
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺主页 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:32
  • 作为一个NLPer,拥有越多文本相关的资源当然越好,词典资源就是其中之一,面对灵格斯里面那么多的词典,怎么提取出其中的内容是个问题,之前在网上搜了一些相关的信息,最终找到一个java代码通过该代码可以直接将灵格斯里.ld2格式的词典内容提取出来,具体的做法应该是根据.ld2的词典格式进行分析,从而得到其中的内容,
  • 感谢“Copyright (c) 2010 Xiaoyun Zhu”和“@author keke”,提供了这么方便的接口!
  • 使用中,我们需要更改final String ld2File = "D:\\kr.ld2";这一条,就可以变为处理自己希望的词典。
/*  Copyright (c) 2010 Xiaoyun Zhu *  *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy   *  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal   *  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights   *  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell   *  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is   *  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *   *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in   *  all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *   *  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR   *  IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,   *  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE   *  AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER   *  LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,   *  OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN   *  THE SOFTWARE.   */import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.RandomAccessFile;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.ByteOrder;import java.nio.CharBuffer;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;import java.nio.charset.CoderResult;import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;import java.util.zip.Inflater;import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;/** * Lingoes LD2/LDF File Reader *  * <pre> * Lingoes Format overview: *  * General Information: * - Dictionary data are stored in deflate streams. * - Index group information is stored in an index array in the LD2 file itself. * - Numbers are using little endian byte order. * - Definitions and xml data have UTF-8 or UTF-16LE encodings. *  * LD2 file schema: * - File Header * - File Description * - Additional Information (optional) * - Index Group (corresponds to definitions in dictionary)  * - Deflated Dictionary Streams * -- Index Data * --- Offsets of definitions * --- Offsets of translations * --- Flags * --- References to other translations * -- Definitions * -- Translations (xml) *  * TODO: find encoding / language fields to replace auto-detect of encodings *  * </pre> *  * @author keke *  */public class LingoesLd2Reader {  private static final SensitiveStringDecoder[] AVAIL_ENCODINGS = { new SensitiveStringDecoder(Charset.forName("UTF-8")),      new SensitiveStringDecoder(Charset.forName("UTF-16LE")), new SensitiveStringDecoder(Charset.forName("UTF-16BE")),      new SensitiveStringDecoder(Charset.forName("EUC-JP"))    };  public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {    // download from    // https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=a10100d37adc7ad3&sc=documents&id=A10100D37ADC7AD3%211172#cid=A10100D37ADC7AD3&sc=documents    // String ld2File = Helper.DIR_IN_DICTS+"\\lingoes\\Prodic English-Vietnamese Business.ld2";    final String ld2File = "D:\\kr.ld2";    // read lingoes ld2 into byte array    final ByteBuffer dataRawBytes;    try (RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(ld2File, "r"); final FileChannel fChannel = file.getChannel();) {      dataRawBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fChannel.size());      fChannel.read(dataRawBytes);    }    dataRawBytes.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);    dataRawBytes.rewind();    System.out.println("文件:" + ld2File);    System.out.println("类型:" + new String(dataRawBytes.array(), 0, 4, "ASCII"));    System.out.println("版本:" + dataRawBytes.getShort(0x18) + "." + dataRawBytes.getShort(0x1A));    System.out.println("ID: 0x" + Long.toHexString(dataRawBytes.getLong(0x1C)));    final int offsetData = dataRawBytes.getInt(0x5C) + 0x60;    if (dataRawBytes.limit() > offsetData) {      System.out.println("简介地址:0x" + Integer.toHexString(offsetData));      final int type = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetData);      System.out.println("简介类型:0x" + Integer.toHexString(type));      final int offsetWithInfo = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetData + 4) + offsetData + 12;      if (type == 3) {        // without additional information        LingoesLd2Reader.readDictionary(ld2File, dataRawBytes, offsetData);      } else if (dataRawBytes.limit() > (offsetWithInfo - 0x1C)) {        LingoesLd2Reader.readDictionary(ld2File, dataRawBytes, offsetWithInfo);      } else {        System.err.println("文件不包含字典数据。