
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网买剃须刀片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 11:26

在我们做的有关地图的app时,当我频繁在进入后台与开启应用间进行切换时,程序大概在进行3到5次间就会闪退。后来查看Window-Devices-View Device Logs,发现如下的崩溃信息。这里写图片描述
注意框内,我的系统是iOS8.4,查看exception message,在stack overflow上发现这样一段话:
Your app is sending a wakeup command to a particular thread in the app quite often - apparently an average of 206 times a second. Background threads in iOS 8 have a hard limit on how many times you can run a sleep/wake cycle on each thread per second, and having a high count here is usually an indication that something is wrong / inefficient in your thread management.

Without seeing your code, my recommendation is that you check your C++ algorithms for sleep/wake calls, or multithread the background process to start new threads each cycle.

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