(OK) porting MPTCP to LineageOS-14.1-kiwi (Android-7.1.1,运行在Huawei honor 5x) for VirtualBox- 100% 成功

来源:互联网 发布:广州网络推广公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 22:06

gedit kernel/net/mptcp/Kconfig


choiceprompt "Default MPTCP Scheduler"default DEFAULT#default Round-Robinhelp  Select the Scheduler of your choiceconfig DEFAULT_ROUNDROBINbool "Round-Robin" if MPTCP_ROUNDROBIN=y---help---  This is the round-rob scheduler, sending in a round-robin  fashion..config DEFAULT_SCHEDULERbool "Default"---help---  This is the default scheduler, sending first on the subflow  with the lowest RTT.


choiceprompt "Default MPTCP Scheduler"default DEFAULT#default Round-Robinhelp  Select the Scheduler of your choiceconfig DEFAULT_SCHEDULERbool "Default"---help---  This is the default scheduler, sending first on the subflow  with the lowest RTT.config DEFAULT_ROUNDROBINbool "Round-Robin" if MPTCP_ROUNDROBIN=y---help---  This is the round-rob scheduler, sending in a round-robin  fashion..

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