所有的动作注册到动作管理器里        foreach (SSAction ac in waitingAdd) actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;        waitingAdd.Clear();        //管理所有的动作,如果动作被标志为删除,则把它加入删除队列,被标志为激活,则调用其对应的Update函数        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> kv in actions)        {            SSAction ac = kv.Value;            if (ac.destroy)            {                waitingDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());            }            else if (ac.enable)            {                ac.FixedUpdate();            }        }        //把删除队列里所有的动作删除        foreach (int key in waitingDelete)        {            SSAction ac = actions[key];            actions.Remove(key);            DestroyObject(ac);        }        waitingDelete.Clear();    }    //初始化一个动作    public void RunAction(GameObject gameobject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback manager)    {        action.gameobject = gameobject;        action.transform = gameobject.transform;        action.callback = manager;        waitingAdd.Add(action);        action.Start();    }    public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source,        SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,        int intParam = 0,        string strParam = null,        UnityEngine.Object objectParam = null)    {        if (source is CCFlyAction)        {            DiskNumber--;            source.gameobject.SetActive(false);        }    }    public void StartThrow(Queue<GameObject> diskQueue)    {        CCFlyActionFactory cf = Singleton<CCFlyActionFactory>.Instance;        foreach (GameObject tmp in diskQueue)        {            RunAction(tmp, cf.GetSSAction(), (ISSActionCallback)this);        }    }    public int getDiskNumber()    {        return DiskNumber;    }    public void setDiskNumber(int num)    {        DiskNumber = num;    }}


/** * 所有动作的基类 */ using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class SSAction : ScriptableObject {    public bool enable = false;    public bool destroy = false;    public GameObject gameobject { get; set; }    public Transform transform { get; set; }    public ISSActionCallback callback { get; set; }    protected SSAction() { }    public virtual void Start() {        throw new System.NotImplementedException();}// Update is called once per framepublic virtual void Update() {        throw new System.NotImplementedException();    }    public virtual void FixedUpdate()    {        throw new System.NotImplementedException();    }    public void reset()    {        enable = false;        destroy = false;        gameobject = null;        transform = null;        callback = null;    }}


/** * 这个文件是实现飞碟的飞行动作 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class CCFlyAction : SSAction {    /**     * acceleration是重力加速度,为9.8     */    float acceleration;    /**     * horizontalSpeed是飞碟水平方向的速度     */    float horizontalSpeed;    /**     * direction是飞碟的初始飞行方向     */    Vector3 direction;    /**     * time是飞碟已经飞行的时间     */          float time;    Rigidbody rigidbody;    DiskData disk;    public override void Start () {        disk = gameobject.GetComponent<DiskData>();        enable = true;        acceleration = 9.8f;        time = 0;        horizontalSpeed = disk.speed;        direction = disk.direction;        rigidbody = this.gameobject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();        if (rigidbody)        {            rigidbody.velocity = horizontalSpeed * direction;        }    }    // Update is called once per frame    public override void Update () {        if (gameobject.activeSelf)        {            /**             * 计算飞碟的累计飞行时间             */             time += Time.deltaTime;            /**             * 飞碟在竖直方向的运动             */                          transform.Translate(Vector3.down * acceleration * time * Time.deltaTime);            /**             * 飞碟在水平方向的运动             */            transform.Translate(direction * horizontalSpeed * Time.deltaTime);            /**             * 当飞碟的y坐标比-4小时,飞碟落地             */                          if (this.transform.position.y < -4)            {                this.destroy = true;                this.enable = false;                this.callback.SSActionEvent(this);            }        }       }    public override void FixedUpdate()    {        if (gameobject.activeSelf)        {            if (this.transform.position.y < -4)            {                this.destroy = true;                this.enable = false;                this.callback.SSActionEvent(this);            }        }    }    public static CCFlyAction GetCCFlyAction()    {        CCFlyAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<CCFlyAction>();        return action;    }}


