
来源:互联网 发布:手机禁网软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 01:20


package;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Rule;import org.junit.Test;import org.junit.runner.RunWith;import;import;...@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class)@LargeTestpublic class ChangeTextBehaviorTest {    private String mStringToBetyped;    **第一步:把要测试的Activity作为ActivityTestRule的泛型,比如我这里是MainActivity**    @Rule    public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(            MainActivity.class);**before注解表示在进行测试之前,可以做一些初始化的动作,也可以不写**    @Before    public void initValidString() {        // Specify a valid string.        mStringToBetyped = "Espresso";    }    @Test    public void changeText_sameActivity() {        // Type text and then press the button.        onView(withId(                .perform(typeText(mStringToBetyped), closeSoftKeyboard());        onView(withId(;        // Check that the text was changed.        onView(withId(                .check(matches(withText(mStringToBetyped)));    }}

对UI界面的测试,主要就是找到View,然后执行action,最后check 结果是否正确


为了找到view,你需要调用onView方法并且传递一个指定了view的viewMatcher的对象。详细指定一个View  Matcher的细节会在后面讲解。onView方法执行完毕,会返回一个ViewInterface的对象,你就可以拿这个对象和view进行交互测试。通过onView方法找不到布局中的recyclerView,需要通过onData方法来实现,后天会详细介绍。To find the view, call the onView() method and pass in a view matcher that specifies the view that you are targeting. This is described in more detail in Specifying a View Matcher. The onView() method returns a ViewInteraction object that allows your test to interact with the view. However, calling the onView() method may not work if you want to locate a view in an RecyclerView layout. In this case, follow the instructions in Locating a view in an AdapterView instead**下面的代码片段,向你展示写一个简单的测试,访问EditText控件,向它里面输入text文本,输入完毕关闭虚拟键盘,最后执行按钮的点击的事件**The following code snippet shows how you might write a test that accesses an EditText field, enters a string of text, closes the virtual keyboard, and then performs a button click.
public void testChangeText_sameActivity() {    // Type text and then press the button.    onView(withId(            .perform(typeText(STRING_TO_BE_TYPED), closeSoftKeyboard());    onView(withId(;    // Check that the text was changed.    ...}
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