网上字典?");      }    } else {      System.err.println("文件不包含字典数据。网上字典?");    }  }  private static final long decompress(final String inflatedFile, final ByteBuffer data, final int offset, final int length, final boolean append)      throws IOException {    final Inflater inflator = new Inflater();    try (final InflaterInputStream in = new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.array(), offset, length), inflator, 1024 * 8);        final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(inflatedFile, append);) {      LingoesLd2Reader.writeInputStream(in, out);    }    final long bytesRead = inflator.getBytesRead();    inflator.end();    return bytesRead;  }  private static final SensitiveStringDecoder[] detectEncodings(final ByteBuffer inflatedBytes, final int offsetWords, final int offsetXml, final int defTotal,      final int dataLen, final int[] idxData, final String[] defData) {    final int test = Math.min(defTotal, 10);    for (int j = 0; j < LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS.length; j++) {      for (int k = 0; k < LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS.length; k++) {        try {          for (int i = 0; i < test; i++) {            LingoesLd2Reader.readDefinitionData(inflatedBytes, offsetWords, offsetXml, dataLen, LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[j],                LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[k], idxData, defData, i);          }          System.out.println("词组编码:" + LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[j].name);          System.out.println("XML编码:" + LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[k].name);          return new SensitiveStringDecoder[] { LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[j], LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[k] };        } catch (final Throwable e) {          // ignore        }      }    }    System.err.println("自动识别编码失败!选择UTF-16LE继续。");    return new SensitiveStringDecoder[] { LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[1], LingoesLd2Reader.AVAIL_ENCODINGS[1] };  }  private static final void extract(final String inflatedFile, final String indexFile, final String extractedWordsFile, final String extractedXmlFile,      final String extractedOutputFile, final int[] idxArray, final int offsetDefs, final int offsetXml) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException,      UnsupportedEncodingException {    System.out.println("写入'" + extractedOutputFile + "'。。。");    int counter = 0;    try (RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(inflatedFile, "r");        final FileWriter indexWriter = new FileWriter(indexFile);        final FileWriter defsWriter = new FileWriter(extractedWordsFile);        final FileWriter xmlWriter = new FileWriter(extractedXmlFile);        final FileWriter outputWriter = new FileWriter(extractedOutputFile);        // read inflated data        final FileChannel fChannel = file.getChannel();) {      final ByteBuffer dataRawBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fChannel.size());      fChannel.read(dataRawBytes);      fChannel.close();      dataRawBytes.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);      dataRawBytes.rewind();      final int dataLen = 10;      final int defTotal = (offsetDefs / dataLen) - 1;      final String[] words = new String[defTotal];      final int[] idxData = new int[6];      final String[] defData = new String[2];      final SensitiveStringDecoder[] encodings = LingoesLd2Reader.detectEncodings(dataRawBytes, offsetDefs, offsetXml, defTotal, dataLen, idxData, defData);      dataRawBytes.position(8);      for (int i = 0; i < defTotal; i++) {        LingoesLd2Reader.readDefinitionData(dataRawBytes, offsetDefs, offsetXml, dataLen, encodings[0], encodings[1], idxData, defData, i);        words[i] = defData[0];        defsWriter.write(defData[0]);        defsWriter.write("\n");        xmlWriter.write(defData[1]);        xmlWriter.write("\n");        outputWriter.write(defData[0]);        outputWriter.write("=");        outputWriter.write(defData[1]);        outputWriter.write("\n");        