Windows via C/C++:线程的执行时间(1)

来源:互联网 发布:java和hadoop 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:15


// Get the current time (start time)ULONGLONG qwStartTime = GetTickCount64();// Perform complex algorithm here// Subtract start time from current time to get durationULONGLONG dwElapsedTime = GetTickCount64() - qwStartTime; 


BOOL GetThreadTimes(HANDLE hThread, PFILETIME pftCreationTime,PFILETIME pftExitTime,PFILETIME pftKernelTime,PFILETIME pftUserTime);




__int64 FileTimeToQuadWord(PFILETIME pft) {  return (Int64ShllMod32(ptf->dwHighDateTime, 32) | ptf->dwLowDateTime);}void PerformLongOperation() {  FILETIME ftKernelTimeStart, ftKernelTimeEnd;  FILETIME ftUserTiimeStart, ftUserTimeEnd;  FILETIME ftDummy;  __int64 qwKernelTimeElapsed, qwUserTimeElapsed, qwTotalTimeElapsed;  // Get starting times  GetThreadTimes(GetCurrentThread(), &ftDummy, &ftDummy, &ftKernelTimeStart, &ftUserTimeStart);  // Perform complex algorithm here  ...  // Get the ending times  GetThreadTimes(GetCurrentThread(), &ftDummy, &ftDummy, &ftKernelTimeEnd, &ftUserTimeEnd);  // Get the elapsed kernel and user times by converting the start  // and the times from FILETIMEs to quad words, and then subtract  // the start times from the end times.  qwKernelTimeElapsed = FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftKernelTimeEnd) -     FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftKernelTimeStart);  qwUserTimeElapsed = FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftUserTimeEnd) -     FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftUserTimeStart);  // Get total time duration by adding the kernel and user times.  qwTotalTimeElapsed = qwKernelTimeElapsed + qwUserTimeElapsed;  }


BOOL GetProcessTimes(  HANDLE hProcess,   PFILETIME pftCreationTime,  PFILETIME pftExitTime,  PFILETIME pftKernelTime,  PFILETIME pftUserTime);


上面讨论的方法适合Vista及之前的系统,但在Vista中,查询线程CPU时间的方法有些变化。Vista不再依赖间隔约为10~15毫秒的系统内部定时器,而是使用处理器的时间戳计数器(Time Stamp Counter,TSC),该计数器使用64位的值记录系统启动以来的CPU周期数。在目前广泛使用的GHz级处理器上,这种方法显然要比毫秒值精确的多。


BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(LARGE_INTEGER* pliFrequency); 
BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER* pliCount); 
函数QueryPerformanceFrequency返回当前硬件平台的高精度性能计数器(High-resolution Performance Counter,HRPC)的频率,注意该值并不是CPU的主频。假如当前硬件平台不支持HRPC,则函数返回0,否则返回非0值。QueryPerformanceCounter返回当前HRPC的值,若当前硬件平台不支持HRPC,函数返回0,否则返回非0值。要注意这两个函数假设调用者线程不会被抢占,不过大多数高精度的分析是在小段代码块内完成的,因此这一点不用担心。下面是我使用这些函数包装的一个C++类,可以很方便的用来进行时间性能分析:

class CStopwatch {public:  CStopwatch() {     QueryPerformanceFrequency(&m_liPerfFreq);    Start();  };  void Start() {    QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_liPerfStart);  }  __int64 Now() const { // 返回自Start调用以来的毫秒数    LARGE_INTEGER liPerfNow;    QueryPerformanceCounter(&liPerfNow);    return (liPerfNow.QuadPart - liPerfStart.QuadPart)*1000/m_liPerfFreq.QuadPart;  }  __int64 NowInMicro() const { // 返回自Start调用以来的微秒数    LARGE_INTEGER liPerfNow;    QueryPerformanceCounter(&liPerfNow);    return (liPerfNow.QuadPart - liPerfStart.QuadPart)*1000000/m_liPerfFreq.QuadPart;  }private:  LARGE_INTEGER m_liPerfFreq;  // HSPC的频率  LARGE_INTEGER m_liPerfStart;  // HSPC的初始值};



CStopwatch stopwatch;// 在此处执行待测试的代码...// 获得代码执行时间__int64 qwElapsedTime = stopwatch.Now();


DWORD GetCpuFrequencyInMHz() {  // change the priority to ensure the thread will have more chances  // to be scheduled when Sleep() ends  int currentPriority = GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread());  SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);  // Keep track of the elapsed time with the other timer  __int64 elapsedTime = 0;  // Create a stopwatch timer which defaults to the current time  __int64 perfCountStart = stopwatch.NowInMicro();  // get the current number of cycles  unsigned __int64 cyclesOnStart = ReadTimeStampCounter();  // wait for about 1 second  Sleep(1000);  // get the number of cycles after about 1 second  unsigned __in64 numberOfCycles = ReadTimeStampCounter() - cyclesOnStart;  // Get how much time has elapsed with greater precision  elpasedTime = stopwatch.NowInMicro() - perfCountStart;  // Restore the thread priority  SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), currentPriority);  // Compute the frequency in MHz  return (DWORD)(numberOfCycles/elaspedTime);}


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