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<h1>Things I like</h1>
<h2>by Adam Freeman</h2>
<li><a href="#fruitsilike"></a>Fruits I Like</li>
<li><a href="#activitiesilike"></a>Activities I Like</li>
<h1 id="fruitsilike">Fruits I Like</h1>
<h2>Hoe I Learn to Love</h2>
<h1>Why Fruit is Healthy</h1>
Here are three reasons why everyone should eat more fruit:
<li>Fruit contains lots of vitamins</li>
<li>Fruit is a source of fibre</li>
<li>Fruit contains few calories</li>
I like apples and oranges.
<h1 id="morefruit">Additional fruits</h1>
I also like bananas,mangoes,cherries,apricoats,plums,peaches and grapes.
<h1>More information</h1>
You can see other fruits I like <a href="fruitlist.html">here</a>
More Information:
<a href="">Learn More About Fruit</a>
<h1 id="activitiesilike">Activities I like</h1>
<h2>It hurtsbut I keep doing it</h2>
<h1 id="tritypes">Kinds of Triathlon</h1>
There are different kinds of triathlon-sprint,Olympic and so on.
I am aiming for Olympic,which consists of the following
<li>1.5km swim</li>
<li>40km cycle</li>
<li>10km run</li>
More Information:
<a href="">Learn More About Triathlon</a>
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&#169;2011,Adam Freeman.<a href="">Visit Apress</a>
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