
来源:互联网 发布:广州网络教育 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:12

This article is for setting up mod_perl module on apache  to use Catalyst framwork in your  developing enviroment. I assume you are familiar with ubuntu and know something like perl/mod_perl/Catalyst. I am here providing a very short and quick way to accomplish it, which i have tested and run by myself. Hope it can help you.


linux : ubuntu server 8.04


First, we need to install apache. 

Second, you may also need to install mysql.



There are many material on the web about how to install apache and mysql, i won't repeat them here, if you faile to install them,  please search some full documentation to figure it out.


Then we have rearch the most important part, which it is more flexible than the installation guide published on the official mod_perl/Catalyst website.


mod_perl :






So, everything is done here. Quite easy, right?  You may still need to test if they have set up them successfullly,  No problem,  just follow the tutorial about mod_perl and Catalyst(Some chinese document is also availible),  you will find it out. Good luck~~~