/** * 这个接口负责动作与动作管理器间的通信 */ using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public enum SSActionEventType:int { Started, Competeted }public interface ISSActionCallback {    void SSActionEvent(SSAction source,        SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Competeted,        int intParam = 0,        string strParam = null,        Object objectParam = null);}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class CCFlyActionFactory : MonoBehaviour{    /**    * used是用来保存正在使用的动作    * free是用来保存还未被激活的动作    */    private Dictionary<int, SSAction> used = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();    private List<SSAction> free = new List<SSAction>();    private List<int> wait = new List<int>();    public CCFlyAction Fly;    // Use this for initialization    void Start()    {        Fly = CCFlyAction.GetCCFlyAction();    }    private void Update()    {        foreach (var tmp in used.Values)        {            if (tmp.destroy)            {                wait.Add(tmp.GetInstanceID());            }        }        foreach (int tmp in wait)        {            FreeSSAction(used[tmp]);        }        wait.Clear();    }     /**     * GetSSAction这个函数是用来获取CCFlyAction这个动作的,     * 每次首次判断free那里还有没有未使用的CCFlyActon这个动作,     * 有就从free那里获取,没有就生成一个CCFlyAction     */    public SSAction GetSSAction()    {        SSAction action = null;        if (free.Count > 0)        {            action = free[0];            free.Remove(free[0]);            Debug.Log(free.Count);        }        else        {            action = ScriptableObject.Instantiate<CCFlyAction>(Fly);                    }        used.Add(action.GetInstanceID(), action);        return action;    }    public void FreeSSAction(SSAction action)    {        SSAction tmp = null;        int key = action.GetInstanceID();        if (used.ContainsKey(key))        {            tmp = used[key];        }        if (tmp != null)        {            tmp.reset();            free.Add(tmp);            used.Remove(key);        }    }    public void clear()    {        foreach (var tmp in used.Values)        {            tmp.enable = false;            tmp.destroy = true;        }    }}


/** * UI界面与场景管理器通信的接口 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public enum GameState { ROUND_START, ROUND_FINISH, RUNNING, PAUSE, START}public enum ActionMode { PHYSIC, KINEMATIC, NOTSET }public interface IUserAction {    void GameOver();    GameState getGameState();    void setGameState(GameState gs);    int GetScore();    void hit(Vector3 pos);    ActionMode getMode();    void setMode(ActionMode m);}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour{    private IUserAction action;    bool isFirst = true;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {        action = Director.getInstance().currentSceneControl as IUserAction;}    private void OnGUI()    {        if (action.getMode() == ActionMode.NOTSET)        {            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(700, 100, 90, 90), "KINEMATIC"))            {                action.setMode(ActionMode.KINEMATIC);            }            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(600, 100, 90, 90), "PHYSIC"))            {                action.setMode(ActionMode.PHYSIC);            }        }        else        {            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))            {                Vector3 pos = Input.mousePosition;                action.hit(pos);            }            GUI.Label(new Rect(1000, 0, 400, 400), action.GetScore().ToString());            if (isFirst && GUI.Button(new Rect(700, 100, 90, 90), "Start"))            {                isFirst = false;                action.setGameState(GameState.ROUND_START);            }            if (!isFirst && action.getGameState() == GameState.ROUND_FINISH && GUI.Button(new Rect(700, 100, 90, 90), "Next Round"))            {                action.setGameState(GameState.ROUND_START);            }        }    }   }


/** * 这个类是用来记录玩家得分的 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class ScoreRecorder : MonoBehaviour {    /**     * score是玩家得到的总分     */          public int score;    /**     * scoreTable是一个得分的规则表,每种飞碟的颜色对应着一个分数     */    private Dictionary<Color, int> scoreTable = new Dictionary<Color, int>();// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {        score = 0;        scoreTable.Add(Color.yellow, 1);        scoreTable.Add(Color.red, 2);        scoreTable.Add(Color.black, 4);}    public void Record(GameObject disk)    {        score += scoreTable[disk.GetComponent<DiskData>().color];    }    public void Reset()    {        score = 0;    }}


/** * 这是一个实现单例模式的模板,所有的MonoBehaviour对象都用这个模板来实现单实例 */  using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour{    protected static T instance;    public static T Instance    {        get        {            if (instance == null)            {                instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));                if (instance == null)                {                    Debug.LogError("An instance of " + typeof(T)                        + " is needed in the scene, but there is none.");                }            }            return instance;        }    }}

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