System.out.println(defData[0] + " = " + defData[1]);        counter++;      }      for (int i = 0; i < idxArray.length; i++) {        final int idx = idxArray[i];        indexWriter.write(words[idx]);        indexWriter.write(", ");        indexWriter.write(String.valueOf(idx));        indexWriter.write("\n");      }    }    System.out.println("成功读出" + counter + "组数据。");  }  private static final void getIdxData(final ByteBuffer dataRawBytes, final int position, final int[] wordIdxData) {    dataRawBytes.position(position);    wordIdxData[0] = dataRawBytes.getInt();    wordIdxData[1] = dataRawBytes.getInt();    wordIdxData[2] = dataRawBytes.get() & 0xff;    wordIdxData[3] = dataRawBytes.get() & 0xff;    wordIdxData[4] = dataRawBytes.getInt();    wordIdxData[5] = dataRawBytes.getInt();  }  private static final void inflate(final ByteBuffer dataRawBytes, final List<Integer> deflateStreams, final String inflatedFile) {    System.out.println("解压缩'" + deflateStreams.size() + "'个数据流至'" + inflatedFile + "'。。。");    final int startOffset = dataRawBytes.position();    int offset = -1;    int lastOffset = startOffset;    boolean append = false;    try {      for (final Integer offsetRelative : deflateStreams) {        offset = startOffset + offsetRelative.intValue();        LingoesLd2Reader.decompress(inflatedFile, dataRawBytes, lastOffset, offset - lastOffset, append);        append = true;        lastOffset = offset;      }    } catch (final Throwable e) {      System.err.println("解压缩失败: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(offset) + ": " + e.toString());    }  }  private static final void readDefinitionData(final ByteBuffer inflatedBytes, final int offsetWords, final int offsetXml, final int dataLen,      final SensitiveStringDecoder wordStringDecoder, final SensitiveStringDecoder xmlStringDecoder, final int[] idxData, final String[] defData, final int i) {    LingoesLd2Reader.getIdxData(inflatedBytes, dataLen * i, idxData);    int lastWordPos = idxData[0];    int lastXmlPos = idxData[1];    // final int flags = idxData[2];    int refs = idxData[3];    final int currentWordOffset = idxData[4];    int currenXmlOffset = idxData[5];    String xml = LingoesLd2Reader.strip(new String(xmlStringDecoder.decode(inflatedBytes.array(), offsetXml + lastXmlPos, currenXmlOffset - lastXmlPos)));    while (refs-- > 0) {      final int ref = inflatedBytes.getInt(offsetWords + lastWordPos);      LingoesLd2Reader.getIdxData(inflatedBytes, dataLen * ref, idxData);      lastXmlPos = idxData[1];      currenXmlOffset = idxData[5];      if (xml.isEmpty()) {        xml = LingoesLd2Reader.strip(new String(xmlStringDecoder.decode(inflatedBytes.array(), offsetXml + lastXmlPos, currenXmlOffset - lastXmlPos)));      } else {        xml = LingoesLd2Reader.strip(new String(xmlStringDecoder.decode(inflatedBytes.array(), offsetXml + lastXmlPos, currenXmlOffset - lastXmlPos))) + ", "            + xml;      }      lastWordPos += 4;    }    defData[1] = xml;    final String word = new String(wordStringDecoder.decode(inflatedBytes.array(), offsetWords + lastWordPos, currentWordOffset - lastWordPos));    defData[0] = word;  }  private static final void readDictionary(final String ld2File, final ByteBuffer dataRawBytes, final int offsetWithIndex) throws IOException,      FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {    System.out.println("词典类型:0x" + Integer.toHexString(dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex)));    final int limit = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex + 4) + offsetWithIndex + 8;    final int offsetIndex = offsetWithIndex + 0x1C;    final int offsetCompressedDataHeader = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex + 8) + offsetIndex;    final int inflatedWordsIndexLength = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex + 12);    final int inflatedWordsLength = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex + 16);    final int inflatedXmlLength = dataRawBytes.getInt(offsetWithIndex + 20);    final int definitions = (offsetCompressedDataHeader - offsetIndex) / 4;    final List<Integer> deflateStreams = new ArrayList<>();    dataRawBytes.position(offsetCompressedDataHeader + 8);    int offset = dataRawBytes.getInt();    while ((offset + dataRawBytes.position()) < limit) {      offset = dataRawBytes.getInt();      deflateStreams.add(Integer.valueOf(offset));    }    final int offsetCompressedData = dataRawBytes.position();    System.out.println("索引词组数目:" + definitions);    