Lecture 11 Augmenting Data Structures

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝做网站靠谱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 19:18

Take the basic data structure and add new operations on it.

Dynamic order statistics:

OS-Select(i)--returns ith smallest item in dynamic set.

OS-Rank(x)--returns rank of x in sorted order.

Idea: keep sub-tree sizes in nodes of RB-tree.


Trick: use sentinel (dummy record) for nil.  Size[nil]=0

Ex. OS-Select(root,5) --> ptr to “H”

Analysis: O(logn)

OS-Rank in CLRS


Q: Why not keep ranks in nodes instead of sub-tree sizes?

A: Hard to maintain when RB-tree is modified.


Modifying ops: Insert Delete

Strategy: Update subtree sizes when inserting or deleting.

Ex. Insert “K”. But must also handle rebalancing.

---RB color changes: no effect

---rotations: look at children and fix up in O(1) time


Insert,Delete still O(logn) time.

Data-structure augmentation

Methodology.(Ex. OStrees)

数据结构 1.Choose underlying data structure(red-black tree);

附加信息 2.Determine additional info(subtree sizes);

保持信息 3.Verify that info can be maintained for modify operations(insert and delete---rotations)

新的操作 4.Develop new operations that use info(OS-Select, OS-Rank)

Usually, must play with interactions between steps.

Interval trees

Maintain a set of intervals e.g. Time intervals

Query: Find an interval in the set that overlaps a given query interval.


1. red-black tree keyed on low endpoint;

2. Store in node the largest value m in the sub-tree rooted at that node;

3. Modifying ops

Insert: Fix m's on way down.

But, also need to handle rotations. Fixing up m's during rotation takes O(1) time.

=> Insert time=O(logn), Delete similar.

4. New operations.

Ex. [14,16] -> [15,18]

   [12,14]-> nil



List all overlaps: O(klogn)   “output sensitive”: the running time depends upon #outputs.

Best to date=O(k+logn)


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