
来源:互联网 发布:jsp的java代码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 19:24






示例1 在当前窗口使用document.write()

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><title>Writing to Same Doc</title><script language="JavaScript">  function reWrite(){    // assemble content for new window    var newContent = "<html><head><title>A New Doc</title></head>"    newContent += "<body bgcolor='aqua'><h1>This document is brand new.</h1>"    newContent += "Click the Back button to see original document."    newContent += "</body></html>"    // write HTML to new window document    document.write(newContent)    document.close() // close layout stream  }</script></head><body>  <form>    <input type="button" value="Replace Content" onClick="reWrite()">  </form></body></html>



窗口打开后,新的内容作为字符串变量组合在一起。与示例1一样,一次性写入内容(虽然对单独的窗口没有必要),接下来调用close()方法。但是注意一个重要的区别:write() 和 close()方法都明显地指定了子窗口。

示例2 在另一个窗口中使用document.write()

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><title>Writing to Subwindow</title><script language="JavaScript">  var newWindow  function makeNewWindow(){    newWindow = window.open("","","status,height=200,width=300")  }  function subWrite(){    // make new window if someone has closed it    if(newWindow.closed){      makeNewWindow()    }    // bring subwindow to front    newWindow.focus()    // assemble content for new window    var newContent = "<html><head><title>A New Doc</title></head>"    newContent += "<body bgcolor='coral'><h1>This document is brand new.</h1>"    newContent += "</body></html>"    // write HTML to new window document    newWindow.document.write(newContent)    newWindow.document.close()    // close layout stream  }</script></head><body onLoad="makeNewWindow()">  <form>    <input type="button" value="Write to Subwindow" onClick="subWrite()">  </form></body></html>


Much behaviour around document.write was established before formal specifications so behaviour is inconsistent and somewhat arbitrary across browsers. However, behaviour is now fairly consistent but there are differences depending on when it’s called.

The use of document.write is largely discouraged, however it’s still useful. It’s ubiquitous support means it can be used as a replacement for other techniques if really old browsers need to be accommodated.

While a document is loading

If you use document.write while the document is loading (e.g. a script element in the document source), then there is no need to call open or close. The document is opened when navigated to and closed when the content has finished loading (i.e. when the load event occurs). So as long as all the write statements are executed before load occurs, the browser will do the rest.

After window load event dispatched

Once the document has finished loading (e.g. the load event has been dispatched), then a call to document.write will first call clear which will clear the entire content of the document, everything. In this case, not all browsers will automatically call close when the call to write ends.

Some browsers take a guess and seem to call close at some later time (IE?), others (Firefox, Safari) will keep the document open, which might cause some unusual behaviour.

Child windows

If you open a child window, e.g. using window.open, then write to it from the parent, the write will occur after the page has finished loading so it will clear the document. e.g.

function openWindow() {  var win = window.open('http://www.google.com','','')  win.document.write(    '<!doctype html><title>foo</title><div>Here is a div</div>'  )  win.document.close();}

In this case you’ll never see Google, the call to write clears the page the moment it loads and writes the new content.

Also, browsers won’t automatically call close, you can make subsequent calls to document.write and they will append to the existing markup, e.g.

// Globalvar win;// Open new window and write to it, don't close    function openWindow() {  win = window.open('http://www.google.com','','')  win.document.write(    '<!doctype html><title>foo</title><div>Here is a div</div>'  )}// Call some time later, content will be appended    function writeToWindow(){  win.document.write(    '<div>Here is the second div</div>'  )}

You may see some animation on the tab or window showing that it’s still loading.

If, in the above, openWindow calls document.close before ending, then the subsequent call to writeToWindow will clear the document first so that the div is the only element in the document (along with the mandatory HTML, HEAD and BODY elements automatically added by the browser and probably a TITLE added by error correction).

Therefore, you should call close at an appropriate point in this case.

The OP

If the following is called during load, then:

var msg = "Hello, World!";// The following has no effect as the document is currently// loading, therefore already opendocument.open();// Writes to the documentdocument.write(msg);// The following has no effect because the window hasn't fired load yetdocument.close();

So only the document.write line does anything useful in this case.

Some play code:

var win;function openWindow() {  win = window.open('http://www.google.com','','')  win.document.write(    '<!doctype html><title>foo</title><div>Here is a div</div>'  )  win.document.close();}function writeToWindow(){  win.document.write(    '<div>Here is the second div</div>'  )}
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