System.out.println("索引地址/大小:0x" + Integer.toHexString(offsetIndex) + " / " + (offsetCompressedDataHeader - offsetIndex) + " B");    System.out.println("压缩数据地址/大小:0x" + Integer.toHexString(offsetCompressedData) + " / " + (limit - offsetCompressedData) + " B");    System.out.println("词组索引地址/大小(解压缩后):0x0 / " + inflatedWordsIndexLength + " B");    System.out.println("词组地址/大小(解压缩后):0x" + Integer.toHexString(inflatedWordsIndexLength) + " / " + inflatedWordsLength + " B");    System.out.println("XML地址/大小(解压缩后):0x" + Integer.toHexString(inflatedWordsIndexLength + inflatedWordsLength) + " / " + inflatedXmlLength + " B");    System.out.println("文件大小(解压缩后):" + ((inflatedWordsIndexLength + inflatedWordsLength + inflatedXmlLength) / 1024) + " KB");    final String inflatedFile = ld2File + ".inflated";    LingoesLd2Reader.inflate(dataRawBytes, deflateStreams, inflatedFile);    if (new File(inflatedFile).isFile()) {      final String indexFile = ld2File + ".idx";      final String extractedFile = ld2File + ".words";      final String extractedXmlFile = ld2File + ".xml";      final String extractedOutputFile = ld2File + ".output";      dataRawBytes.position(offsetIndex);      final int[] idxArray = new int[definitions];      for (int i = 0; i < definitions; i++) {        idxArray[i] = dataRawBytes.getInt();      }      LingoesLd2Reader.extract(inflatedFile, indexFile, extractedFile, extractedXmlFile, extractedOutputFile, idxArray, inflatedWordsIndexLength,          inflatedWordsIndexLength + inflatedWordsLength);    }  }  private static final String strip(final String xml) {    int open = 0;    int end = 0;    if ((open = xml.indexOf("<![CDATA[")) != -1) {      if ((end = xml.indexOf("]]>", open)) != -1) {        return xml.substring(open + "<![CDATA[".length(), end).replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\u001e', ' ').replace('\u001f', ' ');      }    } else if ((open = xml.indexOf("<Ô")) != -1) {      if ((end = xml.indexOf("</Ô", open)) != -1) {        open = xml.indexOf(">", open + 1);        return xml.substring(open + 1, end).replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\u001e', ' ').replace('\u001f', ' ');      }    } else {      final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();      end = 0;      open = xml.indexOf('<');      do {        if ((open - end) > 1) {          sb.append(xml.substring(end + 1, open));        }        open = xml.indexOf('<', open + 1);        end = xml.indexOf('>', end + 1);      } while ((open != -1) && (end != -1));      return sb.toString().replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\u001e', ' ').replace('\u001f', ' ');    }    return "";  }  private static final void writeInputStream(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {    final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 8];    int len;    while ((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {      out.write(buffer, 0, len);    }  }  private static class SensitiveStringDecoder {    public final String          name;    private final CharsetDecoder cd;    SensitiveStringDecoder(final Charset cs) {      this.cd = cs.newDecoder().onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT).onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);      this.name = cs.name();    }    char[] decode(final byte[] ba, final int off, final int len) {      final int en = (int) (len * (double) this.cd.maxCharsPerByte());      final char[] ca = new char[en];      if (len == 0) {        return ca;      }      this.cd.reset();      final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, off, len);      final CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);      try {        CoderResult cr = this.cd.decode(bb, cb, true);        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {          cr.throwException();        }        cr = this.cd.flush(cb);        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {          cr.throwException();        }      } catch (final CharacterCodingException x) {        // Substitution is always enabled,        // so this shouldn't happen        throw new Error(x);      }      return SensitiveStringDecoder.safeTrim(ca, cb.position());    }    private static char[] safeTrim(final char[] ca, final int len) {      if (len == ca.length) {        return ca;      } else {        return Arrays.copyOf(ca, len);      }    }  }}
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